


Tyler 2016年

old_timer '16

old_timer '16





以下内容仅适用于C程序(无C ++,异常等)和Cortex M微控制器(与品牌/型号无关)。我还假定您使用GCC,尽管与其他编译器可能没有差异或几乎没有差异。最后,我使用newlib。



 * Linker script.

 * Set the output format. Currently set for Cortex M architectures,
 * may need to be modified if the library has to support other MCUs, 
 * or completelly removed.
OUTPUT_FORMAT ("elf32-littlearm", "elf32-bigarm", "elf32-littlearm")

 * Just refering a function included in the vector table, and that
 * it is defined in the same file with it, so the vector table does
 * not get optimized out.

 * ST32F103x8 memory setup.
    FLASH     (rx)  : ORIGIN = 0x00000000, LENGTH = 64k
    RAM     (xrw)   : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 20k

 * Necessary group so the newlib stubs provided in the library,
 * will correctly be linked with the appropriate newlib functions,
 * and not optimized out, giving errors for undefined symbols.
 * This way the libraries can be fed to the linker in any order.

 * Stack start pointer. Here set to the end of the stack
 * memory, as in most architectures (including all the 
 * new ARM ones), the stack starts from the maximum address
 * and grows towards the bottom.
__stack = ORIGIN(RAM) + LENGTH(RAM);

 * Programm entry function. Used by the debugger only.

 * Memory Allocation Sections
     * For normal programs should evaluate to 0, for placing the vector
     * table at the correct position.
    . = ORIGIN(FLASH);

     * First link the vector table.
    .vectors : ALIGN(4)
        __vectors_start__ = ABSOLUTE(.); 
        *(.after_vectors .after_vectors.*)
    } > FLASH

     * Start of text.
    _text = .;

     * Text section
    .text : ALIGN(4)
    } > FLASH

     * Arm section unwinding.
     * If removed may cause random crashes.
    .ARM.extab :
        *(.ARM.extab* .gnu.linkonce.armextab.*)
    } > FLASH

     * Arm stack unwinding.
     * If removed may cause random crashes.
    .ARM.exidx :
        __exidx_start = .;
        *(.ARM.exidx* .gnu.linkonce.armexidx.*)
        __exidx_end = .;
    } > FLASH

     * Section used by C++ to access eh_frame.
     * Generaly not used, but it doesn't harm to be there.
    .eh_frame_hdr :
    } > FLASH

     * Stack unwinding code.
     * Generaly not used, but it doesn't harm to be there.
    .eh_frame : ONLY_IF_RO
    } > FLASH

     * Read-only data. Consts should also be here.
    .rodata : ALIGN(4)
        . = ALIGN(4);
        __rodata_start__ = .;
        . = ALIGN(4);
        __rodata_end__ = .;
    } > FLASH 

     * End of text.
    _etext = .;

     * Data section.
    .data : ALIGN(4)
        . = ALIGN(4);
        PROVIDE(__textdata__ = LOADADDR(.data));
        PROVIDE(__data_start__ = .);
        . = ALIGN(4);
        PROVIDE(__data_end__ = .);
    } > RAM AT > FLASH

     * BSS section.
    .bss (NOLOAD) : ALIGN(4)
        . = ALIGN(4);
        PROVIDE(_bss_start = .);
        __bss_start__ = .;
        . = ALIGN(4);
        PROVIDE(_bss_end = .);
        __bss_end__ = .;
        PROVIDE(end = .);
    } > RAM

     * Non-initialized variables section.
     * A variable should be explicitly placed
     * here, aiming in speeding-up boot time.
    .noinit (NOLOAD) : ALIGN(4)
        __noinit_start__ = .;
        *(.noinit .noinit.*) 
         . = ALIGN(4) ;
        __noinit_end__ = .;   
    } > RAM

     * Heap section.
    .heap (NOLOAD) :
        . = ALIGN(4);
        __heap_start__ = .;
        __heap_base__ = .;
        __heap_end__ = .;
    } > RAM



