

GG为图,令ssttG的两个顶点G。我们是否可以从st之间所有最短路径的集合中随机且均匀地有效采样最短ss - tt路径?为简单起见,我们可以假设G是简单的,无向的和未加权的。stG

即使在许多受限制的图中,sst之间最短路径的数量t也可以是G的大小的指数G。因此,我们自然希望避免实际计算所有最短的ss - tt路径。我不了解一般情况,但是在我看来,我们可以通过一些特殊的图类来实现这一点。



Juho 2013年

@CarlosLinaresLópez换句话说,我们得到的曲线图G ^,和两个顶点小号V G ^ 。令Sst之间所有最短路径的集合。随机均匀地输出S的元素。Gs,tV(G)SstS
Juho 2013年




我认为您可以在具有单个源和单个接收器的DAG中将其减少为从s t均匀地随机的任何路径。st


  1. 创建一个新的空白有向图,^ hH
  2. 第一:运行Dijkstra的最短路径的BFS部分,从开始小号,标记所有与他们的最短距离,从-节点小号ss
  3. d s v 为距s - v的最小距离; 从Dijkstra最短路径算法的BFS步骤可以知道这一点。d(s,v)sv
  4. 然后执行Dijkstra最短路径算法的下一步,获得最短路径,并将其存储在p中(从ts倒退)。pts
  5. 现在开始以下循环;注释中的扩展,以及以下内容:
    • q 0 = { t }q0={t}
    • q 0q0
      • q 1 = q1=
      • 对于ü q 0uq0
        • 所以我们想从t u中找到这个最短子路径的所有可能的下一个节点tu
        • 对于所有的边缘Û v ģ使得d 小号v < d 小号Û edge(u,v)Gd(s,v)<d(s,u)
          • v是相邻节点,其 d s 较小(将少 1个vd(s,)1
          • 因此,t u v是最短路径中的可能子路径。tuv
          • v H di-edge u v HvH,di-edge(u,v)H
          • 现在,我们需要在下一回合检查v的小邻居。v
          • v q 1vq1
      • q 0设置为q 1q0q1
        • q 0q 1q0q1



Dijkstra的最短路径算法通过先运行一个BFS和标记所有节点v 从他们的最短路径小号- v。下一步是去从后面牛逼- 小号,并按照最低邻近节点返回。vGsvts




现在我们有了一个DAG,我们可以以任何方式从t - s遍历,并从s - t获得最短的反向路径。该图应将t作为唯一来源,将s作为唯一汇。tsstts


给DAG中的每个节点一个节点权重;节点权重将是从该节点到s的路径数。让我们称它为w v sw(v)



  • 将DAG布置为水平结构(用于可视化)
  • 在每个级别,请在节点之间选择任意顺序,即。“从左到右”的概念。
  • 向下遍历所述DAG:在每个步骤[ 1 | p | ](其中||表示最大路径的大小,在这种情况下,是最短路径的长度): ii[1,|p|]||
    • u i为当前节点(从t开始)uit
    • u i子节点的所有权重相加,然后使用RNG,在加权的子节点之间均匀地选择一个子节点v iuivi
    • 设置u i + 1 = vi i,然后进行下一步ui+1=vi

水平结构,我的初步尝试由左到右是部分的概念简单地生成[R [ 0 w ^ 牛逼,并选择一个路径的方式,但我并没有明白这一点,所以您可以放心地忽略它们。r[0,w(t))
Realz Slaw



这是基于Realz Slaw答案中思想的解决方案。基本上,这是对他的思想的重新阐述,可能更清晰或更容易理解。该计划是我们将分两步进行:

  1. 首先,我们将构建的曲线图小号具有以下属性:从任何路径小号小号是从最短路径小号ģ,并从每一个最短路径小号ģ也存在于小号。因此,S恰好包含G中最短的路径:所有最短的路径,仅此而已。碰巧的是,S将是DAG。SstSstGstGSSGS

  2. 接下来,我们将来自所有路径均匀地随机采样小号小号stS

只要所有边都具有正权重,该方法就可以推广到任意有向图G,因此我将用这些术语来解释我的算法。令w u v 表示边u v的权重。(这将概括您给出的问题陈述。如果您有一个未加权的图,则只需假设每个边的权重为1。如果您有一个无向图,则将每个无向的边u v 视为两个有向边u vv 。)Gw(u,v)uv(u,v)uvvu

Step 1: extract SS. Run a single-source shortest-paths algorithm (e.g., Dijkstra's algorithm) on GG, starting from source ss. For each vertex vv in GG, let d(s,v)d(s,v) denote the distance from ss to vv.

Now define the graph SS as follows. It consists of every edge uvuv such that (1) uvuv is an edge in GG, and (2) d(s,v)=d(s,u)+w(u,v)d(s,v)=d(s,u)+w(u,v).

The graph SS has some convenient properties:

  • Every shortest path from ss to tt in GG exists as a path in SS: a shortest path s=v0,v1,v2,,vk=ts=v0,v1,v2,,vk=t in GG has the property that d(s,vi+1)=d(s,vi)+w(vi,vi+1)d(s,vi+1)=d(s,vi)+w(vi,vi+1), so the edge vivi+1vivi+1 is present in SS.

  • Every path in SS from ss to tt is a shortest path in GG. In particular, consider any path in SS from ss to tt, say s=v0,v1,v2,,vk=ts=v0,v1,v2,,vk=t. Its length is given by the sum of the weights of its edges, namely ki=1w(vi1,vi)ki=1w(vi1,vi), but by the definition of SS, this sum is ki=1(d(s,vi)d(s,vi1)ki=1(d(s,vi)d(s,vi1), which telescopes to d(s,t)d(s,s)=d(s,t)d(s,t)d(s,s)=d(s,t). Therefore, this path is a shortest path from ss to tt in GG.

  • Finally, the absence of zero-weight edges in GG implies that SS is a dag.

Step 2: sample a random path. Now we can throw away the weights on the edges in SS, and sample a random path from ss to tt in SS.

To help with this, we will do a precomputation to compute n(v)n(v) for each vertex vv in SS, where n(v)n(v) counts the number of distinct paths from vv to tt. This precomputation can be done in linear time by scanning the vertices of SS in topologically sorted order, using the following recurrence relation:



where succ(v)succ(v) denotes the successors of vv, i.e., succ(v)={w:vw is an edge in S}succ(v)={w:vw is an edge in S}, and where we have the base case n(t)=1n(t)=1.

Next, we use the n()n() annotation to sample a random path. We first visit node ss. Then, we randomly choose one of the successors of ss, with successor ww weighted by n(w)n(w). In other words:

    n = 0
    for each w in succ(w):
        n = n + n(w)
    r = a random integer between 0 and n-1
    n = 0
    for each w in succ(w):
        n = n + n(w)
        if r < n:
            return w

To choose a random path, we repeatedly iterate this process: i.e., v0=sv0=s, and vi+1=vi+1= choosesuccessor(vi)(vi). The resulting path is the desired path, and it will be sampled uniformly at random from all shortest paths from ss to tt.

Hopefully this helps you understand Realz Slaw's solution more easily. All credit to Realz Slaw for the beautiful and clean solution to this problem!

The one case this doesn't handle is the case where some edges have weight 0 or negative weight. However, the problem is potentially not well-defined in that case, as you can have infinitely many shortest paths.

Glad you took the time to fully get my answer; I wasn't sure it is correct. Now I am vindicated :D.
Realz Slaw
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