drush entity-updates
我从用于实体架构更新的CR 写更新功能中发现了此示例,并删除了自动化(还有更多示例):
* Add 'revision_translation_affected' field to 'node' entities.
function node_update_8001() {
// Install the definition that this field had in
// \Drupal\node\Entity\Node::baseFieldDefinitions()
// at the time that this update function was written. If/when code is
// deployed that changes that definition, the corresponding module must
// implement an update function that invokes
// \Drupal::entityDefinitionUpdateManager()->updateFieldStorageDefinition()
// with the new definition.
$storage_definition = BaseFieldDefinition::create('boolean')
->setLabel(t('Revision translation affected'))
->setDescription(t('Indicates if the last edit of a translation belongs to current revision.'))
->installFieldStorageDefinition('revision_translation_affected', 'node', 'node', $storage_definition);