要使运动看起来平滑,有两点至关重要,第一点显然是您渲染的内容需要与向用户展示框架时的预期状态相匹配,其二是您需要向用户展示框架以相对固定的时间间隔。在T + 10ms处呈现一个帧,然后在T + 30ms处呈现一个帧,然后在T + 40ms处呈现一个帧,即使模拟显示的是正确的,对用户来说也似乎正在颤抖。
previousTime = currentTime = 0.0;
renderInterval = 1.0 / 60.0; //A nice high starting interval
subFrameProportion = 1.0; //100% currentFrame, 0% previousFrame
while (true)
frameStart = ActualTime();
//Render the world state as if it was some proportion
// between previousTime and currentTime
// E.g. if subFrameProportion is 0.5, previousTime is 0.1 and
// currentTime is 0.2, then we actually want to render the state
// as it would be at time 0.15. We'd do that by interpolating
// between movingObject.previousPosition and movingObject.currentPosition
// with a lerp parameter of 0.5
//Check we've not taken too long and missed our render interval
frameTime = ActualTime() - frameStart;
if (frameTime > renderInterval)
renderInterval = frameTime * 1.2f; //Give us a more reasonable render interval that we actually have a chance of hitting
expectedFrameEnd = frameStart + renderInterval;
//Loop until it's time to render the next frame
while (ActualTime() < expectedFrameEnd)
//step the simulation forward until it has moved just beyond the frame end
if (previousTime < expectedFrameEnd) &&
currentTime >= expectedFrameEnd)
previousTime = currentTime;
currentTime += fixedTimeStep;
//After the update, all objects will be in the position they should be for
// currentTime, **but** they also need to remember where they were before,
// so that the rendering can draw them somewhere between previousTime and
// currentTime
//Check again we've not taken too long and missed our render interval
frameTime = ActualTime() - frameStart;
if (frameTime > renderInterval)
renderInterval = frameTime * 1.2f; //Give us a more reasonable render interval that we actually have a chance of hitting
expectedFrameEnd = frameStart + renderInterval
//We've brought the simulation to just after the next time
// we expect to render, so we just want to wait.
// Ideally sleep or spin in a tight loop while waiting.
timeTillFrameEnd = expectedFrameEnd - ActualTime();
//How far between update timesteps (i.e. previousTime and currentTime)
// will we be at the end of the frame when we start the next render?
subFrameProportion = (expectedFrameEnd - previousTime) / (currentTime - previousTime);
class MovingObject
Vector velocity;
Vector previousPosition;
Vector currentPosition;
Initialise(startPosition, startVelocity)
currentPosition = startPosition; // position at time 0
velocity = startVelocity;
//ignore previousPosition because we should never render before time 0
previousPosition = currentPosition;
currentPosition += velocity * fixedTimeStep;
Vector actualPosition =
Lerp(previousPosition, currentPosition, subFrameProportion);
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
R0 U5 U10 U15 U20 W16 R16 U25 U30 U35 W32 R32
- 首先我们在时间0初始化(所以currentTime = 0)
- 我们以1.0(100%currentTime)的比例进行渲染,它将在时间0绘制世界
- 完成后,实际时间是3,并且我们不希望帧结束到16,所以我们需要运行一些更新
- T + 3:我们从0更新到5(因此之后currentTime = 5,previousTime = 0)
- T + 4:仍在帧结束之前,所以我们从5更新为10
- T + 5:仍在帧结束之前,所以我们从10更新到15
- T + 6:仍在帧结束之前,所以我们从15更新为20
- T + 7:仍在帧结束之前,但是currentTime刚好在帧结束之后。我们不想再进行任何模拟,因为这样做会使我们超出下一次要渲染的时间。相反,我们静静地等待下一个渲染间隔(16)
- T + 16:是时候再次渲染了。previousTime是15,currentTime是20。因此,如果我们要在T + 16进行渲染,则距离5ms长的时间步长为1ms。因此,我们是整个框架的20%(比例= 0.2)。渲染时,我们在对象的先前位置和当前位置之间以20%的方式绘制对象。
- 循环回到3.并无限期继续。