标准寻路就足够了 -您的状态是您的当前位置+您的当前库存。“搬家”是指改变房间或改变存货。该答案未涵盖,但没有付出太多额外的努力,正在为A *编写一个很好的启发法-通过优先选择捡拾东西而不是移开它,宁愿解锁目标附近的门,它确实可以加快搜索速度搜寻很长的路要走等等
自从问世以来,这个答案已经得到了很多好评,并且有演示,但是对于更优化,更专业的解决方案,您还应该阅读“向后做起来更快”的答案 。/gamedev/ / a / 150155/2624
- 广度优先搜索功能尽可能简单。
- Djikstra的算法类似于广度优先搜索,但是状态之间的“距离”不同
- A *是Djikstras,在这里您可以将“正确方向的一般感觉”用作启发式方法。
在我们的案例中,只需将“状态”编码为“位置+库存”,将“距离”编码为“运动或物品使用情况”,就可以使用Djikstra或A *解决问题。
这是一些实际的代码,说明您的示例级别。第一个代码段仅供比较-如果要查看最终的解决方案,请跳至第二部分。我们从Djikstra的实现开始,它找到正确的路径,但是我们忽略了所有的障碍和关键。(尝试一下,从房间0-> 2-> 3-> 4-> 6-> 5,您可以看到它只是完成工作的直线)
function Transition(cost, state) { this.cost = cost, this.state = state; }
// given a current room, return a room of next rooms we can go to. it costs
// 1 action to move to another room.
function next(n) {
var moves = []
// simulate moving to a room
var move = room => new Transition(1, room)
if (n == 0) moves.push(move(2))
else if ( n == 1) moves.push(move(2))
else if ( n == 2) moves.push(move(0), move(1), move(3))
else if ( n == 3) moves.push(move(2), move(4), move(6))
else if ( n == 4) moves.push(move(3))
else if ( n == 5) moves.push(move(6))
else if ( n == 6) moves.push(move(5), move(3))
return moves
// Standard Djikstra's algorithm. keep a list of visited and unvisited nodes
// and iteratively find the "cheapest" next node to visit.
function calc_Djikstra(cost, goal, history, nextStates, visited) {
if (!nextStates.length) return ['did not find goal', history]
var action = nextStates.pop()
cost += action.cost
var cur = action.state
if (cur == goal) return ['found!', history.concat([cur])]
if (history.length > 15) return ['we got lost', history]
var notVisited = (visit) => {
return visited.filter(v => JSON.stringify(v) == JSON.stringify(visit.state)).length === 0;
nextStates = nextStates.concat(next(cur).filter(notVisited))
return calc_Djikstra(cost, goal, history.concat([cur]), nextStates, visited)
console.log(calc_Djikstra(0, 5, [], [new Transition(0, 0)], []))
// Now, each state is a [room, haskey, hasfeather, killedboss] tuple
function State(room, k, f, b) { this.room = room; this.k = k; this.f = f; this.b = b }
// move(3) keeps inventory but sets the room to 3
var move = room => new Transition(1, new State(room, cur.k, cur.f, cur.b))
// pickup("k") keeps room number but increments the key count
var pickup = (cost, item) => {
var n = Object.assign({}, cur)
return new Transition(cost, new State(cur.room, n.k, n.f, n.b));
// Now, each state is a [room, haskey, hasfeather, killedboss] tuple
function State(room, k, f, b) { this.room = room; this.k = k; this.f = f; this.b = b }
function Transition(cost, state, msg) { this.cost = cost, this.state = state; this.msg = msg; }
function next(cur) {
var moves = []
// simulate moving to a room
var n = cur.room
var move = room => new Transition(1, new State(room, cur.k, cur.f, cur.b), "move to " + room)
var pickup = (cost, item) => {
var n = Object.assign({}, cur)
return new Transition(cost, new State(cur.room, n.k, n.f, n.b), {
"k": "pick up key",
"f": "pick up feather",
"b": "SLAY BOSS!!!!"}[item]);
if (n == 0) moves.push(move(2))
else if ( n == 1) { }
else if ( n == 2) moves.push(move(0), move(3))
else if ( n == 3) moves.push(move(2), move(4))
else if ( n == 4) moves.push(move(3))
else if ( n == 5) { }
else if ( n == 6) { }
// if we have a key, then we can move between rooms 1 and 2
if (cur.k && n == 1) moves.push(move(2));
if (cur.k && n == 2) moves.push(move(1));
// if we have a feather, then we can move between rooms 3 and 6
if (cur.f && n == 3) moves.push(move(6));
if (cur.f && n == 6) moves.push(move(3));
// if killed the boss, then we can move between rooms 5 and 6
if (cur.b && n == 5) moves.push(move(6));
if (cur.b && n == 6) moves.push(move(5));
if (n == 4 && !cur.k) moves.push(pickup(0, 'k'))
if (n == 1 && !cur.f) moves.push(pickup(0, 'f'))
if (n == 6 && !cur.b) moves.push(pickup(100, 'b'))
return moves
var notVisited = (visitedList) => (visit) => {
return visitedList.filter(v => JSON.stringify(v) == JSON.stringify(visit.state)).length === 0;
// Standard Djikstra's algorithm. keep a list of visited and unvisited nodes
// and iteratively find the "cheapest" next node to visit.
function calc_Djikstra(cost, goal, history, nextStates, visited) {
if (!nextStates.length) return ['No path exists', history]
var action = nextStates.pop()
cost += action.cost
var cur = action.state
if (cur.room == goal) return history.concat([action.msg])
if (history.length > 15) return ['we got lost', history]
nextStates = nextStates.concat(next(cur).filter(notVisited(visited)))
return calc_Djikstra(cost, goal, history.concat([action.msg]), nextStates, visited)
console.log(calc_Djikstra(0, 5, [], [new Transition(0, new State(0, 0, 0, 0), 'start')], []))
if (n == 4 && !cur.k) moves.push(pickup(0, 'k'))
if (n == 1 && !cur.f) moves.push(pickup(0, 'f'))
if (n == 6 && !cur.b) moves.push(pickup(100, 'b'))