- 下载Pashua-用于自定义对话框的免费工具
- 将应用程序复制
- 粘贴以下代码,并根据自己的喜好进行调整。
# Start of code
global f, a
tell application "iTunes"
tell artwork 1 of current track
set d to raw data
if format is «class PNG » then
set x to "png"
set x to "jpg"
end if
end tell
set a to album of current track
end tell
set f to (((path to temporary items) as text) & "cover." & x)
set b to open for access file result with write permission
set eof b to 0
write d to b
close access b
-- Get the path to the folder containing this script
tell application "Finder"
set appPath to (path to applications folder)
#set thisFolder to (container of (path to me)) as string
set thisFolder to appPath as string
if "Pashua:Pashua.app:" exists then
-- Looks like the Pashua disk image is mounted. Run from there.
set customLocation to "Pashua:"
-- Search for Pashua in the standard locations
set customLocation to ""
end if
end tell
set customLocation to ""
log "customLocation: " & customLocation
log "f: " & f
set thePath to alias (thisFolder & "Pashua.scpt")
set pashuaBinding to load script thePath
tell pashuaBinding
-- Display the dialog
set pashuaLocation to getPashuaPath(customLocation)
set dialogConfiguration to my getDialogConfiguration(f)
set theResult to showDialog(dialogConfiguration, customLocation)
on error errorMessage
display alert "PashuaBinding: An error occurred" message errorMessage as warning
end try
end tell
on error errStr number errorNumber
display dialog errStr
end try
-- Returns the configuration string for an example dialog
on getDialogConfiguration(pashuaLocation)
if pashuaLocation is not "" then
set img to "img.type = image
img.x = 0
img.y = 50
img.maxwidth = 128
img.tooltip = Album Art
img.path = " & (POSIX path of pashuaLocation) & return
set img to ""
end if
return "
# Set window title
*.title = Currently playing...
# Introductory text
txt.type = text
txt.label = Track/Album Info
txt.default = Album: " & a & return & "
txt.height = 10
txt.width = 300
txt.x = 150
txt.y = 130
#txt.tooltip = This is an element of type “text”
db.type = defaultbutton
#db.tooltip = This is an element of type “defaultbutton” (which is automatically added to each window, if not included in the configuration)
" & img
end getDialogConfiguration