





asheeshr 2014年





void setup(){};

volatile uint16_t x;
void loop()
  x = millis();


编译该代码,然后将其输入,将avr-objdump -S产生记录的反汇编。以下是有趣的摘录:

void loop() 产生:

000000a8 <loop>:
  a8:   0e 94 a7 00     call    0x14e   ; 0x14e <millis>
  ac:   60 93 00 01     sts 0x0100, r22
  b0:   70 93 01 01     sts 0x0101, r23
  b4:   80 93 02 01     sts 0x0102, r24
  b8:   90 93 03 01     sts 0x0103, r25
  bc:   08 95           ret

这是一个函数调用(call),四个副本(会复制uint32_t返回值中的每个字节millis()(请注意,arduino文档将其称为a long,但它们不正确,未明确指定变量大小)),最后是函数返回。



unsigned long millis()
    unsigned long m;
    uint8_t oldSREG = SREG;
 14e:   8f b7           in  r24, 0x3f   ; 63

    // disable interrupts while we read timer0_millis or we might get an
    // inconsistent value (e.g. in the middle of a write to timer0_millis)
 150:   f8 94           cli
    m = timer0_millis;
 152:   20 91 08 01     lds r18, 0x0108
 156:   30 91 09 01     lds r19, 0x0109
 15a:   40 91 0a 01     lds r20, 0x010A
 15e:   50 91 0b 01     lds r21, 0x010B
    SREG = oldSREG;
 162:   8f bf           out 0x3f, r24   ; 63

    return m;
 164:   b9 01           movw    r22, r18
 166:   ca 01           movw    r24, r20
 168:   08 95           ret


  1. in 保存中断寄存器设置(1个周期)
  2. cli 关闭中断(1个周期)
  3. lds 将Milli计数器当前值的4个字节之一复制到一个临时寄存器中(2个时钟周期)
  4. lds 字节2(2个时钟周期)
  5. lds 字节3(2个时钟周期)
  6. lds 字节4(2个时钟周期)
  7. out 恢复中断设置(1个时钟周期)
  8. movw 随机排列寄存器(1个时钟周期)
  9. movw 反复(1个时钟周期)
  10. ret 从子程序返回(4个周期)


假设时钟频率为16 Mhz(大多数arduinos),则每个时钟周期为1 / 16e6秒,即0.0000000625秒,即62.5纳秒。62.5 ns * 29 = 1.812微秒。

因此,大多数 Arduino millis()上一次调用的总执行时间为1.812微秒


另外,这里还有优化的空间!如果更新的unsigned long millis(){}功能定义是inline unsigned long millis(){},你会删除调用开销(在成本稍微较大的代码大小)。此外,看起来编译器正在做两个不必要的动作(这两个movw调用,但是我还没有仔细研究过)。



sketch_feb13a.cpp.elf:     file format elf32-avr

Disassembly of section .text:

00000000 <__vectors>:
    SREG = oldSREG;

    return m;