  • 这是我使用的链接描述文件的简化版本。在精简过程中,我可能会向代码引入错误,请仔细检查。

  • 由于我将其用于除您以外的其他MCU,因此您必须更改MEMORY布局以适合您自己的布局。

  • 您可能需要更改以下链接的库才能与您自己的库链接。在这里,它链接到newlib。



看一下以下文件。这是用于STM32F103C8 MCU,但是很容易更改您的需求。

#include "stm32f10x.h"
#include "debug.h"

//Start-up code.
extern void __attribute__((noreturn, weak)) _start (void);

// Default interrupt handler
void __attribute__ ((section(".after_vectors"), noreturn)) __Default_Handler(void);

// Reset handler
void __attribute__ ((section(".after_vectors"), noreturn)) Reset_Handler (void);

/** Non-maskable interrupt (RCC clock security system) */
void NMI_Handler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** All class of fault */
void HardFault_Handler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak));

/** Memory management */
void MemManage_Handler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** Pre-fetch fault, memory access fault */
void BusFault_Handler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** Undefined instruction or illegal state */
void UsageFault_Handler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** System service call via SWI instruction */
void SVC_Handler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** Debug monitor */
void DebugMon_Handler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** Pendable request for system service */
void PendSV_Handler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** System tick timer */
void SysTick_Handler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** Window watchdog interrupt */
void WWDG_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** PVD through EXTI line detection interrupt */
void PVD_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** Tamper interrupt */
void TAMPER_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** RTC global interrupt */
void RTC_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** Flash global interrupt */
void FLASH_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** RCC global interrupt */
void RCC_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** EXTI Line0 interrupt */
void EXTI0_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** EXTI Line1 interrupt */
void EXTI1_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** EXTI Line2 interrupt */
void EXTI2_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** EXTI Line3 interrupt */
void EXTI3_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** EXTI Line4 interrupt */
void EXTI4_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** DMA1 Channel1 global interrupt */
void DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** DMA1 Channel2 global interrupt */
void DMA1_Channel2_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** DMA1 Channel3 global interrupt */
void DMA1_Channel3_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** DMA1 Channel4 global interrupt */
void DMA1_Channel4_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** DMA1 Channel5 global interrupt */
void DMA1_Channel5_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** DMA1 Channel6 global interrupt */
void DMA1_Channel6_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** DMA1 Channel7 global interrupt */
void DMA1_Channel7_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** ADC1 and ADC2 global interrupt */
void ADC1_2_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** USB high priority or CAN TX interrupts */
void USB_HP_CAN_TX_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** USB low priority or CAN RX0 interrupts */
void USB_LP_CAN_RX0_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** CAN RX1 interrupt */
void CAN_RX1_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** CAN SCE interrupt */
void CAN_SCE_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** EXTI Line[9:5] interrupts */
void EXTI9_5_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** TIM1 break interrupt */
void TIM1_BRK_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** TIM1 update interrupt */
void TIM1_UP_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** TIM1 trigger and commutation interrupts */
void TIM1_TRG_COM_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** TIM1 capture compare interrupt */
void TIM1_CC_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** TIM2 global interrupt */
void TIM2_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** TIM3 global interrupt */
void TIM3_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** TIM4 global interrupt */
void TIM4_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** I2C1 event interrupt */
void I2C1_EV_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** I2C1 error interrupt */
void I2C1_ER_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** I2C2 event interrupt */
void I2C2_EV_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** I2C2 error interrupt */
void I2C2_ER_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** SPI1 global interrupt */
void SPI1_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** SPI2 global interrupt */
void SPI2_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** USART1 global interrupt */
void USART1_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** USART2 global interrupt */
void USART2_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** USART3 global interrupt */
void USART3_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** EXTI Line[15:10] interrupts */
void EXTI15_10_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** RTC alarm through EXTI line interrupt */
void RTCAlarm_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** USB wakeup from suspend through EXTI line interrupt */
void USBWakeup_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** TIM8 break interrupt */
void TIM8_BRK_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** TIM8 update interrupt */
void TIM8_UP_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** TIM8 trigger and commutation interrupts */
void TIM8_TRG_COM_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** TIM8 capture compare interrupt */
void TIM8_CC_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** ADC3 global interrupt */
void ADC3_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** FSMC global interrupt */
void FSMC_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** SDIO global interrupt */
void SDIO_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** TIM5 global interrupt */
void TIM5_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** SPI3 global interrupt */
void SPI3_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** UART4 global interrupt */
void UART4_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** UART5 global interrupt */
void UART5_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** TIM6 global interrupt */
void TIM6_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** TIM7 global interrupt */
void TIM7_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** DMA2 Channel1 global interrupt */
void DMA2_Channel1_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** DMA2 Channel2 global interrupt */
void DMA2_Channel2_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** DMA2 Channel3 global interrupt */
void DMA2_Channel3_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

