void RenderPixel(uint x, uint y, UniformSampler *sampler) {
Ray ray = m_scene->Camera->CalculateRayFromPixel(x, y, sampler);
float3 color(0.0f);
float3 throughput(1.0f);
SurfaceInteraction interaction;
// Bounce the ray around the scene
const uint maxBounces = 15;
for (uint bounces = 0; bounces < maxBounces; ++bounces) {
// The ray missed. Return the background color
if (ray.GeomID == INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID) {
color += throughput * m_scene->BackgroundColor;
// Fetch the material
Material *material = m_scene->GetMaterial(ray.GeomID);
// The object might be emissive. If so, it will have a corresponding light
// Otherwise, GetLight will return nullptr
Light *light = m_scene->GetLight(ray.GeomID);
// If we hit a light, add the emission
if (light != nullptr) {
color += throughput * light->Le();
interaction.Position = ray.Origin + ray.Direction * ray.TFar;
interaction.Normal = normalize(m_scene->InterpolateNormal(ray.GeomID, ray.PrimID, ray.U, ray.V));
interaction.OutputDirection = normalize(-ray.Direction);
// Get the new ray direction
// Choose the direction based on the bsdf
material->bsdf->Sample(interaction, sampler);
float pdf = material->bsdf->Pdf(interaction);
// Accumulate the weight
throughput = throughput * material->bsdf->Eval(interaction) / pdf;
// Shoot a new ray
// Set the origin at the intersection point
ray.Origin = interaction.Position;
// Reset the other ray properties
ray.Direction = interaction.InputDirection;
ray.TNear = 0.001f;
ray.TFar = infinity;
// Russian Roulette
if (bounces > 3) {
float p = std::max(throughput.x, std::max(throughput.y, throughput.z));
if (sampler->NextFloat() > p) {
throughput *= 1 / p;
m_scene->Camera->FrameBufferData.SplatPixel(x, y, color);
void RenderPixel(uint x, uint y, UniformSampler *sampler) {
Ray ray = m_scene->Camera->CalculateRayFromPixel(x, y, sampler);
float3 color(0.0f);
float3 throughput(1.0f);
SurfaceInteraction interaction;
// Bounce the ray around the scene
const uint maxBounces = 15;
for (uint bounces = 0; bounces < maxBounces; ++bounces) {
// The ray missed. Return the background color
if (ray.GeomID == INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID) {
color += throughput * m_scene->BackgroundColor;
// Fetch the material
Material *material = m_scene->GetMaterial(ray.GeomID);
// The object might be emissive. If so, it will have a corresponding light
// Otherwise, GetLight will return nullptr
Light *light = m_scene->GetLight(ray.GeomID);
// If this is the first bounce or if we just had a specular bounce,
// we need to add the emmisive light
if ((bounces == 0 || (interaction.SampledLobe & BSDFLobe::Specular) != 0) && light != nullptr) {
color += throughput * light->Le();
interaction.Position = ray.Origin + ray.Direction * ray.TFar;
interaction.Normal = normalize(m_scene->InterpolateNormal(ray.GeomID, ray.PrimID, ray.U, ray.V));
interaction.OutputDirection = normalize(-ray.Direction);
// Calculate the direct lighting
color += throughput * SampleLights(sampler, interaction, material->bsdf, light);
// Get the new ray direction
// Choose the direction based on the bsdf
material->bsdf->Sample(interaction, sampler);
float pdf = material->bsdf->Pdf(interaction);
// Accumulate the weight
throughput = throughput * material->bsdf->Eval(interaction) / pdf;
// Shoot a new ray
// Set the origin at the intersection point
ray.Origin = interaction.Position;
// Reset the other ray properties
ray.Direction = interaction.InputDirection;
ray.TNear = 0.001f;
ray.TFar = infinity;
// Russian Roulette
if (bounces > 3) {
float p = std::max(throughput.x, std::max(throughput.y, throughput.z));
if (sampler->NextFloat() > p) {
throughput *= 1 / p;
m_scene->Camera->FrameBufferData.SplatPixel(x, y, color);
首先,我们添加“颜色+ =吞吐量* SampleLights(...)”。我将详细介绍有关SampleLights()的信息。但是,从本质上讲,它遍历所有灯光,并返回它们对颜色的贡献,并由BSDF衰减。
float3 SampleLights(UniformSampler *sampler, SurfaceInteraction interaction, BSDF *bsdf, Light *hitLight) const {
std::size_t numLights = m_scene->NumLights();
float3 L(0.0f);
for (uint i = 0; i < numLights; ++i) {
Light *light = &m_scene->Lights[i];
// Don't let a light contribute light to itself
if (light == hitLight) {
