我正在按照本教程来实现双重轮廓 http://www.sandboxie.com/misc/isosurf/isosurfaces.html
public Cube(int x, int y, int z, Func<int, int, int, IsoData> d, float isoLevel) {
this.pos = new Vector3(x,y,z);
//only create vertices need for edges
Vector3[] v = new Vector3[4];
v[0] = new Vector3 (x + 1, y + 1, z);
v[1] = new Vector3 (x + 1, y, z + 1);
v[2] = new Vector3 (x + 1, y + 1, z + 1);
v[3] = new Vector3 (x, y + 1, z + 1);
//create edges from vertices
this.edges = new Edge[3];
edges[0] = new Edge (v[1], v[2], d, isoLevel);
edges[1] = new Edge (v[2], v[3], d, isoLevel);
edges[2] = new Edge (v[0], v[2], d, isoLevel);
public Edge(Vector3 p0, Vector3 p1, Func<int, int, int, IsoData> d, float isoLevel) {
//get density values for edge vertices, save in vector , d = density function, data.z = isolevel
this.data = new Vector3(d ((int)p0.x, (int)p0.y, (int)p0.z).Value, d ((int)p1.x, (int)p1.y, (int)p1.z).Value, isoLevel);
//get intersection point
this.mid = LerpByDensity(p0,p1,data);
//calculate normals by gradient of surface
Vector3 n0 = new Vector3(d((int)(p0.x+1), (int)p0.y, (int)p0.z ).Value - data.x,
d((int)p0.x, (int)(p0.y+1), (int)p0.z ).Value - data.x,
d((int)p0.x, (int)p0.y, (int)(p0.z+1) ).Value - data.x);
Vector3 n1 = new Vector3(d((int)(p1.x+1), (int)p1.y, (int)p1.z ).Value - data.y,
d((int)p1.x, (int)(p1.y+1), (int)p1.z ).Value - data.y,
d((int)p1.x, (int)p1.y, (int)(p1.z+1) ).Value - data.y);
//calculate normal by averaging normal of edge vertices
this.normal = LerpByDensity(n0,n1,data);
为了找到特征点,我想像这篇文章中那样做:https : //gamedev.stackexchange.com/a/83757/49583
private class Plane {
public Vector3 normal;
public float distance;
public Plane(Vector3 point, Vector3 normal) {
this.normal = Vector3.Normalize(normal);
this.distance = -Vector3.Dot(normal,point);
public float Distance(Vector3 point) {
return Vector3.Dot(this.normal, point) + this.distance;
public Vector3 ShortestDistanceVector(Vector3 point) {
return this.normal * Distance(point);
public Vector3 FeaturePoint {
get {
Vector3 c = Center;
// return c; //minecraft style
Plane p0 = new Plane(edges[0].mid,edges[0].normal);
Plane p1 = new Plane(edges[1].mid,edges[1].normal);
Plane p2 = new Plane(edges[2].mid,edges[2].normal);
int iterations = 5;
for(int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
Vector3 v0 = p0.ShortestDistanceVector(c);
Vector3 v1 = p1.ShortestDistanceVector(c);
Vector3 v2 = p2.ShortestDistanceVector(c);
Vector3 avg = (v0+v1+v2)/3;
c += avg * 0.7f;
return c;
编辑:我也在这里找到 http://www.mathsisfun.com/algebra/systems-linear-equations-matrices.html ,我可以使用矩阵来计算3个平面的交点,至少这就是我的理解方式,因此我创建了这种方法
public static Vector3 GetIntersection(Plane p0, Plane p1, Plane p2) {
Vector3 b = new Vector3(-p0.distance, -p1.distance, -p2.distance);
Matrix4x4 A = new Matrix4x4 ();
A.SetRow (0, new Vector4 (p0.normal.x, p0.normal.y, p0.normal.z, 0));
A.SetRow (1, new Vector4 (p1.normal.x, p1.normal.y, p1.normal.z, 0));
A.SetRow (2, new Vector4 (p2.normal.x, p2.normal.y, p2.normal.z, 0));
A.SetRow (3, new Vector4 (0, 0, 0, 1));
Matrix4x4 Ainv = Matrix4x4.Inverse(A);
Vector3 result = Ainv * b;
return result;
Plane p0 = new Plane (new Vector3 (2, 0, 0), new Vector3 (1, 0, 0));
Plane p1 = new Plane (new Vector3 (0, 2, 0), new Vector3 (0, 1, 0));
Plane p2 = new Plane (new Vector3 (0, 0, 2), new Vector3 (0, 0, 1));
Vector3 cq = Plane.GetIntersection (p0, p1, p2);
Can I actually calculate the edge normal by averaging the normal of the edge vertices?