/** DMA2 Channel4 and DMA2 Channel5 global interrupts */
void DMA2_Channel4_5_IRQHandler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt, weak, alias("__Default_Handler")));

// Stack start variable, needed in the vector table.
extern unsigned int __stack;

// Typedef for the vector table entries.
typedef void (* const pHandler)(void);

/** STM32F103 Vector Table */
__attribute__ ((section(".vectors"), used)) pHandler vectors[] =
    (pHandler) &__stack,                // The initial stack pointer
    Reset_Handler,                      // The reset handler
    NMI_Handler,                        // The NMI handler
    HardFault_Handler,                  // The hard fault handler

#if defined(__ARM_ARCH_7M__) || defined(__ARM_ARCH_7EM__)
    MemManage_Handler,                  // The MPU fault handler
    BusFault_Handler,// The bus fault handler
    UsageFault_Handler,// The usage fault handler
    0, 0, 0,                  // Reserved
    0,                                  // Reserved
    0,                                  // Reserved
    0,                                  // Reserved
    0,                                  // Reserved
    SVC_Handler,                        // SVCall handler
#if defined(__ARM_ARCH_7M__) || defined(__ARM_ARCH_7EM__)
    DebugMon_Handler,                   // Debug monitor handler
    0,                    // Reserved
    0,                                  // Reserved
    PendSV_Handler,                     // The PendSV handler
    SysTick_Handler,                    // The SysTick handler
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    WWDG_IRQHandler,                    // Window watchdog interrupt
    PVD_IRQHandler,                     // PVD through EXTI line detection interrupt
    TAMPER_IRQHandler,                  // Tamper interrupt
    RTC_IRQHandler,                     // RTC global interrupt
    FLASH_IRQHandler,                   // Flash global interrupt
    RCC_IRQHandler,                     // RCC global interrupt
    EXTI0_IRQHandler,                   // EXTI Line0 interrupt
    EXTI1_IRQHandler,                   // EXTI Line1 interrupt
    EXTI2_IRQHandler,                   // EXTI Line2 interrupt
    EXTI3_IRQHandler,                   // EXTI Line3 interrupt
    EXTI4_IRQHandler,                   // EXTI Line4 interrupt
    DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler,           // DMA1 Channel1 global interrupt
    DMA1_Channel2_IRQHandler,           // DMA1 Channel2 global interrupt
    DMA1_Channel3_IRQHandler,           // DMA1 Channel3 global interrupt
    DMA1_Channel4_IRQHandler,           // DMA1 Channel4 global interrupt
    DMA1_Channel5_IRQHandler,           // DMA1 Channel5 global interrupt
    DMA1_Channel6_IRQHandler,           // DMA1 Channel6 global interrupt
    DMA1_Channel7_IRQHandler,           // DMA1 Channel7 global interrupt
    ADC1_2_IRQHandler,                  // ADC1 and ADC2 global interrupt
    USB_HP_CAN_TX_IRQHandler,           // USB high priority or CAN TX interrupts
    USB_LP_CAN_RX0_IRQHandler,          // USB low priority or CAN RX0 interrupts
    CAN_RX1_IRQHandler,                 // CAN RX1 interrupt
    CAN_SCE_IRQHandler,                 // CAN SCE interrupt
    EXTI9_5_IRQHandler,                 // EXTI Line[9:5] interrupts
    TIM1_BRK_IRQHandler,                // TIM1 break interrupt
    TIM1_UP_IRQHandler,                 // TIM1 update interrupt
    TIM1_TRG_COM_IRQHandler,            // TIM1 trigger and commutation interrupts