L = L + EstimateDirect(light, sampler, interaction, bsdf);
return L;
float3 EstimateDirect(Light *light, UniformSampler *sampler, SurfaceInteraction &interaction, BSDF *bsdf) const {
// Only sample if the BRDF is non-specular
if ((bsdf->SupportedLobes & ~BSDFLobe::Specular) != 0) {
return float3(0.0f);
interaction.InputDirection = normalize(light->Origin - interaction.Position);
return bsdf->Eval(interaction) * light->Li;
float3 EstimateDirect(Light *light, UniformSampler *sampler, SurfaceInteraction &interaction, BSDF *bsdf) const {
float3 directLighting = float3(0.0f);
// Only sample if the BRDF is non-specular
if ((bsdf->SupportedLobes & ~BSDFLobe::Specular) != 0) {
float pdf;
float3 Li = light->SampleLi(sampler, m_scene, interaction, &pdf);
// Make sure the pdf isn't zero and the radiance isn't black
if (pdf != 0.0f && !all(Li)) {
directLighting += bsdf->Eval(interaction) * Li / pdf;
return directLighting;
我们可以根据需要实现light-> SampleLi;我们可以统一选择要点或重要性样本。无论哪种情况,我们都将辐射度除以选择点的pdf。再次,以满足蒙特卡洛的要求。
float3 EstimateDirect(Light *light, UniformSampler *sampler, SurfaceInteraction &interaction, BSDF *bsdf) const {
float3 directLighting = float3(0.0f);
float3 f;
float lightPdf, scatteringPdf;
// Sample lighting with multiple importance sampling
// Only sample if the BRDF is non-specular
if ((bsdf->SupportedLobes & ~BSDFLobe::Specular) != 0) {
float3 Li = light->SampleLi(sampler, m_scene, interaction, &lightPdf);
// Make sure the pdf isn't zero and the radiance isn't black
if (lightPdf != 0.0f && !all(Li)) {
// Calculate the brdf value
f = bsdf->Eval(interaction);
scatteringPdf = bsdf->Pdf(interaction);
if (scatteringPdf != 0.0f && !all(f)) {
float weight = PowerHeuristic(1, lightPdf, 1, scatteringPdf);
directLighting += f * Li * weight / lightPdf;
// Sample brdf with multiple importance sampling
bsdf->Sample(interaction, sampler);
f = bsdf->Eval(interaction);
scatteringPdf = bsdf->Pdf(interaction);
if (scatteringPdf != 0.0f && !all(f)) {
lightPdf = light->PdfLi(m_scene, interaction);
if (lightPdf == 0.0f) {
// We didn't hit anything, so ignore the brdf sample
return directLighting;
float weight = PowerHeuristic(1, scatteringPdf, 1, lightPdf);
float3 Li = light->Le();
directLighting += f * Li * weight / scatteringPdf;
return directLighting;
inline float PowerHeuristic(uint numf, float fPdf, uint numg, float gPdf) {
float f = numf * fPdf;
float g = numg * gPdf;
return (f * f) / (f * f + g * g);
float3 SampleOneLight(UniformSampler *sampler, SurfaceInteraction interaction, BSDF *bsdf, Light *hitLight) const {
std::size_t numLights = m_scene->NumLights();
// Return black if there are no lights
// And don't let a light contribute light to itself
// Aka, if we hit a light
// This is the special case where there is only 1 light
if (numLights == 0 || numLights == 1 && hitLight != nullptr) {
return float3(0.0f);
// Don't let a light contribute light to itself
// Choose another one
Light *light;
do {
light = m_scene->RandomOneLight(sampler);
} while (light == hitLight);
return numLights * EstimateDirect(light, sampler, interaction, bsdf);
当前的代码仅根据BSDF对“ New Ray”方向进行采样。如果我们还希望根据灯光的位置来重视样本怎么办?
从上面我们学到的知识中,一种方法是根据它们的pdf 来拍摄两条 “新”射线并权重。但是,这既计算量大,又难以递归实现。
// Get the new ray direction
// Randomly (uniform) choose whether to sample based on the BSDF or the Lights
float p = sampler->NextFloat();
Light *light = m_scene->RandomLight();
if (p < 0.5f) {
// Choose the direction based on the bsdf
material->bsdf->Sample(interaction, sampler);
float bsdfPdf = material->bsdf->Pdf(interaction);
float lightPdf = light->PdfLi(m_scene, interaction);
float weight = PowerHeuristic(1, bsdfPdf, 1, lightPdf);
// Accumulate the throughput
throughput = throughput * weight * material->bsdf->Eval(interaction) / bsdfPdf;
} else {
// Choose the direction based on a light
float lightPdf;
light->SampleLi(sampler, m_scene, interaction, &lightPdf);
float bsdfPdf = material->bsdf->Pdf(interaction);
float weight = PowerHeuristic(1, lightPdf, 1, bsdfPdf);
// Accumulate the throughput
throughput = throughput * weight * material->bsdf->Eval(interaction) / lightPdf;
话虽如此,我们真的要重视根据光对“ New Ray”方向进行采样吗?对于直接照明,光能传递受表面的BSDF和光的方向的影响。但是对于间接照明,光能传递几乎完全由之前命中的表面的BSDF定义。因此,增加重要度抽样并不能给我们任何好处。