是否有任何文档比较/对比C ++标准库的实现?[关闭]



是否有文档可以总结不同C ++标准库实现之间的性能差异,尤其是内存使用情况?一些实现的细节受到NDA的保护,但是即使是STLport与libstdc ++,libc ++与MSVC / Dinkumware(相对于EASTL)之间的比较似乎也非常有用。


  • 标准容器有多少内存开销?
  • 什么容器(如果有的话)仅通过声明进行动态分配?
  • std :: string是否在写时复制?短字符串优化?绳索?
  • std :: deque使用环形缓冲区还是废话?




@Duck:游戏开发是我唯一知道的地方,它定期使用高级C ++功能,但由于它运行在低内存,无虚拟内存的系统上,因此需要精心跟踪内存分配。SO的每个答案都是“不要过早优化,STL很好,请使用它!” -到目前为止,这里有50%的答案是-但是Maik的测试清楚地表明了希望使用std :: map的游戏的主要关注点,而Tetrad对常见的std :: deque实现也感到困惑和困惑。

@Joe Wreschnig我真的不想投票结束,因为我对这个结果很感兴趣。:p




我测试的实现(VC 8.0)仅通过声明字符串/向量/双端队列不使用任何内存分配,但是它确实列出并映射了。该字符串具有短字符串优化功能,因为添加3个字符不会触发分配。输出将添加到代码下方。

// basic allocator implementation used from here
// http://www.codeguru.com/cpp/cpp/cpp_mfc/stl/article.php/c4079

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <deque>
#include <list>
#include <map>

template <class T> class my_allocator;

// specialize for void:
template <> 
class my_allocator<void> 
    typedef void*       pointer;
    typedef const void* const_pointer;
    // reference to void members are impossible.
    typedef void value_type;
    template <class U> 
    struct rebind 
        typedef my_allocator<U> other; 

#define LOG_ALLOC_SIZE(call, size)      std::cout << "  " << call << "  " << std::setw(2) << size << " byte" << std::endl

template <class T> 
class my_allocator 
    typedef size_t    size_type;
    typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
    typedef T*        pointer;
    typedef const T*  const_pointer;
    typedef T&        reference;
    typedef const T&  const_reference;
    typedef T         value_type;
    template <class U> 
    struct rebind 
        typedef my_allocator<U> other; 

    my_allocator() throw() : alloc() {}
    my_allocator(const my_allocator&b) throw() : alloc(b.alloc) {}

    template <class U> my_allocator(const my_allocator<U>&b) throw() : alloc(b.alloc) {}
    ~my_allocator() throw() {}

    pointer       address(reference x) const                    { return alloc.address(x); }
    const_pointer address(const_reference x) const              { return alloc.address(x); }

    pointer allocate(size_type s, 
               my_allocator<void>::const_pointer hint = 0)      { LOG_ALLOC_SIZE("my_allocator::allocate  ", s * sizeof(T)); return alloc.allocate(s, hint); }
    void deallocate(pointer p, size_type n)                     { LOG_ALLOC_SIZE("my_allocator::deallocate", n * sizeof(T)); alloc.deallocate(p, n); }

    size_type max_size() const throw()                          { return alloc.max_size(); }

    void construct(pointer p, const T& val)                     { alloc.construct(p, val); }
    void destroy(pointer p)                                     { alloc.destroy(p); }

    std::allocator<T> alloc;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

        typedef std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, my_allocator<char> > my_string;

        std::cout << "===============================================" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "my_string ctor start" << std::endl;
        my_string test;
        std::cout << "my_string ctor end" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "my_string add 3 chars" << std::endl;
        test = "abc";
        std::cout << "my_string add a huge number of chars chars" << std::endl;
        test += "d df uodfug ondusgp idugnösndögs ifdögsdoiug ösodifugnösdiuödofu odsugöodiu niu od unoudö n nodsu nosfdi un abc";
        std::cout << "my_string copy" << std::endl;
        my_string copy = test;
        std::cout << "my_string copy on write test" << std::endl;
        copy[3] = 'X';
        std::cout << "my_string dtors start" << std::endl;