    TIM1_CC_IRQHandler,                 // TIM1 capture compare interrupt
    TIM2_IRQHandler,                    // TIM2 global interrupt
    TIM3_IRQHandler,                    // TIM3 global interrupt
    TIM4_IRQHandler,                    // TIM4 global interrupt
    I2C1_EV_IRQHandler,                 // I2C1 event interrupt
    I2C1_ER_IRQHandler,                 // I2C1 error interrupt
    I2C2_EV_IRQHandler,                 // I2C2 event interrupt
    I2C2_ER_IRQHandler,                 // I2C2 error interrupt
    SPI1_IRQHandler,                    // SPI1 global interrupt
    SPI2_IRQHandler,                    // SPI2 global interrupt
    USART1_IRQHandler,                  // USART1 global interrupt
    USART2_IRQHandler,                  // USART2 global interrupt
    USART3_IRQHandler,                  // USART3 global interrupt
    EXTI15_10_IRQHandler,               // EXTI Line[15:10] interrupts
    RTCAlarm_IRQHandler,                // RTC alarm through EXTI line interrupt
    USBWakeup_IRQHandler,               // USB wakeup from suspend through EXTI line interrupt
    TIM8_BRK_IRQHandler,                // TIM8 break interrupt
    TIM8_UP_IRQHandler,                 // TIM8 update interrupt
    TIM8_TRG_COM_IRQHandler,            // TIM8 trigger and commutation interrupts
    TIM8_CC_IRQHandler,                 // TIM8 capture compare interrupt
    ADC3_IRQHandler,                    // ADC3 global interrupt
    FSMC_IRQHandler,                    // FSMC global interrupt
    SDIO_IRQHandler,                    // SDIO global interrupt
    TIM5_IRQHandler,                    // TIM5 global interrupt
    SPI3_IRQHandler,                    // SPI3 global interrupt
    UART4_IRQHandler,                   // UART4 global interrupt
    UART5_IRQHandler,                   // UART5 global interrupt
    TIM6_IRQHandler,                    // TIM6 global interrupt
    TIM7_IRQHandler,                    // TIM7 global interrupt
    DMA2_Channel1_IRQHandler,           // DMA2 Channel1 global interrupt
    DMA2_Channel2_IRQHandler,           // DMA2 Channel2 global interrupt
    DMA2_Channel3_IRQHandler,           // DMA2 Channel3 global interrupt
    DMA2_Channel4_5_IRQHandler          // DMA2 Channel4 and DMA2 Channel5 global interrupts

/** Default exception/interrupt handler */
void __attribute__ ((section(".after_vectors"), noreturn)) __Default_Handler(void)
#ifdef DEBUG
  while (1);


/** Reset handler */
void __attribute__ ((section(".after_vectors"), noreturn)) Reset_Handler(void)





  • 包括您的MCU的CMSIS文件
  • 如果您修改链接器脚本,请更改节名称
  • 更改向量表条目以匹配您的MCU
  • 更改处理程序原型以匹配您的MCU




#include <sys/types.h>
#include <errno.h>

caddr_t __attribute__((used)) _sbrk(int incr)
    extern char __heap_start__; // Defined by the linker.
    extern char __heap_end__; // Defined by the linker.

    static char* current_heap_end;
    char* current_block_address;

    if (current_heap_end == 0)
      current_heap_end = &__heap_start__;

    current_block_address = current_heap_end;

    // Need to align heap to word boundary, else will get
    // hard faults on Cortex-M0. So we assume that heap starts on
    // word boundary, hence make sure we always add a multiple of
    // 4 to it.
    incr = (incr + 3) & (~3); // align value to 4
    if (current_heap_end + incr > &__heap_end__)
      // Heap has overflowed
      errno = ENOMEM;
      return (caddr_t) - 1;

    current_heap_end += incr;

    return (caddr_t) current_block_address;


