让我们开始观察,在(完全圆形)球形模型中,总会有一个解 -实际上,只有两个解。给定基点A,B和C,每对确定其“垂直二等分线”,这是与两个给定点等距的点集。该等分线是一个测地线(大圆)。球形几何形状是椭圆形的:任意两个测地线相交(在两个唯一的点)。因此,根据定义,AB的平分线与BC的平分线的交点与A,B和C等距,从而解决了这个问题。(请参见下面的第一个图。)
椭球上的事物看起来更复杂,但是由于它是球体的微小扰动,因此我们可以期待类似的行为。(对此进行分析会使我们走得太远了。)(在GIS内部)用于计算椭球上精确距离的复杂公式并不是概念上的复杂问题:问题基本上是相同的。 要了解问题的实质有多简单,让我们对其进行抽象描述。在此陈述中,“ d(U,V)”是指点U和V之间的真实,完全准确的距离。
给定一个椭球上的三个点A,B,C(作为纬线对),找到一个点X,其中(1)d(X,A)= d(X,B)= d(X,C)和( 2)该公共距离尽可能小。
这三个距离都依赖于未知的X。因此,该差异在距离U(X)= d(X,A) - d(X,B)和V(X)= d(X,B) - d(X,C)是X的实值函数再次,有些抽象,我们可以将这些差异组装成有序对。我们还将使用(lat,lon)作为X的坐标,使我们也可以将其视为有序对,例如X =(phi,lambda)。在此设置中,该功能
这是抽象的回报: 存在许多出色的软件来解决此(纯数字多维根查找)问题。 它的工作方式是编写一个例程来计算F,然后将其连同有关其输入限制的任何信息一起传递给软件(phi必须在-90到90度之间,lambda必须在-180到180之间度)。如果它能找到一个值,它就会急转一秒,然后(通常)仅返回(phi,lambda)的一个值。
有很多细节要处理,因为这是一门艺术:根据F的 “行为”,有多种解决方法可供选择。通过提供合理的搜索起点来帮助“引导”软件(这是我们可以获得最接近的解决方案的一种方法,而不是其他任何一种解决方案);并且您通常需要指定解决方案的精确度(以便知道何时停止搜索)。(有关GIS分析人员需要了解的哪些细节的更多信息,这些细节在GIS问题中经常出现,请访问“ 推荐主题”,该主题将包含在“地理空间技术计算机科学”课程中,并在末尾的“其他”部分中查找。) )
对于这个有效的原型,我使用了Mathematica 8。
sphericalMean[points_] := Module[{sToC, cToS, cMean},
sToC[{f_, l_}] := {Cos[f] Cos[l], Cos[f] Sin[l], Sin[f]};
cToS[{x_, y_, z_}] := {ArcTan[x, y], ArcTan[Norm[{x, y}], z]};
cMean = Mean[sToC /@ (points Degree)];
If[Norm[Most@cMean] < 10^(-8), Mean[points], cToS[cMean]] / Degree
条件测试平均值是否可能无法清楚地表明经度;如果是这样,则平均值会回落到其输入的纬度和经度的直线算术平均值-可能不是一个很好的选择,但至少是一个有效的选择。对于那些使用此代码作为实现指导的人,请注意,与大多数其他实现相比,Mathematica的 参数ArcTan
是相反的:其第一个参数是x坐标,第二个参数是y坐标,并且它返回由向量形成的角度( x,y)。)
tri[a_, b_, c_] := Block[{d = sphericalMean[{a, b, c}], sol, f, q},
sol = FindRoot[{GeoDistance[{Mod[f, 180, -90], Mod[q, 360, -180]}, a] ==
GeoDistance[{Mod[f, 180, -90], Mod[q, 360, -180]}, b] ==
GeoDistance[{Mod[f, 180, -90], Mod[q, 360, -180]}, c]},
{{f, d[[1]]}, {q, d[[2]]}},
MaxIterations -> 1000, AccuracyGoal -> Infinity, PrecisionGoal -> 8];
{Mod[f, 180, -90], Mod[q, 360, -180]} /. sol
sol = tri @@ (bases = {{-6.28530175, 106.9004975375}, {-6.28955287, 106.89573839}, {-6.28388865789474, 106.908087643421}})
为了测试此实现并更好地理解问题的表现,这是三个距离较远的基点的距离均方根差异的等高线图。(RMS差异通过计算所有三个差异d(X,A)-d(X,B),d(X,B)-d(X,C)和d(X,C)-d(X ,A),取其平方的平均值,然后取平方根。当X解决问题时,它等于零;否则,当X离开解决方案而增加时,该值等于0,从而衡量我们在任何位置成为解决方案的“接近度”。 )
基数(60,-120),(10,-40)和(45,10)在此Plate Carree投影中以红色显示;解决方案(49.2644488,-49.9052992)为黄色,需要0.03秒才能计算出来。尽管所有相关距离均为数千公里,但其RMS差异小于3 纳米。深色区域显示的是RMS值较小,而浅色区域显示的是较高值。