        std::cout << std::endl << "===============================================" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "vector ctor start" << std::endl;
        std::vector<int, my_allocator<int> > v;
        std::cout << "vector ctor end" << std::endl;
        for(int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
        std::cout << "vector dtor starts" << std::endl;

        std::cout << std::endl << "===============================================" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "deque ctor start" << std::endl;
        std::deque<int, my_allocator<int> > d;
        std::cout << "deque ctor end" << std::endl;
        for(int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
            std::cout << "deque insert start" << std::endl;
            std::cout << "deque insert end" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "deque dtor starts" << std::endl;

        std::cout << std::endl << "===============================================" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "list ctor start" << std::endl;
        std::list<int, my_allocator<int> > l;
        std::cout << "list ctor end" << std::endl;
        for(int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
            std::cout << "list insert start" << std::endl;
            std::cout << "list insert end" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "list dtor starts" << std::endl;

        std::cout << std::endl << "===============================================" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "map ctor start" << std::endl;
        std::map<int, float, std::less<int>, my_allocator<std::pair<const int, float> > > m;
        std::cout << "map ctor end" << std::endl;
        for(int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
            std::cout << "map insert start" << std::endl;
            std::pair<int, float> a(i, (float)i);
            std::cout << "map insert end" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "map dtor starts" << std::endl;

    return 0;

到目前为止,VC8和STLPort 5.2已通过测试,下面是比较(包括在测试中:字符串,向量,双端队列,列表,映射)

                    Allocation on declare   Overhead List Node      Overhead Map Node

VC8                 map, list               8 Byte                  16 Byte
STLPort 5.2 (VC8)   deque                   8 Byte                  16 Byte
Paulhodge's EASTL   (none)                  8 Byte                  16 Byte


my_string ctor start
my_string ctor end
my_string add 3 chars
my_string add a huge number of chars chars
  my_allocator::allocate    128 byte
my_string copy
  my_allocator::allocate    128 byte
my_string copy on write test
my_string dtors start
  my_allocator::deallocate  128 byte
  my_allocator::deallocate  128 byte

vector ctor start
vector ctor end
  my_allocator::allocate     4 byte
  my_allocator::allocate     8 byte
  my_allocator::deallocate   4 byte
  my_allocator::allocate    12 byte
  my_allocator::deallocate   8 byte
  my_allocator::allocate    16 byte
  my_allocator::deallocate  12 byte
  my_allocator::allocate    24 byte
  my_allocator::deallocate  16 byte
vector dtor starts
  my_allocator::deallocate  24 byte

deque ctor start
deque ctor end
deque insert start
  my_allocator::allocate    32 byte
  my_allocator::allocate    16 byte
deque insert end
deque insert start
deque insert end
deque insert start
deque insert end
deque insert start
deque insert end
deque insert start
  my_allocator::allocate    16 byte
deque insert end
deque dtor starts
  my_allocator::deallocate  16 byte
  my_allocator::deallocate  16 byte
  my_allocator::deallocate  32 byte

list ctor start
  my_allocator::allocate    12 byte
list ctor end
list insert start
  my_allocator::allocate    12 byte
list insert end
list insert start
  my_allocator::allocate    12 byte
list insert end
list insert start
  my_allocator::allocate    12 byte
list insert end
list insert start
  my_allocator::allocate    12 byte
list insert end
list insert start
  my_allocator::allocate    12 byte
list insert end
list dtor starts
  my_allocator::deallocate  12 byte
  my_allocator::deallocate  12 byte
  my_allocator::deallocate  12 byte
  my_allocator::deallocate  12 byte
  my_allocator::deallocate  12 byte
  my_allocator::deallocate  12 byte

map ctor start
  my_allocator::allocate    24 byte
map ctor end
map insert start
  my_allocator::allocate    24 byte
map insert end
map insert start
  my_allocator::allocate    24 byte
map insert end
map insert start
  my_allocator::allocate    24 byte
map insert end
map insert start
  my_allocator::allocate    24 byte
map insert end
map insert start
  my_allocator::allocate    24 byte
map insert end
map dtor starts
  my_allocator::deallocate  24 byte
  my_allocator::deallocate  24 byte
  my_allocator::deallocate  24 byte
  my_allocator::deallocate  24 byte
  my_allocator::deallocate  24 byte
  my_allocator::deallocate  24 byte

