您可以使用下面的AppleScript创建一个bash函数,通过将其文件路径作为命令行参数提供,可以将多个文件对象添加到剪贴板。它回来了 true
成功和 false
您将无法将项目粘贴到终端内,但如果您导航到某个位置 发现者 ,你可以粘贴那里的项目。我希望这与你所追求的一致。
use framework "Appkit"
use Finder : application "Finder"
property this : a reference to current application
property NSFileManager : a reference to NSFileManager of this
property NSImage : a reference to NSImage of this
property NSMutableArray : a reference to NSMutableArray of this
property NSPasteboard : a reference to NSPasteboard of this
property NSString : a reference to NSString of this
property NSURL : a reference to NSURL of this
property pb : missing value
on run input
if input's class = script then set input to ¬
Finder's selection as alias list
end run
to init()
set pb to NSPasteboard's generalPasteboard()
end init
to clearClipboard()
if pb = missing value then init()
pb's clearContents()
end clearClipboard
to addToClipboard(fs)
local fs
set fURLs to NSMutableArray's array()
set FileManager to NSFileManager's defaultManager()
repeat with f in fs
if f's class = alias then set f to f's POSIX path
set fp to (NSString's stringWithString:f)'s ¬
if (FileManager's fileExistsAtPath:fp) then ¬
(fURLs's addObject:(NSURL's fileURLWithPath:fp))
end repeat
if pb = missing value then init()
pb's writeObjects:fURLs
end addToClipboard
我建议将此脚本保存为 .applescript
要么 .scpt
使用的文件在您的计算机上的某处 脚本编辑器 。然后,在您的终端中,创建您的bash功能:
pbadd() {
osascript "/Path/To/Saved AppleScript.scpt" "$@"
pbadd ~/Pictures/*.jpg
pbadd ~/Documents/Some\ file.pdf ~/Music/A\ Random\ Song.mp3