开始,得出解(11.8213,77.745 )。它到基点的距离是8,127,964.998 77; 8,127,964.998 41; 和8,127,964.998 65米。他们同意最接近的毫米!我不确定这个结果可能有多精确,但是如果其他实现返回的位置离此距离很远,则显示出三个距离几乎相等,就不会感到惊讶。
Python是ArcGIS(从版本9开始)的首选脚本环境。该scipy.optimize包有一个多元rootfinder root
我无法直接帮助您使用ArcGIS。您可以从https://pypi.python.org/pypi/geographiclib中获取我的python软件包来进行测地线计算, 并基于此对投影进行编码很简单。
Cayley在《关于扁球体上的测地线上,Phil。》中考虑了在@whuber退化的情况下(45 + eps,0)(45,0)(45-eps,0)找到三点的问题。魔术师 (1870), http://books.google.com/books?id = 4XGIOoCMYYAC&pg = PA15
在这种情况下,可以通过跟随(45,0)的测地线和方位角90并找到测地线刻度消失的点来获得三点。对于WGS84椭球,此点为(-0.10690908732248,89.89291072793167)。从该点到(45.001,0),(45,0)和(44.999)的距离为10010287.665788943 m(在一个纳米左右)。这比whuber的估计大约要多1882公里(这只是说明这种情况的不稳定程度)。对于球形地球,三点当然是(0,90)或(0,-90)。
function [lat, lon] = tripoint(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, lat3, lon3)
% Compute point equidistant from arguments
% Requires:
% http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/39108
% http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/39366
lats = [lat1, lat2, lat3];
lons = [lon1, lon2, lon3];
lat0 = lat1; lon0 = lon1; % feeble guess for tri point
for i = 1:6
[x, y] = eqdazim_fwd(lat0, lon0, lats, lons);
a = [x(1), y(1), 0];
b = [x(2), y(2), 0];
c = [x(3), y(3), 0];
z = [0, 0, 1];
% Eq. (97) of http://arxiv.org/abs/1102.1215
o = cross((a*a') * (b - c) + (b*b') * (c - a) + (c*c') * (a - b), z) ...
/ (2 * dot(cross(a - b, b - c), z));
[lat0, lon0] = eqdazim_inv(lat0, lon0, o(1), o(2))
% optional check
s12 = geoddistance(lat0, lon0, lats, lons); ds12 = max(s12) - min(s12)
lat = lat0; lon = lon0;
八度:1>格式长 八度:2> [lat0,lon0] = tripoint(41,-74,36,140,-41,175) lat0 = 15.4151378380375 lon0 = -162.479314381144 lat0 = 15.9969703299812 lon0 = -147.046790722192 lat0 = 16.2232960167545 lon0 = -147.157646039471 lat0 = 16.2233394851560 lon0 = -147.157748279290 lat0 = 16.2233394851809 lon0 = -147.157748279312 lat0 = 16.2233394851809 lon0 = -147.157748279312 ds12 = 3.72529029846191e-09 lat0 = 16.2233394851809 lon0 = -147.157748279312
对于相邻的共线点,例如[45.001,0],[45,0],[44.999,0],此方法不准确。在这种情况下,应该在方位角90处从[45,0]发出的测地线上求解M 12 =0。以下函数可以解决问题(使用牛顿方法):
function [lat2,lon2] = semiconj(lat1, lon1, azi1)
% Find the point where neighboring parallel geodesics emanating from
% close to [lat1, lon1] with azimuth azi1 intersect.
