为什么我的NPN / PNP稳压器实验爆炸?




这个想法是让+ 15V和-15V电压轨为一个或两个运算放大器供电。我期望R1,D1和R2分别下降38V,30V和38V,因此,像一对标准串联稳压器一样,Q1的发射极将稳定在15V(相对于假设的0V电压,该电压并不存在),同样Q2的集电极将处于-15V。



模拟此电路 –使用CircuitLab创建的原理图


齐纳二极管现在是1N4751A,30 V,8.5 mA,请参见这些规格。现在,齐纳电阻为4K7,齐纳电流约为8.5 mA。

添加电压源后,模拟运行并在齐纳二极管上产生大约+/- 2.54 V,在输出电阻上产生大约+/- 2.1V。

奇怪!要么模拟器不知道齐纳稳压器处于30 V,要么晶体管汲取了大量基极电流,但是使用如此大的负载电阻是不可能的。


Q2的集电极只能处于-53V,也许您是说它的发射极?它们的额定电压是多少?如果基本电路由于任何原因不平衡,它们可以承受Vce = 106V吗?
Brian Drummond



彼得·贝内特(Peter Bennett),哎呀,我读了集电极的基本额定值,而不是集电极的发射极电压。那就可以解释爆炸了!该电路原则上是否可以与更高额定值的晶体管一起使用?另外,我使用的齐纳二极管为30V,我只是在原理图软件中选择了一个,我从其零件号推测它为30V。





我搜集到您正在尝试学习如何设计自己的设计 ±15V供运放使用。因此,您不一定只想购买大量的电源(这些天来它们很便宜。)由于这是关于学习的,因此它将是线性设计,而不是切换器。因此,从电源角度来说,您的电源通常效率低下。但是你很好。


您的方法可能有点像从运算放大器到音频放大器的所有设备中使用的信宿/源输出驱动器。您可以采用自己所采用的方法,但是您必须将其中两种方法-一种用于+15V 还有一个 15V。而且它们的效率甚至更低,因为它们每个都可以从您的(+)轨道获取并沉到(-)轨道,因此您需要在AB类中运行它们。您实际上只需要从(+)来源即可+15V 导轨并沉入(-)以使 15V 轨。

顺便提一句,在桥的输出端将一对泄放电阻包括在现有电容器组中可能是一个好主意。如果您关闭电源,可以摆脱储存的费用。一些12W10kΩ电阻器?那只会呈现一个5mA 运行时加载。

在考虑该想法时,还应考虑尝试卸载现有的不受管制的电源,以评估其在负载下的性能。我会尝试像5W1kΩ 电阻以了解有关 50mA负载,在存在该负载的情况下测量电压。然后我会尝试像10W270Ω 电阻看看我走近会发生什么 200mA加载。这将测试您整个不受管制的系统,并让您了解其局限性。这些值是随机选择的。如果您已经知道了环形线圈的局限性,请尝试使用两个不同的电阻值来达到您希望支持的最大负载,而另一个电阻值可能会达到最大负载的30%。并仅注意测量的电压值。稍微放下时,了解一下不受管制的导轨会很有帮助。

我建议您从专注于一侧开始,例如创建 +15V不受约束的(+)导轨上的受约束的供电导轨。您还需要考虑是否也需要任何电流限制。我认为将它们包括在内会更安全。但这是您的决定。不过,为此添加一些内容并不难。而且,就我个人而言,我可能希望能够去+12V也一样 那么,可变输出电源可以在一定范围的输出电压范围内工作吗?


最后,您可能会接受必须分别设置两个电压轨值。某些电源旨在提供跟踪功能,因此,如果您设置了+V 供应给 +15V 然后你的管教 V 供应将跟踪并提供 15V。但是我怀疑你现在可以没有那个。

如果您提出一个单独的问题,或者更好地澄清这个问题,我可能会让您开始使用三种或四种不同的离散(非IC)拓扑,以考虑自己进行分析并构建。但是,例如,我不知道您要拥有哪种当前的合规性。而且,这将有助于您知道在将未稳压电源加载到想要支持的最大电流顺应性时要测量的电压(使用高功率电阻,然后花点时间在电压表变得过热之前用电压表测量电压。 ),这将有助于更多地了解您是否确实希望在某个范围(确切地说是在什么范围内)上使用可变电压,并且,如果您只想要固定电压,则您需要多少初始精度?和我' d想知道这是否严格用于运算放大器电源(建议较低的电流兼容性),或者对于某些项目,您是否想使用它在更低的电压下实际提供更高的电流。最后,很高兴知道您拥有或愿意获得的BJT。

