Linux on ARM Cortex-M3系列





谁能指出我想要的开发板,或者向我解释为什么“ cortex m” + linux没有更多答案?


它需要多低的功率?我设法基于Freescale iMX283构建了一个1/2瓦的完整Linux系统。在没有以太网的情况下,正常负载下为1 / 2W,在没有负载的情况下为1W,在完全负载下为<1.5W以太网...以太网PHY是正常负载下系统功率的一半。
darron 2011年



关于ARM Cortex-M3:

Linux需要MMU(内存管理单元)。ARM Cortex-M3没有一个。在ARM Cortex-M3上运行主线Linux内核是不可能的。


Linux on M3指南





A search for "Cortex-M + Linux" doesn't come up with a lot of answers because the Cortex-M isn't designed for Linux. The least-powerful ARM generally considered able to run a full OS like Linux is the ARM926EJ-S series, which uses the ARMv5 architecture. This is a classic processor, with wide adoption (it's found in many NAS boxes, older smartphones, and the Chumby Classic) and lots of support, but it's a little less efficient than its successors. It has an ARMv5 architecture, and runs at a couple hundred MHz.

This is what you really want, but you can't have it

我认为,您真正想要的处理器是Cortex-A5:旨在取代ARM11(并且比ARM11强大一点),但是在更现代的过程中具有更高的功率效率。(注意:与Apple的A5无关,这是特殊的Cortex-A9)。它于2009年发布,我们正等待“现在任何一天”看到硅。尚无人为此处理器生产通用SoC,因为智能手机驱动着市场,而功能更强大的A9和较老的ARM11之间的市场并不引人注目。有关更多详细信息,请参见此讨论:http : //


ARM11中的ARMv6效率更高,但功能也更强大(因此,您可能看不到功率预算的任何节省)。它为iPhone 3G,iPod Touch,Kindle和Zune等较旧的智能手机供电,运行频率为500-800 MHz。最新的架构ARMv7是Cortex系列。Cortex-A8和-A9正在以800MHz-1.2GHz的频率为最新的智能手机和平板电脑供电,如果您希望采用极简设计,则可能希望使用较小,速度较慢的处理器。这些处理器的每瓦性能数是惊人的,但是仅使用ARMv5部件可能会更安全(当然也不会那么复杂)。




We successfully run uClinux on the following Cortex-M3 MCUs: NXP's LPC1788, STmicro's STM32F2, Actel's SmartFusion, and are in process of adding support for a couple more: Freescale Kinetis, STM32F4 (these two are Cortex-M4 rather than Cortex-M3).


对于用于外部RAM的特定设备,所有这些都由特定MCU提供的外部存储器接口定义。STM32F和SmartFusion仅支持SRAM。您将能够以$ 6-7的价格获得16MB的70ns PSRAM(具有页面模式以加快操作速度);LPC1788支持更快的SDRAM存储器;Kinetis K70支持DDR2(64MB设备为5美元)等。所有这些存储器在静态时间仅消耗uA电平的功率。

您需要一些东西来从中加载可引导的Linux,但这几乎可以是任何东西-网络,SD卡,SPI EEPROM,NOR或NAND闪存等。



在许多功耗敏感的应用程序中,您的设备大多数时候都处于空闲状态,但是,在运行时,它需要能够执行许多事情,而使用较小的RTOS则很难做到这一点。安全连接,VLAN,TCP / IP隧道,SNMP,SD卡,USB设备/主机,WiFI等,并且要求清单不胜枚举。


关于Cortex-M提供的低处理能力(根据Linux内核的要求衡量),作为最近的经验,我们刚刚在Freescale K70 MCU上启用了uClinux。这是一个Cortex-M4(与Cortex-M3以及硬件FP和DSP单元相同);片上接口与2x8KB片上高速缓存的高密度RAM(DDR2)和闪存(NAND)。120Mhz Cortex-M内核,即将推出150Mhz部件。

Linux(uClinux)恰好在此设备上运行。使用“ dhrystone”,我们在250Mhz Freescale PowerPC盒上获得大约50%的性能。快速启动,大量RAM(TWR-K70模块提供128MB RAM和256MB NAND闪存),网络,JFFS2,帧缓冲,SSH,HTTPD,Qt / E-所有这些在K70上运行都很好。总体用户体验是在装有MMU的微处理器上的常规“嵌入式Linux”。

Here is a pointer to the video of a live uClinux session running on the Freescale Kinetis K70 Cortex-M4 MCU:


Without some kind of support for external memory (both RAM and Flash) it is impossible that you can fit even the smallest linux distribution (say, uclinux) on to the mentioned devices' built in resources.

This typically means a 32-bit bus is exposed in order to hook up additional chips. This is why it's more common to see linux single-board-computers (SBC) with additional RAM and flash chips in the megabytes-range used to run linux. The microcontrollers you've listed don't offer this. The way I see it, the cortex-m0/m3 is meant more for applications where an 8-bit micro would not (or barely) suffice - thus all the resources you need are built into the chip.

To better answer this question, it would be wise to analyse the requirements for embedded linux. This typically means being able to fit a bootloader, kernel, and file system - and of course the actual user application and libraries required to run it. Total this up and you'll soon see that you may need a couple megabytes of RAM and Flash to do anything useful.


There is not MMU on the stm32 so you have to use ucLinux.

A quick google for ucLinux will send you in the right direction.

But on the other hand, Linux is not really that useful on this kind of small mcu and most of he time you need external ram and a SD-card to get it running. And then the pricetag is closing up on projects like the Rasperry PI, so you need to think about what your needs are.

Maybe another smaller OS is a better choice? Even thou it is nice to have Linux everywhere...


There are some low power applications like smart meetering where it is indeed usefull to use a Cortex-M3 with external Memory running Linux. Think not in terms of total cost (The boards will cost nearly as much as with a faster Core) but in terms of energy consumption.

If you live off a battery, and are idle mode most of the time, taking a measurement maybe each minute or so and then sending that off over a network it might be nice to be able to use the infrastructure brought to you by linux for TCP/IP, encryption etc.

On the embedded World Exhibition this year Pengutronix showed a linux on a prototyping-board from EnergyMicro running uCLinux on a Cortex-M3 with external RAM and a powerconsumption of 1.6mW when in idle Mode. Energy Micro has some incredible low power Cortex-M3 and M4 MCUs in their portfolio specifically optimized for low power applications which need aprox 16mW of Power when running at 32MHz while executing Code from RAM. This can enable Linux on a variety of battery powered devices where bigger and faster processors just don't fit your energy budget. On the other hand you won't get a lot of processing power from these either...

So basically if you're living of a battery and don't need much processing power this might be a solution for you, if not you might opt for a bigger ARM Core with MMU.

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