STLPort 5.2。用VC8编译的输出

my_string ctor start
my_string ctor end
my_string add 3 chars
my_string add a huge number of chars chars
  my_allocator::allocate    115 byte
my_string copy
  my_allocator::allocate    115 byte
my_string copy on write test
my_string dtors start
  my_allocator::deallocate  115 byte
  my_allocator::deallocate  115 byte

vector ctor start
vector ctor end
  my_allocator::allocate     4 byte
  my_allocator::deallocate   0 byte
  my_allocator::allocate     8 byte
  my_allocator::deallocate   4 byte
  my_allocator::allocate    16 byte
  my_allocator::deallocate   8 byte
  my_allocator::allocate    32 byte
  my_allocator::deallocate  16 byte
vector dtor starts
  my_allocator::deallocate  32 byte

deque ctor start
  my_allocator::allocate    32 byte
  my_allocator::allocate    128 byte
deque ctor end
deque insert start
deque insert end
deque insert start
deque insert end
deque insert start
deque insert end
deque insert start
deque insert end
deque insert start
deque insert end
deque dtor starts
  my_allocator::deallocate  128 byte
  my_allocator::deallocate  32 byte

list ctor start
list ctor end
list insert start
  my_allocator::allocate    12 byte
list insert end
list insert start
  my_allocator::allocate    12 byte
list insert end
list insert start
  my_allocator::allocate    12 byte
list insert end
list insert start
  my_allocator::allocate    12 byte
list insert end
list insert start
  my_allocator::allocate    12 byte
list insert end
list dtor starts
  my_allocator::deallocate  12 byte
  my_allocator::deallocate  12 byte
  my_allocator::deallocate  12 byte
  my_allocator::deallocate  12 byte
  my_allocator::deallocate  12 byte

map ctor start
map ctor end
map insert start
  my_allocator::allocate    24 byte
map insert end
map insert start
  my_allocator::allocate    24 byte
map insert end
map insert start
  my_allocator::allocate    24 byte
map insert end
map insert start
  my_allocator::allocate    24 byte
map insert end
map insert start
  my_allocator::allocate    24 byte
map insert end
map dtor starts
  my_allocator::deallocate  24 byte
  my_allocator::deallocate  24 byte
  my_allocator::deallocate  24 byte
  my_allocator::deallocate  24 byte
  my_allocator::deallocate  24 byte


my_string ctor start
my_string ctor end
my_string add 3 chars
  my_allocator::allocate     9 byte
my_string add a huge number of chars chars
  my_allocator::allocate    115 byte
  my_allocator::deallocate   9 byte
my_string copy
  my_allocator::allocate    115 byte
my_string copy on write test
my_string dtors start
  my_allocator::deallocate  115 byte
  my_allocator::deallocate  115 byte

vector ctor start
vector ctor end
  my_allocator::allocate     4 byte
  my_allocator::allocate     8 byte
  my_allocator::deallocate   4 byte
  my_allocator::allocate    16 byte
  my_allocator::deallocate   8 byte
  my_allocator::allocate    32 byte
  my_allocator::deallocate  16 byte
vector dtor starts
  my_allocator::deallocate  32 byte

