编译时分配大约16个MiB(只能确保100%保证),并使用“安全分配器”,其签名类似inline __attribute__((force_inline)) void* alloc(size_t size)
是一个GCC / mingw-w64
尝试,void* result = malloc(size)
),则终止游戏并显示MessageBox(NULL, "*game name* couldn't continue because of lack of free memory, but your world was safely saved. Try closing background applications and restarting the game", "*Game name*: out of memory", MB_ICONERROR)
__attribute__((force_inline)) void* alloc(size_t size) {
void* result = malloc(size); // Attempt to allocate normally
if (!result) { // If the allocation failed...
if (!reserveMemory) std::_Exit(); // If alloc() was called from forceFullSave() or reportOutOfMemory() and we again can't allocate, just quit, something is stealing all our memory. If we used the .bss approach, this wouldn't've been necessary.
free(reserveMemory); // Global variable, pointer to the reserve 16 MiB allocated on startup
forceFullSave(); // Saves the game
reportOutOfMemory(); // Platform specific error message box code
std::_Exit(); // Close silently
} else return result;
在void myHandler(void)
void newerrhandler() {
if (!reserveMemory) std::_Exit(); // If new was called from forceFullSave() or reportOutOfMemory() and we again can't allocate, just quit, something is stealing all our memory. If we used the .bss approach, this wouldn't've been necessary.
free(reserveMemory); // Global variable, pointer to the reserve 16 MiB allocated on startup
forceFullSave(); // Saves the game
reportOutOfMemory(); // Platform specific error message box code
std::_Exit(); // Close silently
// In main ()...