unsigned long micros() {
   0:   0c 94 34 00     jmp 0x68    ; 0x68 <__ctors_end>
   4:   0c 94 51 00     jmp 0xa2    ; 0xa2 <__bad_interrupt>
   8:   0c 94 51 00     jmp 0xa2    ; 0xa2 <__bad_interrupt>
   c:   0c 94 51 00     jmp 0xa2    ; 0xa2 <__bad_interrupt>
  10:   0c 94 51 00     jmp 0xa2    ; 0xa2 <__bad_interrupt>
  14:   0c 94 51 00     jmp 0xa2    ; 0xa2 <__bad_interrupt>
  18:   0c 94 51 00     jmp 0xa2    ; 0xa2 <__bad_interrupt>
  1c:   0c 94 51 00     jmp 0xa2    ; 0xa2 <__bad_interrupt>
  20:   0c 94 51 00     jmp 0xa2    ; 0xa2 <__bad_interrupt>
  24:   0c 94 51 00     jmp 0xa2    ; 0xa2 <__bad_interrupt>
  28:   0c 94 51 00     jmp 0xa2    ; 0xa2 <__bad_interrupt>
  2c:   0c 94 51 00     jmp 0xa2    ; 0xa2 <__bad_interrupt>
  30:   0c 94 51 00     jmp 0xa2    ; 0xa2 <__bad_interrupt>
  34:   0c 94 51 00     jmp 0xa2    ; 0xa2 <__bad_interrupt>
  38:   0c 94 51 00     jmp 0xa2    ; 0xa2 <__bad_interrupt>
  3c:   0c 94 51 00     jmp 0xa2    ; 0xa2 <__bad_interrupt>
  40:   0c 94 5f 00     jmp 0xbe    ; 0xbe <__vector_16>
  44:   0c 94 51 00     jmp 0xa2    ; 0xa2 <__bad_interrupt>
  48:   0c 94 51 00     jmp 0xa2    ; 0xa2 <__bad_interrupt>
  4c:   0c 94 51 00     jmp 0xa2    ; 0xa2 <__bad_interrupt>
  50:   0c 94 51 00     jmp 0xa2    ; 0xa2 <__bad_interrupt>
  54:   0c 94 51 00     jmp 0xa2    ; 0xa2 <__bad_interrupt>
  58:   0c 94 51 00     jmp 0xa2    ; 0xa2 <__bad_interrupt>
  5c:   0c 94 51 00     jmp 0xa2    ; 0xa2 <__bad_interrupt>
  60:   0c 94 51 00     jmp 0xa2    ; 0xa2 <__bad_interrupt>
  64:   0c 94 51 00     jmp 0xa2    ; 0xa2 <__bad_interrupt>

00000068 <__ctors_end>:
  68:   11 24           eor r1, r1
  6a:   1f be           out 0x3f, r1    ; 63
  6c:   cf ef           ldi r28, 0xFF   ; 255
  6e:   d8 e0           ldi r29, 0x08   ; 8
  70:   de bf           out 0x3e, r29   ; 62
  72:   cd bf           out 0x3d, r28   ; 61

00000074 <__do_copy_data>:
  74:   11 e0           ldi r17, 0x01   ; 1
  76:   a0 e0           ldi r26, 0x00   ; 0
  78:   b1 e0           ldi r27, 0x01   ; 1
  7a:   e2 e0           ldi r30, 0x02   ; 2
  7c:   f2 e0           ldi r31, 0x02   ; 2
  7e:   02 c0           rjmp    .+4         ; 0x84 <.do_copy_data_start>

00000080 <.do_copy_data_loop>:
  80:   05 90           lpm r0, Z+
  82:   0d 92           st  X+, r0

00000084 <.do_copy_data_start>:
  84:   a0 30           cpi r26, 0x00   ; 0
  86:   b1 07           cpc r27, r17
  88:   d9 f7           brne    .-10        ; 0x80 <.do_copy_data_loop>

0000008a <__do_clear_bss>:
  8a:   11 e0           ldi r17, 0x01   ; 1
  8c:   a0 e0           ldi r26, 0x00   ; 0
  8e:   b1 e0           ldi r27, 0x01   ; 1
  90:   01 c0           rjmp    .+2         ; 0x94 <.do_clear_bss_start>

00000092 <.do_clear_bss_loop>:
  92:   1d 92           st  X+, r1

00000094 <.do_clear_bss_start>:
  94:   ad 30           cpi r26, 0x0D   ; 13
  96:   b1 07           cpc r27, r17
  98:   e1 f7           brne    .-8         ; 0x92 <.do_clear_bss_loop>
  9a:   0e 94 f0 00     call    0x1e0   ; 0x1e0 <main>
  9e:   0c 94 ff 00     jmp 0x1fe   ; 0x1fe <_exit>

000000a2 <__bad_interrupt>:
  a2:   0c 94 00 00     jmp 0   ; 0x0 <__vectors>

000000a6 <setup>:
  a6:   08 95           ret

000000a8 <loop>:
  a8:   0e 94 a7 00     call    0x14e   ; 0x14e <millis>
  ac:   60 93 00 01     sts 0x0100, r22
  b0:   70 93 01 01     sts 0x0101, r23
  b4:   80 93 02 01     sts 0x0102, r24
  b8:   90 93 03 01     sts 0x0103, r25
  bc:   08 95           ret