#include <sys/types.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "stm32f10x.h"

void __attribute__((noreturn, used)) _exit(int code)
    (void) code;





#include <stdint.h>
#include "stm32f10x.h"
#include "gpio.h"
#include "flash.h"

/** Main program entry point. */
extern int main(void);

/** Exit system call. */
extern void _exit(int code);

/** Initializes the data section. */
static void __attribute__((always_inline)) __initialize_data (unsigned int* from, unsigned int* region_begin, unsigned int* region_end);

/** Initializes the BSS section. */
static void __attribute__((always_inline)) __initialize_bss (unsigned int* region_begin, unsigned int* region_end);

/** Start-up code. */
void __attribute__ ((section(".after_vectors"), noreturn, used)) _start(void);

void _start (void)
    //Before switching on the main oscillator and the PLL,
    //and getting to higher and dangerous frequencies,
    //configuration of the flash controller is necessary.

    //Enable the flash prefetch buffer. Can be achieved when CCLK
    //is lower than 24MHz.

    //Set latency to 2 clock cycles. Necessary for setting the clock
    //to the maximum 72MHz.

    // Initialize hardware right after configuring flash, to switch
    //clock to higher frequency and have the rest of the
    //initializations run faster.

    // Copy the DATA segment from Flash to RAM (inlined).
    __initialize_data(&__textdata__, &__data_start__, &__data_end__);

    // Zero fill the BSS section (inlined).
    __initialize_bss(&__bss_start__, &__bss_end__);

    //Core is running normally, RAM and FLASH are initialized
    //properly, now the system must be fully functional.

    //Update the SystemCoreClock variable.

    // Call the main entry point, and save the exit code.
    int code = main();

    //Main should never return. If it does, let the system exit gracefully.
    _exit (code);

    // Should never reach this, _exit() should have already
    // performed a reset.

static inline void __initialize_data (unsigned int* from, unsigned int* region_begin, unsigned int* region_end)
    // Iterate and copy word by word.
    // It is assumed that the pointers are word aligned.
    unsigned int *p = region_begin;
    while (p < region_end)
        *p++ = *from++;

static inline void __initialize_bss (unsigned int* region_begin, unsigned int* region_end)
    // Iterate and clear word by word.
    // It is assumed that the pointers are word aligned.
    unsigned int *p = region_begin;
    while (p < region_end)
        *p++ = 0;


  • 首先,在更改频率之前,按照我的MCU的要求配置Flash控制器。您可以在此处添加任何非常基础的和硬件代码所需的代码。请注意,此处放置的代码不应访问RAM中的任何全局变量,因为它们尚未初始化。另请注意,MCU仍在低频下运行,因此仅调用绝对需要的频率。
  • 然后,我调用CMSIS函数SystemInit()。这有点可移植,所以才使用它。在我的特定实现中,它主要处理内核,而不处理MCU本身,它仅启用PLL,并将MCU设置为其最终高频。您可以用更有效的代码代替它,但这没什么大不了的。
  • 既然MCU速度很快,下一步就是初始化RAM。非常简单。
  • MCU现在已启动并正常运行。我只是调用CMSIS函数SystemCoreClockUpdate(),就像我在代码中使用的SystemCoreClock变量一样,但这不是必需的,只是我的喜好。
  • 最后,我调用了main函数。您的应用程序现在可以正常执行。
  • 如果main返回,则调用_exit()是重新启动系统的一个好习惯。


由于答案的长度,它似乎令人恐惧。同样,在试图理解这一点的同时,您可能必须与工具链进行斗争才能使其按您的意愿行事。不用担心,最终您将了解上述代码多么简单和通用。当您了解事情如何运行之后,仅在一个晚上就可以将其移植到任何ARM MCU上。或者您可以增强它,轻松满足自己的个人需求。
Fotis Panagiotopoulos




Fotis Panagiotopoulos



.globl _start
.word 0x20001000
.word main











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