% First guess is 90 deg on aux sphere
[lat2, lon2, ~, ~, m12, M12, M21, s12] = ...
geodreckon(lat1, lon1, 90, azi1, defaultellipsoid(), true);
% dM12/ds2 = - (1 - M12*M21/m12)
for i = 1:3
s12 = s12 - M12 / ( -(1 - M12*M21)/m12 ); % Newton
[lat2, lon2, ~, ~, m12, M12, M21] = geodreckon(lat1, lon1, s12, azi1);
[lat2,lon2] = semiconj(45,0,90) M12 = 0.00262997817649321 M12 = -6.08402492665097e-09 M12 = 4.38017677684144e-17 M12 = 4.38017677684144e-17 lat2 = -0.106909087322479 lon2 = 89.8929107279317
0 longitude: 0 latitude: 90
Distances: 3134.05443974188 2844.67237777542 3234.33025754997
Diffs: 289.382061966458 -389.657879774548 -100.27581780809
1 longitude: 106.906152157596 latitude: -6.31307123035178
Distances: 1450.23208989615 1450.23208089398 1450.23209429293
Diffs: 9.00216559784894E-06 -1.33989510686661E-05 -4.39678547081712E-06
2 longitude: 106.906583669013 latitude: -6.29691590176649
Distances: 1450.23206976414 1450.23206976408 1450.23206976433
Diffs: 6.18456397205591E-11 -2.47382558882236E-10 -1.85536919161677E-10
3 longitude: 106.906583669041 latitude: -6.29691590154641
Distances: 1450.23206976438 1450.23206976423 1450.23206976459
Diffs: 1.47565515362658E-10 -3.61751517630182E-10 -2.14186002267525E-10
4 longitude: 106.906583669041 latitude: -6.29691590154641
Distances: 1450.23206976438 1450.23206976423 1450.23206976459
Diffs: 1.47565515362658E-10 -3.61751517630182E-10 -2.14186002267525E-10
public static void Test()
var t = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("esriGeometry.SpatialReferenceEnvironment");
var srf = Activator.CreateInstance(t) as ISpatialReferenceFactory2;
var pcs = srf.CreateProjectedCoordinateSystem((int)esriSRProjCSType.esriSRProjCS_WGS1984N_PoleAziEqui)
as IProjectedCoordinateSystem2;
var pntA = MakePoint(106.9004975375, -6.28530175, pcs.GeographicCoordinateSystem);
var pntB = MakePoint(106.89573839, -6.28955287, pcs.GeographicCoordinateSystem);
var pntC = MakePoint(106.908087643421, -6.28388865789474, pcs.GeographicCoordinateSystem);
int maxIter = 5;
for (int i = 0; i < maxIter; i++)
var msg = string.Format("{0} longitude: {1} latitude: {2}", i, pcs.get_CentralMeridian(true), pcs.LatitudeOfOrigin);
var newCenter = FindCircleCenter(ProjectClone(pntA, pcs), ProjectClone(pntB, pcs), ProjectClone(pntC, pcs));
newCenter.Project(pcs.GeographicCoordinateSystem); // unproject
var distA = GetGeodesicDistance(newCenter, pntA);
var distB = GetGeodesicDistance(newCenter, pntB);
var distC = GetGeodesicDistance(newCenter, pntC);
Debug.Print("\tDistances: {0} {1} {2}", distA, distB, distC);
var diffAB = distA - distB;
var diffBC = distB - distC;
var diffAC = distA - distC;
Debug.Print("\tDiffs: {0} {1} {2}", diffAB, diffBC, diffAC);
pcs.set_CentralMeridian(true, newCenter.X);
pcs.LatitudeOfOrigin = newCenter.Y;
public static IPoint FindCircleCenter(IPoint a, IPoint b, IPoint c)
// from http://blog.csharphelper.com/2011/11/08/draw-a-circle-through-three-points-in-c.aspx
// Get the perpendicular bisector of (x1, y1) and (x2, y2).