000000be <__vector_16>:
#if defined(__AVR_ATtiny24__) || defined(__AVR_ATtiny44__) || defined(__AVR_ATtiny84__)
  be:   1f 92           push    r1
  c0:   0f 92           push    r0
  c2:   0f b6           in  r0, 0x3f    ; 63
  c4:   0f 92           push    r0
  c6:   11 24           eor r1, r1
  c8:   2f 93           push    r18
  ca:   3f 93           push    r19
  cc:   8f 93           push    r24
  ce:   9f 93           push    r25
  d0:   af 93           push    r26
  d2:   bf 93           push    r27
    // copy these to local variables so they can be stored in registers
    // (volatile variables must be read from memory on every access)
    unsigned long m = timer0_millis;
  d4:   80 91 08 01     lds r24, 0x0108
  d8:   90 91 09 01     lds r25, 0x0109
  dc:   a0 91 0a 01     lds r26, 0x010A
  e0:   b0 91 0b 01     lds r27, 0x010B
    unsigned char f = timer0_fract;
  e4:   30 91 0c 01     lds r19, 0x010C

    m += MILLIS_INC;
  e8:   01 96           adiw    r24, 0x01   ; 1
  ea:   a1 1d           adc r26, r1
  ec:   b1 1d           adc r27, r1
    f += FRACT_INC;
  ee:   23 2f           mov r18, r19
  f0:   2d 5f           subi    r18, 0xFD   ; 253
    if (f >= FRACT_MAX) {
  f2:   2d 37           cpi r18, 0x7D   ; 125
  f4:   20 f0           brcs    .+8         ; 0xfe <__vector_16+0x40>
        f -= FRACT_MAX;
  f6:   2d 57           subi    r18, 0x7D   ; 125
        m += 1;
  f8:   01 96           adiw    r24, 0x01   ; 1
  fa:   a1 1d           adc r26, r1
  fc:   b1 1d           adc r27, r1

    timer0_fract = f;
  fe:   20 93 0c 01     sts 0x010C, r18
    timer0_millis = m;
 102:   80 93 08 01     sts 0x0108, r24
 106:   90 93 09 01     sts 0x0109, r25
 10a:   a0 93 0a 01     sts 0x010A, r26
 10e:   b0 93 0b 01     sts 0x010B, r27
 112:   80 91 04 01     lds r24, 0x0104
 116:   90 91 05 01     lds r25, 0x0105
 11a:   a0 91 06 01     lds r26, 0x0106
 11e:   b0 91 07 01     lds r27, 0x0107
 122:   01 96           adiw    r24, 0x01   ; 1
 124:   a1 1d           adc r26, r1
 126:   b1 1d           adc r27, r1
 128:   80 93 04 01     sts 0x0104, r24
 12c:   90 93 05 01     sts 0x0105, r25
 130:   a0 93 06 01     sts 0x0106, r26
 134:   b0 93 07 01     sts 0x0107, r27
 138:   bf 91           pop r27
 13a:   af 91           pop r26
 13c:   9f 91           pop r25
 13e:   8f 91           pop r24
 140:   3f 91           pop r19
 142:   2f 91           pop r18
 144:   0f 90           pop r0
 146:   0f be           out 0x3f, r0    ; 63
 148:   0f 90           pop r0
 14a:   1f 90           pop r1
 14c:   18 95           reti

0000014e <millis>:

unsigned long millis()
    unsigned long m;
    uint8_t oldSREG = SREG;
 14e:   8f b7           in  r24, 0x3f   ; 63

    // disable interrupts while we read timer0_millis or we might get an
    // inconsistent value (e.g. in the middle of a write to timer0_millis)
 150:   f8 94           cli
    m = timer0_millis;
 152:   20 91 08 01     lds r18, 0x0108
 156:   30 91 09 01     lds r19, 0x0109
 15a:   40 91 0a 01     lds r20, 0x010A
 15e:   50 91 0b 01     lds r21, 0x010B
    SREG = oldSREG;
 162:   8f bf           out 0x3f, r24   ; 63

    return m;
 164:   b9 01           movw    r22, r18
 166:   ca 01           movw    r24, r20
 168:   08 95           ret

0000016a <init>:

void init()
    // this needs to be called before setup() or some functions won't
    // work there
 16a:   78 94           sei