编辑:所以。简单的东西,不是只有当前的合规性5mA。让我们首先关注(+)导轨端...对于传输晶体管,可以采用NPN或PNP。完全取决于您要如何控制它。您是要从电源吸取电流,还是根据需要抽出电流?嗯 让我们尝试一下-强调简单。


模拟此电路 –使用CircuitLab创建的原理图


我开始使用 Q1作为发射极跟随器拓扑。它是发射器的目标15V。所以我在那写下了“ 15V @ 5mA”。我最初估计是有用的βQ1=50 并计算 IBQ1=100μA 和估计(仅从内存中) VBEQ1=750mV。由此,我决定我想要5× 来自不受管制的供应,所以我设定 R1=53V15V750mV500μA=74.5kΩ75kΩ。这意味着我需要在400500μAR1 控制 Q1在输出中的行为。这个范围很小450μA±50μA,简单电路中的变化不会太敏感。哦,我选择了BC546VCEO=65V。(可以将2N5551用于VCEO=150V

我决定在下方使用另一个NPN,其基极固定在电阻分压器上,以拉出该电流。 Q2的集电极钉有电压,因此没有早期效果。精细。耗散在Q2 在下面 10mW,所以没有问题。(您已经知道可能存在问题Q1。)二极管和电容器可提供半稳定的电压基准,因为它被馈入了相对稳定的电压 450μA±50μA当前。我估计βQ2=50 (再次)并计算 IBQ2=10μA 和估计(仅从内存中) VBEQ1=650mV。我也知道1N4148可以550mV500μA当前。所以这告诉我,除法器节点应该在1.2V。我也写下来了

我选择至少使分压器电流 10× 所需的最大基本电流 Q2。该电路的问题之一将是环境温度,因为它们会影响晶体管的基极-发射极结。Q2 (和 D1),这也会影响分频器点以及几乎所有其他内容。但是添加D2D3在分隔线中的帮助。它提供了两个以上的温度相关结。剩下的问题是R3 以及不同的电流密度。

D2D3 与约 15 的电流密度 D1Q2。我碰巧记得1N4148提出了ΔV100mV 电流密度每十年变化一次,所以我想 ΔV=log10(100μA500μA)70mV每两个二极管。所以这意味着要达到1.2V 在分隔线处 R3=1.2V2(550mV70mV)87μA2.7kΩ (我用了 87μA 作为中点当前值。) R3,一个猜测。

我在分压电阻上增加了一个加速帽 R2 因此短期负载变化可能会更直接地驱动 Q2。(如果15V 受管制的铁路突然跳了起来,然后 C3 将立即在 Q2 使它拉走更多的驱动电流 Q1,应对上升趋势。同样,在另一个方向上也是如此。)

我认为,您应该能够调拨(-)调节轨。而且要记住,你希望加载这个东西下来太多了!您肯定会造成那可怜的TO-92严重问题。消散了5mA(53V15V)200mW 包裹里有 200KW,因此可以解决 +40C已经超过环境温度 您可以看到如果有更多的电流通过,它会很快变热。您也许可以摆脱10mA,但不多。



  1. 传输晶体管(Q1)应该会陷入僵局 40V 在不受限制的(+)轨道和所需的轨道之间 15V轨。该传输晶体管将需要基极电流源,以便可以将其保持在其有源区域中。它还布置成发射极跟随器配置,以便左右移动其基极电压使其发射极大约1:1移动(从基极到发射极的电压增益为1
  2. 我们可以使用一个简单的电阻器来解决上述(1)中的所有需求(R1)到不受管制的(+)轨道。这不仅可以提供所需的基极电流,而且还非常容易控制Q1,只需通过它拉或多或少的电流即可。出于设计目的,我们不希望Q1的基极电流会严重影响电流,我们也正在使用它来控制基极的电压 Q1. So we need to make this stream of current large, by comparison. Larger is better, and perhaps by default we might choose a factor of 10×. But we are also constrained by the fact that this is a 5mA power supply. So we might want to use something that is about 110th of 5mA to keep it modest. This means something from 10100μA=1mA on the one side to about 5mA10=500μA on the other side. I decided to use the smaller value, since this is just a simple regulator and I can accept a slightly less stiff base source.
  3. Something to control the current being pulled through R1, based upon a voltage comparison of some kind. It turns out that a BJT is okay for something like this. (More BJTs would be better, as in an opamp, but one is sufficient here.) It has a collector current that depends upon the voltage difference between its base and emitter. So it compares its' base and emitter and adjusts a current on that basis! Practically made in heaven for this, yes? So we now stick a new BJT (Q2) with its collector tied up to R1 and the base of Q1.
  4. We need a reference voltage. Could use a real reference, like a zener or a more sophisticated IC device, but this is a simple design. Well, a diode with a fixed current density is a voltage reference. (Excepting temperature.) And guess what? We just happen to have a current we can use that is relatively stable! The very current we are using to adjust Q1's base voltage through R1. So now, R1 provides three services for us -- it provides base current to Q1, allows us to control Q1's base by adjusting the current through it, and now that very same current can be used to stabilize the voltage of a voltage reference diode. All we do is stick that diode into the emitter of Q2. And add a small capacitor across it o kill high frequency noise there. It's nice when things do multiple duties for you.
  5. We have our current control collector, a voltage reference at the emitter, and now all we need to provide is a comparison voltage, derived from the output voltage, at the base of Q2. It's important that if this comparison increases (the output voltage appears to increase for some unknown reason), that we will pull more current through R1 to force the base voltage of Q1 to decline to oppose this change. Turns out that a simple voltage divider does this job well. All we need to do is to make sure that the current through the voltage divider is a lot more than the required base current of Q2, so that when Q2 adjusts its collector current and needs more (or less) base current, that this doesn't affect the divider voltage (much.)

