我的MacBook Pro,High Sierra昨晚在睡眠时下载了13G



我如何找到原因?那些13Gb亮了些?活动监视器如何找到这些数字?在计算机尚未关闭的情况下,我很乐意提供更多信息。 在此处输入图片说明



Aug  4 11:59:23 MacBook-Pro-de-... com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.touristd): Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
Aug  4 11:59:33 MacBook-Pro-de-... com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.touristd[7132]): Service exited with abnormal code: 1
Aug  4 11:59:33 MacBook-Pro-de-... com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.touristd): Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
Aug  4 11:59:44 MacBook-Pro-de-... com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.touristd[7133]): Service exited with abnormal code: 1
Aug  4 11:59:44 MacBook-Pro-de-... com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.touristd): Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
Aug  4 11:59:54 MacBook-Pro-de-... com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.touristd[7134]): Service exited with abnormal code: 1
Aug  4 11:59:54 MacBook-Pro-de-... com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.touristd): Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
Aug  4 12:00:04 MacBook-Pro-de-... com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.touristd[7135]): Service exited with abnormal code: 1
Aug  4 12:00:04 MacBook-Pro-de-... com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.touristd): Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
Aug  4 12:00:14 MacBook-Pro-de-... com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.touristd[7136]): Service exited with abnormal code: 1


Aug  4 00:53:44 MacBook-Pro com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.touristd): Service only ran for 3 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 7 seconds.
Aug  4 00:53:51 MacBook-Pro syslogd[45]: ASL Sender Statistics
Aug  4 00:53:54 MacBook-Pro com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.touristd[3849]): Service exited with abnormal code: 1
Aug  4 00:53:54 MacBook-Pro com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.touristd): Service only ran for 3 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 7 seconds.
Aug  4 00:54:04 MacBook-Pro com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.touristd[3850]): Service exited with abnormal code: 1
Aug  4 00:54:04 MacBook-Pro com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.touristd): Service only ran for 3 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 7 seconds.
Aug  4 00:54:15 MacBook-Pro com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.touristd[3851]): Service exited with abnormal code: 1
Aug  4 00:54:15 MacBook-Pro com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.touristd): Service only ran for 3 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 7 seconds.
Aug  4 00:54:26 MacBook-Pro com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.touristd[3852]): Service exited with abnormal code: 1
Aug  4 00:54:26 MacBook-Pro com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.touristd): Service only ran for 4 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 6 seconds.
Aug  4 00:54:36 MacBook-Pro com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.touristd[3853]): Service exited with abnormal code: 1
Aug  4 00:54:36 MacBook-Pro com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.touristd): Service only ran for 3 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 7 seconds.
Aug  4 00:54:47 MacBook-Pro com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.touristd[3854]): Service exited with abnormal code: 1
Aug  4 00:54:47 MacBook-Pro com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.touristd): Service only ran for 3 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 7 seconds.
Aug  4 00:54:57 MacBook-Pro com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.touristd[3855]): Service exited with abnormal code: 1
Aug  4 00:54:57 MacBook-Pro com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.touristd): Service only ran for 3 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 7 seconds.
Aug  4 00:55:07 MacBook-Pro com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.touristd[3856]): Service exited with abnormal code: 1
Aug  4 00:55:07 MacBook-Pro com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.touristd): Service only ran for 2 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 8 seconds.
Aug  4 00:55:19 MacBook-Pro com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.touristd[3857]): Service exited with abnormal code: 1
Aug  4 00:55:19 MacBook-Pro com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.touristd): Service only ran for 3 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 7 seconds.
Aug  4 00:55:28 MacBook-Pro systemstats[56]: assertion failed: 17A315i: systemstats + 641142 [8F334E9C-6F6C-3ED1-9251-D75E5C8E9EEC]: 0x5

Solar Mike



负责“新手Mac”?刚开始使用Mac时弹出的通知。我建议您安装Little Snitch obdev.at并从那里监视统计信息。您可以查看哪个应用程序或进程正在产生大量数据传输。

@Liviu Might可以更轻松地使用Little Snitch完全阻止它
Skeleton Bow




$ launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchAgents/com.apple.touristd.plist 
/System/Library/LaunchAgents/com.apple.touristd.plist: Operation not permitted while System Integrity Protection is engaged


csrutil enable --without fs --no-internal


$ sudo mkdir /backup
$ sudo mkdir /backup/System
$ sudo mkdir /backup/System/Library/
$ sudo mkdir /backup/System/Library/LaunchAgents/
$ sudo mv /System/Library/LaunchAgents/com.apple.touristd.plist /backup/System/Library/LaunchAgents/
$ ll /backup/System/Library/LaunchAgents/com.apple.touristd.plist 
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  897 Mar 28 03:55 /backup/System/Library/LaunchAgents/com.apple.touristd.plist


csrutil enable

真痛苦 出色的分析和禁用sip和禁用spthat守护程序的步骤。我想知道是否需要提交一个错误来获取妈妈的个人资料,以禁止其工作。显然,这是一个错误情况,一旦High Sierra发货,它就不会下载该数据。
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