list ctor start
list ctor end
list insert start
  my_allocator::allocate    12 byte
list insert end
list insert start
  my_allocator::allocate    12 byte
list insert end
list insert start
  my_allocator::allocate    12 byte
list insert end
list insert start
  my_allocator::allocate    12 byte
list insert end
list insert start
  my_allocator::allocate    12 byte
list insert end
list dtor starts
  my_allocator::deallocate  12 byte
  my_allocator::deallocate  12 byte
  my_allocator::deallocate  12 byte
  my_allocator::deallocate  12 byte
  my_allocator::deallocate  12 byte

map ctor start
map ctor end
map insert start
  my_allocator::allocate    24 byte
map insert end
map insert start
  my_allocator::allocate    24 byte
map insert end
map insert start
  my_allocator::allocate    24 byte
map insert end
map insert start
  my_allocator::allocate    24 byte
map insert end
map insert start
  my_allocator::allocate    24 byte
map insert end
map dtor starts
  my_allocator::deallocate  24 byte
  my_allocator::deallocate  24 byte
  my_allocator::deallocate  24 byte
  my_allocator::deallocate  24 byte
  my_allocator::deallocate  24 byte


Maik Semder 2011年

“开销”是指结构及其所有关联迭代器的空实例的大小,以及更复杂的实例如何处理分配-例如std :: list一次内部分配多个节点,还是我?支付每个节点的基本分配成本等?


Maik Semder 2011年


std::string不会在写入时进行复制。CoW曾经是一种优化,但是一旦有多个线程进入画面,它就不会过于悲观了-它可能会因大量因素而减慢代码速度。太糟糕了,以致C ++ 0x Standard积极禁止它作为实施策略。不仅如此,而且允许std::string抛出可变的迭代器和字符引用还意味着“写”为std::string几乎需要执行所有操作。

我认为,短字符串优化大约在6个字符左右,或者在该区域内。不允许使用绳索- std::string必须为绳索存储连续的内存c_str()功能。从技术上讲,您可以将连续的绳子和绳子放在同一个类中,但没人能做到。而且,据我所知,使绳索具有线程安全性是非常慢的,可能比CoW还要糟。

没有容器通过在现代STL中声明来进行内存分配。像list和map这样的基于节点的容器曾经这样做,但是现在它们具有嵌入式最终优化,不需要它。通常会执行一个称为“ swaptimization”的优化,在该优化中您与一个空容器交换。考虑:

std::vector<std::string> MahFunction();
int main() {
    std::vector<std::string> MahVariable;

当然,在C ++ 0x中这是多余的,但是在C ++ 03中,当它被普遍使用时,如果MahVariable在声明时分配内存,那么它将降低有效性。我知道这样一个事实,即它用于更快地重新分配容器,例如vector在MSVC9 STL中,这消除了复制元素的需要。



“很糟糕,C ++ 0x标准积极禁止将其作为实施策略。” 并且他们禁止使用它,因为以前的实现曾经使用过或试图使用它。您显然生活在一个每个人都一直在使用最新的最佳实现的STL的世界中。这个答案根本没有帮助。

我也很好奇,您认为std :: deque的哪些属性会阻止连续的基础存储-迭代器仅在开始/结束删除后才有效,而在中间或任何插入之后都无效,这可以通过向量轻松完成。而且使用循环缓冲区似乎可以满足所有算法上的保证-摊销O(1)在末尾插入和删除,O(n)在中间删除。







大多数C ++程序员不必太在意标准库结构的开销,它们的缓存性能(无论如何,它们都高度依赖于编译器)或此类事情。更不用说,您通常不会选择标准库的实现。您使用编译器附带的功能。因此,即使它做了一些不愉快的事情,替代方案的选择也是有限的。


因此,您只有一群根本不在乎的程序员。还有另一组程序员会关心他们是否在使用它,但是由于他们没有使用它,所以他们不在乎。由于没有人关心它,因此没有关于这种事情的真实信息。到处都有非正式的信息补丁(有效的C ++有一段关于std :: string实现以及它们之间的巨大差异的部分),但是没有什么全面的。当然也没有什么是最新的。


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