var x1 = (b.X + a.X) / 2;
var y1 = (b.Y + a.Y) / 2;
var dy1 = b.X - a.X;
var dx1 = -(b.Y - a.Y);
// Get the perpendicular bisector of (x2, y2) and (x3, y3).
var x2 = (c.X + b.X) / 2;
var y2 = (c.Y + b.Y) / 2;
var dy2 = c.X - b.X;
var dx2 = -(c.Y - b.Y);
// See where the lines intersect.
var cx = (y1 * dx1 * dx2 + x2 * dx1 * dy2 - x1 * dy1 * dx2 - y2 * dx1 * dx2)
/ (dx1 * dy2 - dy1 * dx2);
var cy = (cx - x1) * dy1 / dx1 + y1;
// make sure the intersection point falls
// within the projection.
var earthRadius = ((IProjectedCoordinateSystem)a.SpatialReference).GeographicCoordinateSystem.Datum.Spheroid.SemiMinorAxis;
// distance is from center of projection
var dist = Math.Sqrt((cx * cx) + (cy * cy));
double factor = 1.0;
if (dist > earthRadius * Math.PI)
// apply a factor so we don't fall off the edge
// of the projection
factor = earthRadius / dist;
var outPoint = new PointClass() as IPoint;
outPoint.PutCoords(cx * factor, cy* factor);
outPoint.SpatialReference = a.SpatialReference;
return outPoint;
public static double GetGeodesicDistance(IPoint pnt1, IPoint pnt2)
var pc = new PolylineClass() as IPointCollection;
var gcs = pnt1.SpatialReference as IGeographicCoordinateSystem;
if (gcs == null)
throw new Exception("point does not have a gcs");
((IGeometry)pc).SpatialReference = gcs;
var t = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("esriGeometry.SpatialReferenceEnvironment");
var srf = Activator.CreateInstance(t) as ISpatialReferenceFactory2;
var unit = srf.CreateUnit((int)esriSRUnitType.esriSRUnit_Meter) as ILinearUnit;
var pcGeodetic = pc as IPolycurveGeodetic;
return pcGeodetic.get_LengthGeodetic(esriGeodeticType.esriGeodeticTypeGeodesic, unit);
public static IPoint ProjectClone(IPoint pnt, ISpatialReference sr)
var clone = ((IClone)pnt).Clone() as IPoint;
return clone;
public static IPoint MakePoint(double longitude, double latitude, ISpatialReference sr)
var pnt = new PointClass() as IPoint;
pnt.PutCoords(longitude, latitude);
pnt.SpatialReference = sr;
return pnt;
0 0
0 longitude: 0 latitude: 0
MaxDiff: 1859074.90170379 Distances: 13541157.6493561 11682082.7476523 11863320.2116807
1 longitude: 43.5318402621384 latitude: -17.1167429904981
MaxDiff: 21796.9793742411 Distances: 12584188.7592282 12588146.4851222 12566349.505748
2 longitude: 32.8331167578493 latitude: -16.2707976739314
MaxDiff: 6.05585224926472 Distances: 12577536.3369782 12577541.3560203 12577542.3928305
3 longitude: 32.8623898057665 latitude: -16.1374156408507
MaxDiff: 5.58793544769287E-07 Distances: 12577539.6118671 12577539.6118666 12577539.6118669
4 longitude: -147.137582018133 latitude: 16.1374288796667
MaxDiff: 1.12284109462053 Distances: 7441375.08265703 7441376.12671342 7441376.20549812
5 longitude: -147.157742373074 latitude: 16.2233413614432
MaxDiff: 7.45058059692383E-09 Distances: 7441375.70752843 7441375.70752842 7441375.70752842
5 longitude: -147.157742373074 latitude: 16.2233413614432 Distance 7441375.70752843
iterations: 5
class Program
private static LicenseInitializer m_AOLicenseInitializer = new tripoint.LicenseInitializer();
static void Main(string[] args)
//ESRI License Initializer generated code.