That's really the essence of it. I added those two diodes to help stabilize things vs ambient temps. But they aren't strictly necessary if you don't mind your voltage rails shifting around a little more with temperature. As it is, they may still drift around by maybe 25mVC, just doing a short loop-around bit of guess-work. But if you don't mind it being twice as bad then you can replace the resistor and two diodes with a simple resistor, instead:


simulate this circuit

The actual value of R3 may need to be adjusted a bit here, as we don't actually know just how much base current is needed (probably less than I guessed -- a lot less.) So perhaps closer to the 12kΩ value? But you can use a potentiometer here, I suppose, to make this adjustable, too.

Thanks for your comprehensive reply! The 53V supply is for a 100W FET amplifier I built years ago and am rebuilding and modernising. As you say, this is about learning as much as outcome. The intention is a low current op-amp input stage (currently a single TL072) so I only want a few mA on the 15-0-15 supply and I wanted to avoid another "proper" PSU (linear or SM) to keep down the parts count and avoid more transformers. Hence the high resistor values. The BJTs are ones I happen to have lots of but I'll obtain whatever I need. The 53V PSU has LEDs (in series with 20k) that bleed the caps.
Ian Bland

@IanBland: Thanks. Do you need accuracy for the 15V rails? Do you want a range of voltages? Do you care about wasting a BJT on a current limiter for each side? Anything more you'd want to add?

I don't mind wasting reasonable amounts of current and the voltage isn't critical, so long as it's stable, I just picked 15V as a nice round number, lots of headroom on the op amps and (ironically) minimising the necessary volt drop through the BJTs. This version was meant as a test of the principle, I can for instance add extra smoothing capacitors etc for a final version where necessary. I'm trying to avoid needing heatsinks on the BJTs as well to keep this small and sweet :)
Ian Bland

@IanBland: Just a few mA? If you have to have a BJT drop away 40V, it only takes 5mA or so to get to a quarter watt. A lot of opamps support 20mA or 30mA outputs. So when you say "a few mA" are we talking 5 or are we talking 30?

@IanBland: Okay. So at 10mA would be talking about up to half-watt for the pass BJT. At 5mA would be quarter-watt. TO-92 will do a quarter, but at half watt I'm thinking "not really." I think the TO-92 is like 200C/W. I don't like anything that says +100C over ambient at the die (assuming you even have air flow.) Oh, heck. You are okay with blowing the things up, anyway. So let's stay with a TO-92 and plan on 5mA max. I'll stick a current limit on it. You can remove it if you don't want it and like to watch BJTs fry.


For one thing, a 2N2222 is only rated for 40 V. The 2907 is good for 60, but that still doesn't leave much margin for things to go wrong, particularly at startup.

I suspect the real problem is that the transistors were wired incorrectly. That could leave a direct path thru Q1, D1, and Q2. Poof!

Added about voltages on the transistors

Even when everything is working perfectly, each half of the circuit sees 53 V. The 1N4730 is a 3.9 V zener diode. That means, when everything is working perfectly, the transistor bases will be held at ±2 V. Even saying the B-E drop of each transistor is only 600 mV, the emitters will be at ±1.4 V. That means each transistor will see 52 V across it when everything is perfect.

Everything is never perfect. How accurate are the ±53 V supplies? What about startup transients? What are the real zener voltages with only half a milliamp thru them? What happens when the load draws some real current, even if only on startup to charge up a capacitor or something?

