




from qgis.core import *
import processing, os, gc

project_temp_dir = "C:/Path/To/My/Dir/"      
layer1_path = project_temp_dir + "layer1.shp"
layer2_path = project_temp_dir + "layer2.shp"
input_layer = QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().mapLayersByName('in_layer')[0]
if not input_layer.isValid(): raise Exception("Failed to grab input layer")

# Create layer 1
err = QgsVectorFileWriter.writeAsVectorFormat(input_layer, layer1_path, "utf-8", input_layer.crs())   
if err != QgsVectorFileWriter.NoError: raise Exception("Failed to write layer 1")

# Load layer 1
layer1 = QgsVectorLayer(layer1_path, "lyr1", "ogr")
if not layer1.isValid(): raise Exception("Failed to load layer 1")

# Use layer 1 to create layer 2, read-only makes no difference
# if not layer1.setReadOnly(): raise Exception("Could not set layer 1 to read-only")
processing.runalg("qgis:reprojectlayer", layer1, "EPSG:54030", layer2_path)

# Load layer 2
layer2 = QgsVectorLayer(layer2_path, "lyr2", "ogr")
if not layer2.isValid(): raise Exception("Failed to load layer 2")

del layer1
del layer2 
del input_layer
print "Garbage: " + str(gc.garbage) # Empty

# Remove data sources for layers - FAILS!!
for f in os.listdir(project_temp_dir):          
    if f.endswith(".shp") and not os.path.isdir(project_temp_dir + f):              
        if not QgsVectorFileWriter.deleteShapeFile(project_temp_dir + f):
            # F*%&ing locks. 
            print "Failed to clear project temp directory."

我发现,如果我使用QgsVectorFileWritercreate layer2而不是处理算法,它将起作用。如果尝试该qgis:clip算法,则会收到相同的错误。那么这是处理中的错误吗?我使用错了吗?




事实证明,如果将图层添加到地图注册表中,然后再次将其删除,则效果很好。地图注册表拥有该图层的所有权,因此,从注册表中删除该图层时,将释放锁。请注意,您必须将图层添加到图例(.addMapLayer(layer, addToLegend = False)无效)。


# ...

# Replace the following code (note: should do error checking on map registry functions):

# Load layer 1
layer1 = QgsVectorLayer(layer1_path, "lyr1", "ogr")
if not layer1.isValid(): raise Exception("Failed to load layer 1")
QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(layer1) #!!!!

# Use layer 1 to create layer 2  
processing.runalg("qgis:reprojectlayer", layer1, "EPSG:54030", layer2_path)

# Load layer 2
layer2 = QgsVectorLayer(layer2_path, "lyr2", "ogr")
if not layer2.isValid(): raise Exception("Failed to load layer 2")
QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(layer2) #!!!!

# Remove layer references
QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().removeMapLayer(layer1.id()) #!!!!
QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().removeMapLayer(layer2.id()) #!!!!

# Remove data sources for layers
for f in os.listdir(project_temp_dir):          
    if f.endswith(".shp") and not os.path.isdir(project_temp_dir + f):    
    # ...


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