我正在进行一个环境流行病学项目,该项目中我有接触点(约2000头工业猪操作-IHO)。这些IHO喷洒在附近的田地上,但粪便中的水滴和气味可能传播数英里。因此,这些点曝光获得了3mi的缓冲区,我想知道每个NC人口普查区块的IHO曝光数量(各种-粪便量,猪的数量之和;最简单的,只是重叠曝光缓冲区的数量) (〜200,000)。排除人口普查区(蓝色)是(1)在人口最多的前5个城市中的任何事物,以及(2)不与县内有IHO接壤的县(注:这是使用gRelate函数和DE-9IM代码完成的-非常光滑!)。见下图可见
到目前为止,我在sp程序包中使用%over%函数已经过得很愉快,但是从过分的插图中了解到poly-poly和poly-line over是在rgeos中实现的。该小插图仅涵盖线型多边形和自引用多边形,而不涉及聚合,因此,对于具有函数聚合(例如求和或均值)的多边形的选择,我有些困惑。
download.file("http://thematicmapping.org/downloads/TM_WORLD_BORDERS_SIMPL-0.3.zip", destfile="world.zip")
world.map = readOGR(dsn=".", "TM_WORLD_BORDERS_SIMPL-0.3", stringsAsFactors = F)
orig.world.map = world.map #hold the object, since I'm going to mess with it.
#Let's create 500 random lat/long points with a single value in the data frame: the number 1
lat.v = runif(n, -90, 90)
lon.v = runif(n, -180, 180)
coords.df = data.frame(lon.v, lat.v)
val.v = data.frame(rep(1,n))
names(val.v) = c("val")
names(coords.df) = c("lon", "lat")
points.spdf = SpatialPointsDataFrame(coords=coords.df, proj4string=CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"), data=val.v)
points.spdf = spTransform(points.spdf, CRS(proj4string(world.map)))
plot(world.map, main="World map and points") #replot the map
plot(points.spdf, col="red", pch=20, cex=1, add=T) #...and add points.
#Let's use over with the point data
join.df = over(geometry(world.map), points.spdf, fn=sum)
plot(world.map, main="World with sum of points, 750mi buffers") #Note - happens to be the count of points, but only b/c val=1.
plot(points.spdf, col="red", pch=20, cex=1, add=T) #...and add points.
world.map@data = data.frame(c(world.map@data, join.df))
#world.map@data = data.frame(c(world.map@data, over(world.map, points.spdf, fun="sum")))
invisible(text(getSpPPolygonsLabptSlots(world.map), labels=as.character(world.map$val), cex=1))
#Note I don't love making labels like above, and am open to better ways... plus I think it's deprecated/ing
#Now buffer...
pointbuff.spdf = gBuffer(spTransform(points.spdf, CRS("+init=EPSG:3358")), width=c(750*1609.344), byid=T)
pointbuff.spdf = spTransform(pointbuff.spdf, world.map@proj4string)
plot(pointbuff.spdf, col=NA, border="pink", add=T)
#Now over with the buffer (poly %over% poly). How do I do this?
world.map = orig.world.map
join.df = data.frame(unname(over(geometry(world.map), pointbuff.spdf, fn=sum, returnList = F)) ) #Seems I need to unname this...?
names(join.df) = c("val")
world.map@data = data.frame(c(world.map@data, join.df)) #If I don't mess with the join.df, world.map's df is a mess..
plot(world.map, main="World map, points, buffers...and a mess of wrong counts") #replot the map
plot(points.spdf, col="red", pch=20, cex=1, add=T) #...and add points.
plot(pointbuff.spdf, col=NA, border="pink", add=T)
invisible(text(getSpPPolygonsLabptSlots(world.map), labels=as.character(world.map$val), cex=1))
#^ But if I do strip it of labels, it seems to be misassigning the results?
# Australia should now show 4 instead of 3. I'm obviously super confused, probably about the structure of over poly-poly returns. Help?