Did you look up the voltage spec for the transistors you are actually using, not just any datasheet you could find for the generic part number? There are minimum voltage specs somewhere for a 2N2222 and 2N2907, but specific manufacturers sometimes make their parts more capable. You can't use one of those datasheets to tell you the maximum a generic part is good for. To get the numbers I quoted above, I grabbed random datasheets. That means the real specs could be lower than what I quoted.

One transistor is already well out of spec, and the other is close to it. This is not good engineering.

Thanks. The transistors should only be dropping 38V each though surely, the resistor R3 is dropping the rest? I triple checked the wiring. Maybe my 2907s have a different pinout to my data sheet or something. I agree that the bang was quite big enough to indicate a dead short path through the transistors and zener.
Ian Bland


First, Google is your friend. A 1N4730 is a 3.9 volt zener.

That said, I'm inclined to believe that you either miswired your circuit or you used the wrong values of resistors. I'm especially inclined to think that R1 or R2 might have been 100 ohms, rather than 100k. At any rate, your nominal resistor values are large enough to prevent Magic Smoke Emission, so your circuit in some way was different from your schematic.

Yes, I used the wrong part number on the schematic, the actual zener was a BZX. I thought that about the resistor values too (which are correct) but if the transistors fail short there's a short cirucuit path that bypasses all the resistors, so I guess that's where the electrons went.
Ian Bland

VCE>50V will kill a lot of small signal BJTs. Not sure what he used, exactly. But that's a risk here. The 2907 comes in a 40V and a 60V variety, for example. And the PN2222 is 30V, with the A variety being 40V. It just seems reckless and I suspect he could have destroyed them even with that circuit. That 1M resistor isn't dropping much ΔV.

Never mind. Just saw his comment about using a 30V zener.

  • IF Vcemax for Q2 is 40V and beyond in secondary breakdown then Ve max is -12V

  • Vb for Q2 is 1/2 of Vz (D1=3.9) or -2V approx. this Vbe = -10V while spec is -5V ABSOLUTE MAX.

  • due to the catastrophic mode of failure for Vbe reverse ,

  • and your careless design,
  • only you are responsible for it's middle leg getting blown off, perhaps by construction errors.

As said earlier I put the wrong zener part number on the schematic while compiling my question, it should be a 30V BZX85C. Obviously I can't prove I wired the breadboard correctly, but I triple checked the pinouts before and after powering it up.
Ian Bland


This is an easier way of getting +/-15V from your rails:


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

R1 and R2 allow about 2.5mA to flow to the transistor bases and to the 16V zeners. The voltage at the emitters of the transistors will be about 0.7V less than the zener voltage or about +/-15.3V.

While this is a very simple and reliable circuit, note that it is not short-circuit or overload proof as a 3-terminal regulator would be.

There are a few linear regulators which can operate from your relatively high supply rails but they will not be all that cheap. Do a parametric search on a distributor or supplier web sites to find them. The negative regulator may be more of a problem, especially as your (presumably unregulated) rails might go considerably higher than 53V peak. While you can use the above circuit to drop down the voltage for a 3-terminal regulator you have to consider the worst-case conditions and how much dissipation the transistors will experience.

Thanks Spehro, this was basically what I was trying to do except clever me wondered if I could replace the two zeners with one, and then it all exploded. Shouldn't high resistance connections to the Q bases act as a crude current limit circuit? That was the reason for my 100k resistors in the original. Also, are the values of C1 critical? I haven't got any 100nF caps to hand, but I have got 1uF...
Ian Bland

@IanBland It will act as a very crude current limit but you don't want to go so low in zener/base current that you start getting rail voltages unduly modulated by the loads (and the beta is not well known). So you might typically get 0.5-1A with my values, which is going to burn up the transistors pretty quickly. There's nothing critical about the cap values. An emitter current sense resistor and a small signal transistor (per rail) could be used to limit the current more accurately, say to 50mA meaning a few watts dissipation so a small heatsink or copper on a PCB would save the transistors.
Spehro Pefhany


Reviewers rejected my latest edits to the question, and suggested to create a new answer, so:

Here is the schematic from the OP, completed with voltage sources and more appropriate zener resistors, for the recommended zener current of about 8.5 mA:


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

And here is the result of the simulation using the Simulate This button:

screenshot of simulation

The zener is now a 1N4751A, 30 V at 8.5 mA, see these specs. Setting the correct part nr does NOT set the related zener voltage, I did that manualy in the circuit diagram editor. The zener resistors are now 4K7 for a zener current of about 8.5 mA.

After adding voltage sources the simulation runs and results in about +/- 15.0 V over the zener and +/- 14.5 V over the output resistor.

Perfect! This circuit seems to do what is expected from it.

As for the blown parts: that must be something like a wrong connection, as suggested by one of the commenters.

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