valid_bst () {
现在有效。您如何检查有效性?在聊天中,您说一棵树是有效的“如果...所有左子项均小于父项,而右子项均大于父项。” 我相信您也打算允许平等。那会是t.left.value <= t.value <= t.right.value
valid_bst () {
This node is valid if t.left.value <= t.value <= t.right.value
valid_bst () {
This node is valid to the left if
there is no left child or
it is no greater than the current node.
This node is valid to the right if
there is no right child or
it is no less than the current node.
This node is valid overall if it is valid to the left and right.
valid_bst () {
This node is valid to the left if
there is no left child or
it is no greater than the current node.
This node is valid to the right if
there is no right child or
it is no less than the current node.
This node is valid overall if it is valid to the left and right.
Is the left child valid?
Is the right child valid?
This tree is only valid if this node and both its children are.