The definition of continuity used by your teacher is the nicer one. It tells you pretty concretely what continuity means.
Suppose b∈f(x). That means that given all the information of x, possibly an infinite set of tokens (atoms), the function produces some element that has the atomic piece of information b. (It could have other information too, but we are not concerned with that at the moment.) Your teacher's definition says that it is not necessary to look at all the infinite information of x in order to produce the output information b. Some finite subset of x is enough to produce it.
(Melvin Fitting的书“可计算性理论,语义和逻辑编程”,牛津,1987年,将此特性称为紧凑性,并将连续函数定义为单调和紧凑型。)
The standard equation f(⋃x∈Dx)=⋃x∈Df(x) is pretty to look at, but it doesn't tell you all the intuition I have explained above. However, mathematically, it is equivalent to your teacher's definition.
⋃x∈Df(x)⊆f(⋃x∈Dx), it is enough to show that f(x) is included in f(⋃x∈Dx), for each x∈D. But that follows directly from monotonicity of f because x⊆⋃x∈Dx. So, this is the "easy" direction.
f(⋃x∈Dx)⊆⋃x∈Df(x). To see this, use the intuition I have mentioned above. Any atomic piece of information b in the left hand side comes from some finite approximation of the input: x0⊆fin⋃x∈Dx. That is, b∈f(x0). Since x0x0x0 itself. Call that element z. By monotonicity, f(x0)⊆f(z). So, b∈f(z). Since z∈D, f(z)⊆⋃x∈Df(x). So, now b is seen to be in the right hand side too. QED.
As you have noted, showing that your teacher's continuity implies the pretty equation is the easy bit. The harder bit is to show that the pretty equation, despite looking like it is not saying very much, really does say everything in your teacher's definition.