m_AOLicenseInitializer.InitializeApplication(new esriLicenseProductCode[] { esriLicenseProductCode.esriLicenseProductCodeStandard },
new esriLicenseExtensionCode[] { });
var t = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("esriGeometry.SpatialReferenceEnvironment");
var srf = Activator.CreateInstance(t) as ISpatialReferenceFactory2;
var pcs = srf.CreateProjectedCoordinateSystem((int)esriSRProjCSType.esriSRProjCS_World_AzimuthalEquidistant)
as IProjectedCoordinateSystem2;
Debug.Print("{0} {1}", pcs.get_CentralMeridian(true), pcs.LatitudeOfOrigin);
int max = int.MinValue;
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
var iterations = Test(pcs);
max = Math.Max(max, iterations);
Debug.Print("iterations: {0}", iterations);
Debug.Print("max number of iterations: {0}", max);
catch (Exception ex)
//ESRI License Initializer generated code.
//Do not make any call to ArcObjects after ShutDownApplication()
public static int Test(IProjectedCoordinateSystem2 pcs)
var pntA = MakePoint(-74.0, 41.0, pcs.GeographicCoordinateSystem);
var pntB = MakePoint(140.0, 36.0, pcs.GeographicCoordinateSystem);
var pntC = MakePoint(175.0, -41.0, pcs.GeographicCoordinateSystem);
//var r = new Random();
//var pntA = MakeRandomPoint(r, pcs.GeographicCoordinateSystem);
//var pntB = MakeRandomPoint(r, pcs.GeographicCoordinateSystem);
//var pntC = MakeRandomPoint(r, pcs.GeographicCoordinateSystem);
int maxIterations = 100;
for (int i = 0; i < maxIterations; i++)
var msg = string.Format("{0} longitude: {1} latitude: {2}", i, pcs.get_CentralMeridian(true), pcs.LatitudeOfOrigin);
var newCenter = FindCircleCenter(ProjectClone(pntA, pcs), ProjectClone(pntB, pcs), ProjectClone(pntC, pcs));
var c = ((IClone)newCenter).Clone() as IPoint;
newCenter.Project(pcs.GeographicCoordinateSystem); // unproject
//newCenter = MakePoint(-147.1577482, 16.2233394, pcs.GeographicCoordinateSystem);
var distA = GetGeodesicDistance(newCenter, pntA);
var distB = GetGeodesicDistance(newCenter, pntB);
var distC = GetGeodesicDistance(newCenter, pntC);
var diffAB = Math.Abs(distA - distB);
var diffBC = Math.Abs(distB - distC);
var diffAC = Math.Abs(distA - distC);
var maxDiff = GetMax(new double[] {diffAB,diffAC,diffBC});
Debug.Print("\tMaxDiff: {0} Distances: {1} {2} {3}",maxDiff, distA, distB, distC);
if (maxDiff < 0.000001)
var earthRadius = pcs.GeographicCoordinateSystem.Datum.Spheroid.SemiMinorAxis;
if (distA > earthRadius * Math.PI / 2.0)
newCenter = AntiPode(newCenter);
Debug.Print("{0} longitude: {1} latitude: {2} Distance {3}", i, pcs.get_CentralMeridian(true), pcs.LatitudeOfOrigin, distA);
return i;
//Debug.Print("\tDiffs: {0} {1} {2}", diffAB, diffBC, diffAC);
pcs.set_CentralMeridian(true, newCenter.X);
pcs.LatitudeOfOrigin = newCenter.Y;
return maxIterations;
public static IPoint FindCircleCenter(IPoint a, IPoint b, IPoint c)
// from http://blog.csharphelper.com/2011/11/08/draw-a-circle-through-three-points-in-c.aspx
// Get the perpendicular bisector of (x1, y1) and (x2, y2).
var x1 = (b.X + a.X) / 2;
var y1 = (b.Y + a.Y) / 2;
var dy1 = b.X - a.X;
var dx1 = -(b.Y - a.Y);
// Get the perpendicular bisector of (x2, y2) and (x3, y3).
var x2 = (c.X + b.X) / 2;
var y2 = (c.Y + b.Y) / 2;
var dy2 = c.X - b.X;
var dx2 = -(c.Y - b.Y);
// See where the lines intersect.
