tell application "Mail"
set A to first mailbox of first account
set B to every mailbox of first account
set C to first item of B
log C is A -- returns true, as expected
repeat with D in B
log D is A -- returns false, WHY?!
exit repeat
end repeat
end tell
log D -- returns "mailbox INBOX of account id E7992E19-9A74-418D-BEBB-5F46C8A3E776"
log A -- returns "mailbox INBOX of account id E7992E19-9A74-418D-BEBB-5F46C8A3E776"
log class of A -- returns "container"
log class of D -- returns "container"
@ jackjr300,你应该发表你的评论作为答案,以便可以进行投票,以增加你的声誉。
contents of
,像这样 - >log (contents of D is A) -- returns true