我搜寻了互联网,试图找到解决这个奇怪问题的方法(这里,这里和这里都存在类似的问题),但不幸的是到目前为止,失败了。我在2013年初的视网膜MBP上运行OS X 10.9.1,并且我的魔术鼠标和蓝牙键盘每1-3小时断开一次连接,从而导致以下内核错误:
1/26/14 12:09:23.000 AM kernel[0]: [BNBMouseDevice][waitForData][7c-6d-62-f4-b0-ee] Timeout waiting for data
1/26/14 12:09:23.000 AM kernel[0]: [BNBMouseDevice::getExtendedReport][80.14] ERROR: [BNBMouseDevice] getReport returned error e00002d6 for reportID 0x0030
1/26/14 12:09:23.000 AM kernel[0]: [BNBMouseDevice][getBatteryState] Couldn't get battery state from device
1/26/14 12:09:26.000 AM kernel[0]: [IOBluetoothHCIController][handleACLPacketTimeout] -- Disconnecting due to device not responding (ACL Packet timed out) for connection handle 0xd
1/26/14 12:09:26.308 AM loginwindow[59]: Preferred Localizations total: 1 contents (en)
1/26/14 12:09:29.000 AM kernel[0]: [IOBluetoothHCIController][handleACLPacketTimeout] -- Disconnecting due to device not responding (ACL Packet timed out) for connection handle 0xc
1/26/14 12:09:29.000 AM kernel[0]: [BNBMouseDevice][waitForData][7c-6d-62-f4-b0-ee] Became inactive waiting for data
1/26/14 12:09:29.000 AM kernel[0]: [BNBMouseDevice::getExtendedReport][80.14] ERROR: [BNBMouseDevice] getReport returned error e00002d7 for reportID 0x0060
1/26/14 12:09:29.000 AM kernel[0]: [BNBMouseDevice::createUsedVoltagesDict][80.14] ERROR: Unable to get calibrated battery thresholds report for product ID 781
1/26/14 12:09:29.000 AM kernel[0]: [BNBMouseDevice] notice: _outstandingIO > 0 but isInactive() returned TRUE...
1/26/14 12:09:29.000 AM kernel[0]: [AppleMultitouchDevice::willTerminate] entered
1/26/14 12:09:29.000 AM kernel[0]: [AppleMultitouchDevice::stop] entered
- 关闭所有外围设备
- 使计算机进入睡眠状态(不关闭机盖)
- 等待60–90秒,计算机神奇地唤醒自己
- 打开外围设备。一切都很好。
- 重置SMC
- 重置PRAM
- 已删除
以及与蓝牙有关的所有其他信息 - 重新安装小牛
- 是否已将物理蓝牙控制器替换为Apple(昨天才将计算机取回)