var cx = (y1 * dx1 * dx2 + x2 * dx1 * dy2 - x1 * dy1 * dx2 - y2 * dx1 * dx2)
/ (dx1 * dy2 - dy1 * dx2);
var cy = (cx - x1) * dy1 / dx1 + y1;
// make sure the intersection point falls
// within the projection.
var earthRadius = ((IProjectedCoordinateSystem)a.SpatialReference).GeographicCoordinateSystem.Datum.Spheroid.SemiMinorAxis;
// distance is from center of projection
var dist = Math.Sqrt((cx * cx) + (cy * cy));
double factor = 1.0;
if (dist > earthRadius * Math.PI)
// apply a factor so we don't fall off the edge
// of the projection
factor = earthRadius / dist;
var outPoint = new PointClass() as IPoint;
outPoint.PutCoords(cx * factor, cy* factor);
outPoint.SpatialReference = a.SpatialReference;
return outPoint;
public static IPoint AntiPode(IPoint pnt)
if (!(pnt.SpatialReference is IGeographicCoordinateSystem))
throw new Exception("antipode of non-gcs projection not supported");
var outPnt = new PointClass() as IPoint;
outPnt.SpatialReference = pnt.SpatialReference;
if (pnt.X < 0.0)
outPnt.X = 180.0 + pnt.X;
outPnt.X = pnt.X - 180.0;
outPnt.Y = -pnt.Y;
return outPnt;
public static IPoint MakeRandomPoint(Random r, IGeographicCoordinateSystem gcs)
var latitude = (r.NextDouble() - 0.5) * 180.0;
var longitude = (r.NextDouble() - 0.5) * 360.0;
//Debug.Print("{0} {1}", latitude, longitude);
return MakePoint(longitude, latitude, gcs);
public static double GetMax(double[] dbls)
var max = double.MinValue;
foreach (var d in dbls)
if (d > max)
max = d;
return max;
public static IPoint MakePoint(IPoint[] pnts)
double sumx = 0.0;
double sumy = 0.0;
foreach (var pnt in pnts)
sumx += pnt.X;
sumy += pnt.Y;
return MakePoint(sumx / pnts.Length, sumy / pnts.Length, pnts[0].SpatialReference);
public static double GetGeodesicDistance(IPoint pnt1, IPoint pnt2)
var pc = new PolylineClass() as IPointCollection;
var gcs = pnt1.SpatialReference as IGeographicCoordinateSystem;
if (gcs == null)
throw new Exception("point does not have a gcs");
((IGeometry)pc).SpatialReference = gcs;
var t = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("esriGeometry.SpatialReferenceEnvironment");
var srf = Activator.CreateInstance(t) as ISpatialReferenceFactory2;
var unit = srf.CreateUnit((int)esriSRUnitType.esriSRUnit_Meter) as ILinearUnit;
var pcGeodetic = pc as IPolycurveGeodetic;
return pcGeodetic.get_LengthGeodetic(esriGeodeticType.esriGeodeticTypeGeodesic, unit);
public static IPoint ProjectClone(IPoint pnt, ISpatialReference sr)
var clone = ((IClone)pnt).Clone() as IPoint;
return clone;
public static IPoint MakePoint(double longitude, double latitude, ISpatialReference sr)
var pnt = new PointClass() as IPoint;
pnt.PutCoords(longitude, latitude);
pnt.SpatialReference = sr;
return pnt;
0 90
0 longitude: 0 latitude: 90
MaxDiff: 1275775.91880553 Distances: 8003451.67666723 7797996.2370572 6727675.7578617
1 longitude: -148.003774863594 latitude: 9.20238223616225
MaxDiff: 14487.6784785809 Distances: 7439006.46128994 7432752.45732905 7447240.13580763
2 longitude: -147.197808459106 latitude: 16.3073233548167
MaxDiff: 2.32572609744966 Distances: 7441374.94409209 7441377.26981819 7441375.90768183
3 longitude: -147.157734641831 latitude: 16.2233338760411
MaxDiff: 7.72997736930847E-08 Distances: 7441375.70752842 7441375.70752848 7441375.7075284
3 longitude: -147.157734641831 latitude: 16.2233338760411 Distance 7441375.70752842