    // on the ATmega168, timer 0 is also used for fast hardware pwm
    // (using phase-correct PWM would mean that timer 0 overflowed half as often
    // resulting in different millis() behavior on the ATmega8 and ATmega168)
#if defined(TCCR0A) && defined(WGM01)
    sbi(TCCR0A, WGM01);
 16c:   84 b5           in  r24, 0x24   ; 36
 16e:   82 60           ori r24, 0x02   ; 2
 170:   84 bd           out 0x24, r24   ; 36
    sbi(TCCR0A, WGM00);
 172:   84 b5           in  r24, 0x24   ; 36
 174:   81 60           ori r24, 0x01   ; 1
 176:   84 bd           out 0x24, r24   ; 36
    // this combination is for the standard atmega8
    sbi(TCCR0, CS01);
    sbi(TCCR0, CS00);
#elif defined(TCCR0B) && defined(CS01) && defined(CS00)
    // this combination is for the standard 168/328/1280/2560
    sbi(TCCR0B, CS01);
 178:   85 b5           in  r24, 0x25   ; 37
 17a:   82 60           ori r24, 0x02   ; 2
 17c:   85 bd           out 0x25, r24   ; 37
    sbi(TCCR0B, CS00);
 17e:   85 b5           in  r24, 0x25   ; 37
 180:   81 60           ori r24, 0x01   ; 1
 182:   85 bd           out 0x25, r24   ; 37

    // enable timer 0 overflow interrupt
#if defined(TIMSK) && defined(TOIE0)
    sbi(TIMSK, TOIE0);
#elif defined(TIMSK0) && defined(TOIE0)
    sbi(TIMSK0, TOIE0);
 184:   ee e6           ldi r30, 0x6E   ; 110
 186:   f0 e0           ldi r31, 0x00   ; 0
 188:   80 81           ld  r24, Z
 18a:   81 60           ori r24, 0x01   ; 1
 18c:   80 83           st  Z, r24
    // this is better for motors as it ensures an even waveform
    // note, however, that fast pwm mode can achieve a frequency of up
    // 8 MHz (with a 16 MHz clock) at 50% duty cycle

#if defined(TCCR1B) && defined(CS11) && defined(CS10)
    TCCR1B = 0;
 18e:   e1 e8           ldi r30, 0x81   ; 129
 190:   f0 e0           ldi r31, 0x00   ; 0
 192:   10 82           st  Z, r1

    // set timer 1 prescale factor to 64
    sbi(TCCR1B, CS11);
 194:   80 81           ld  r24, Z
 196:   82 60           ori r24, 0x02   ; 2
 198:   80 83           st  Z, r24
#if F_CPU >= 8000000L
    sbi(TCCR1B, CS10);
 19a:   80 81           ld  r24, Z
 19c:   81 60           ori r24, 0x01   ; 1
 19e:   80 83           st  Z, r24
    sbi(TCCR1, CS10);
    // put timer 1 in 8-bit phase correct pwm mode
#if defined(TCCR1A) && defined(WGM10)
    sbi(TCCR1A, WGM10);
 1a0:   e0 e8           ldi r30, 0x80   ; 128
 1a2:   f0 e0           ldi r31, 0x00   ; 0
 1a4:   80 81           ld  r24, Z
 1a6:   81 60           ori r24, 0x01   ; 1
 1a8:   80 83           st  Z, r24

    // set timer 2 prescale factor to 64
#if defined(TCCR2) && defined(CS22)
    sbi(TCCR2, CS22);
#elif defined(TCCR2B) && defined(CS22)
    sbi(TCCR2B, CS22);
 1aa:   e1 eb           ldi r30, 0xB1   ; 177
 1ac:   f0 e0           ldi r31, 0x00   ; 0
 1ae:   80 81           ld  r24, Z
 1b0:   84 60           ori r24, 0x04   ; 4
 1b2:   80 83           st  Z, r24

