我们可以得到一个上限值,该节点的概率具有d的祖先不包括0。对于每个可能的完整链d非零祖先(一个1,一个2,。。。,一d),该链的概率为(1。对应于1(1+1项的 n次项按顺序排列。因此,此概率的上限为1其中Hn-1是n-1次谐波数1+1。ħñ-1个≈日志(ñ-1)+γ。对于固定d和Ñ→交通∞,则概率节点Ñ是在深度d+1为至多
对于大的,任何大于e log n的东西,指数的底数都很小,因此该范围很小,我们可以使用联合范围来表示存在至少一个带有d个非零祖先的节点的概率为小。
Luc Devroye,Omar Fawzi,Nicolas Fraiman。“缩放附件随机递归树的深度属性。”
定义RV 要的节点深度我∈ { 0 ,1 ,... ,ñ - 1 }。定义ϕ i = ∑ i j = 0 e d j。
引理1. 预期的最大深度最多为e。
对于任何,调理上φ 我- 1,通过检查φ 我, ë [ φ 我
So, by the concavity of the logarithm,
Here is the tail bound:
lemma 2. Fix any . Then is at most .
Proof. By inspection of , and the Markov bound, the probability in question is at most
As for a lower bound, I think a lower bound of follows pretty easily by considering . But... [EDIT: spoke too soon]
It doesn't seem so easy to show the tight lower bound, of ...
I have actually thought about the same question (although in a completely different formulation) a few months ago, as well as some close variants.
I don't have a closed form (/ asymptotic) solution for it, but you might find this view useful (are you only looking for upper bound perhaps?).
The process you describe here is a generalization of the Chinese Restaurant Process, where each "table" is a subtree whose root's parent is .
This also gives us a recursion formula for your question.
Denote by the expected heights of a such tree process with nodes.
Denote by (the probability of distribution of the nodes into subtrees).
Then the quantity you're looking for, , is given by:
If you wish to code this recursion, make sure you use the following so it won't go into infinite loop:
Where is the set of all partitions of identical balls into any number of non-empty bins, and .
In practice, when I needed this I just used a simple monte-carlo method for estimating , as trying to actually compute by this method is extremely inefficient.