    // configure timer 2 for phase correct pwm (8-bit)
#if defined(TCCR2) && defined(WGM20)
    sbi(TCCR2, WGM20);
#elif defined(TCCR2A) && defined(WGM20)
    sbi(TCCR2A, WGM20);
 1b4:   e0 eb           ldi r30, 0xB0   ; 176
 1b6:   f0 e0           ldi r31, 0x00   ; 0
 1b8:   80 81           ld  r24, Z
 1ba:   81 60           ori r24, 0x01   ; 1
 1bc:   80 83           st  Z, r24
#if defined(ADCSRA)
    // set a2d prescale factor to 128
    // 16 MHz / 128 = 125 KHz, inside the desired 50-200 KHz range.
    // XXX: this will not work properly for other clock speeds, and
    // this code should use F_CPU to determine the prescale factor.
    sbi(ADCSRA, ADPS2);
 1be:   ea e7           ldi r30, 0x7A   ; 122
 1c0:   f0 e0           ldi r31, 0x00   ; 0
 1c2:   80 81           ld  r24, Z
 1c4:   84 60           ori r24, 0x04   ; 4
 1c6:   80 83           st  Z, r24
    sbi(ADCSRA, ADPS1);
 1c8:   80 81           ld  r24, Z
 1ca:   82 60           ori r24, 0x02   ; 2
 1cc:   80 83           st  Z, r24
    sbi(ADCSRA, ADPS0);
 1ce:   80 81           ld  r24, Z
 1d0:   81 60           ori r24, 0x01   ; 1
 1d2:   80 83           st  Z, r24

    // enable a2d conversions
    sbi(ADCSRA, ADEN);
 1d4:   80 81           ld  r24, Z
 1d6:   80 68           ori r24, 0x80   ; 128
 1d8:   80 83           st  Z, r24
    // here so they can be used as normal digital i/o; they will be
    // reconnected in Serial.begin()
#if defined(UCSRB)
    UCSRB = 0;
#elif defined(UCSR0B)
    UCSR0B = 0;
 1da:   10 92 c1 00     sts 0x00C1, r1
 1de:   08 95           ret

000001e0 <main>:
#include <Arduino.h>

int main(void)
 1e0:   cf 93           push    r28
 1e2:   df 93           push    r29
 1e4:   0e 94 b5 00     call    0x16a   ; 0x16a <init>

#if defined(USBCON)

 1e8:   0e 94 53 00     call    0xa6    ; 0xa6 <setup>

    for (;;) {
        if (serialEventRun) serialEventRun();
 1ec:   c0 e0           ldi r28, 0x00   ; 0
 1ee:   d0 e0           ldi r29, 0x00   ; 0


    for (;;) {
 1f0:   0e 94 54 00     call    0xa8    ; 0xa8 <loop>
        if (serialEventRun) serialEventRun();
 1f4:   20 97           sbiw    r28, 0x00   ; 0
 1f6:   e1 f3           breq    .-8         ; 0x1f0 <main+0x10>
 1f8:   0e 94 00 00     call    0   ; 0x0 <__vectors>
 1fc:   f9 cf           rjmp    .-14        ; 0x1f0 <main+0x10>

000001fe <_exit>:
 1fe:   f8 94           cli

00000200 <__stop_program>:
 200:   ff cf           rjmp    .-2         ; 0x200 <__stop_program>


1)这四个sts不应该算作调用开销:这是将结果存储在volatile变量中的开销,通常您不会这样做。2)在我的系统(Arduino 1.0.5,gcc 4.8.2)上,我没有movws。那么,呼叫的成本millis()为:4个呼叫开销周期millis()本身+ 15个周期=总共19个周期(在16 MHz时≈1.188 µs)。


Edgar Bonet






apnorton 2014年

TheDoctor 2014年

jippie 2014年


@ Steven10172可以将空字符串与1000倍(或更多)字符串进行计时,这样您就知道了增量,并且测量更加准确。
jippie 2014年





C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\Arduino ERW 1.0.5\hardware\arduino\cores\arduino\wiring.c

您可以看到millis()在只有4条指令(cli is simply # define cli() \__asm__ \__volatile__ ("cli" ::))和一个返回值的情况下非常小。



int temp1,temp2;
for (volatile unsigned int j=0;j<1000000;++j){
Serial.print("Execution time = ");


您应该进行更改int temp1,temp2;volatile int temp1,temp2;防止编译器潜在地对其进行优化。
Connor Wolf

80HD 2014年

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