

我有一家在Magento Enterprise Edition中运行的商店,想迁移到Community Edition,请您建议我该怎么做?





Yanted为此编写了出色的指南-> = 1.13中的某些EE功能实际上使升级比下面的内容要使您相信的痛苦要大得多。正如马里乌斯(Marius)在评论中指出的那样,由于在EE / CE之间对加密方法的处理方式不同,因此必须重置所有密码。


https://web.archive.org/web/20150208220803/ http://blog.yanted.com/2014/02/21/downgrading-magento-enterprise-to-community





  • 无法从管理面板访问客户属性
  • 客户群将消失
  • 目录活动,私人销售,邀请函等将消失
  • CE不支持CMS层次结构
  • CE不支持横幅
  • RMA-人们似乎总是忘记RMA(信息将驻留在db中)
  • 管理员日志信息将无法访问(仍驻留在数据库中)



  • 应用/代码/核心/企业
  • 应用/设计/前端/企业
  • 应用程序/设计/ adminhtml /默认/默认/布局/企业
  • 应用程序/设计/ adminhtml /默认/默认/模板/企业
  • 皮肤/ adminhtml /默认/企业
  • 皮肤/前端/企业
  • app / etc / modules / Enterprise _ *。xml
  • js /企业
  • LICENSE_EE.txt
  • LICENSE_EE.html

当然,您需要考虑真正的大问题:Full Page Cache。我强烈建议您找到一个不错的第三方全页缓存。




相反,我实际上遇到了问题。从CE升级到EE后。但它是EE 1.9。我必须更改加密模型以使密码在EE中保持有效。我不确定在更高版本上如何工作。

philwinkle 2014年

ProxiBlue 2015年



DELETE FROM core_config_data WHERE path LIKE '%enterprise%';
DELETE FROM admin_rule WHERE resource_id LIKE '%enterprise%';
DELETE FROM api_rule WHERE resource_id LIKE '%enterprise%';
DELETE FROM api_rule WHERE resource_id LIKE '%giftcard%';
DELETE FROM cron_schedule WHERE job_code LIKE '%enterprise%';
DELETE FROM core_resource WHERE code LIKE '%enterprise%';
DELETE FROM catalog_eav_attribute WHERE frontend_input_renderer LIKE '%enterprise%';
DELETE FROM cms_block WHERE identifier = 'catalog_events_lister';
DELETE FROM eav_entity_type WHERE entity_model LIKE '%enterprise%';
DELETE FROM eav_attribute WHERE source_model LIKE 'enterprise_%';
DELETE FROM eav_attribute WHERE backend_model LIKE 'enterprise_%';
DELETE FROM eav_attribute WHERE attribute_code IN ('gift_wrapping_available', 'gift_wrapping_price');


DELETE FROM widget_instance WHERE instance_type LIKE '%enterprise%';


DELETE FROM core_layout_update WHERE xml LIKE '%enterprise%';


TRUNCATE TABLE core_session;


UPDATE eav_attribute SET backend_model = 'catalog/product_attribute_backend_urlkey', backend_table = null WHERE attribute_code = 'url_key' AND entity_type_id = 4;


TRUNCATE TABLE core_url_rewrite;

别忘了在删除enterprise_ *表之后还要从表中删除触发器;

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_admin_passwords;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_banner_catalogrule;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_banner_content;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_banner_customersegment;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_banner_salesrule;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_banner;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_catalog_category_rewrite;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_catalog_product_rewrite;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_catalogevent_event_image;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_catalogevent_event;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_catalogpermissions;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_catalogpermissions_index;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_catalogpermissions_index_product;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_cms_hierarchy_lock;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_cms_hierarchy_metadata;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_cms_hierarchy_node;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_cms_increment;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_cms_page_revision;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_cms_page_version;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_customer_sales_flat_order;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_customer_sales_flat_order_address;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_customer_sales_flat_quote;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_customer_sales_flat_quote_address;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_customerbalance_history;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_customerbalance;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_customersegment_customer;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_customersegment_event;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_customersegment_website;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_giftcard_amount;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_giftcardaccount_history;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_giftcardaccount_pool;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_giftcardaccount;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_giftregistry_data;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_giftregistry_item_option;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_giftregistry_item;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_giftregistry_label;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_giftregistry_person;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_giftregistry_type_info;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_giftregistry_entity;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_giftregistry_type;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_giftwrapping_store_attributes;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_giftwrapping_website;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_giftwrapping;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_index_multiplier;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_invitation_status_history;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_invitation_track;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_invitation;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_logging_event_changes;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_logging_event;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_mview_metadata_event;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_mview_subscriber;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_mview_event;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_mview_metadata;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_mview_metadata_group;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_reminder_rule_coupon;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_reminder_rule_log;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_reminder_rule_website;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_reminder_template;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_reminder_rule;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_reward_history;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_reward_rate;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_reward_salesrule;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_reward;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_rma_grid;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_rma_item_eav_attribute_website;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_rma_item_eav_attribute;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_rma_item_entity_datetime;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_rma_item_entity_decimal;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_rma_item_entity_int;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_rma_item_entity_text;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_rma_item_entity_varchar;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_rma_item_entity;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_rma_item_form_attribute;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_rma_shipping_label;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_rma_status_history;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_rma;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_sales_creditmemo_grid_archive;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_sales_invoice_grid_archive;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_sales_order_grid_archive;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_sales_shipment_grid_archive;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_scheduled_operations;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_staging_action;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_staging_item;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_staging_log;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_staging_product_unlinked;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_staging;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_targetrule_customersegment;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_targetrule_index_crosssell_product;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_targetrule_index_crosssell;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_targetrule_index_related_product;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_targetrule_index_related;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_targetrule_index_upsell_product;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_targetrule_index_upsell;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_targetrule_index;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_targetrule_product;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_targetrule;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_url_rewrite_category_cl;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_url_rewrite_product_cl;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_url_rewrite_redirect_cl;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_url_rewrite_redirect_rewrite;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_url_rewrite_redirect;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_url_rewrite;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS enterprise_customersegment_segment;

DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trg_catalog_category_entity_after_insert;
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trg_catalog_category_entity_after_update;
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trg_catalog_category_entity_after_delete;
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trg_catalog_category_entity_url_key_after_insert;
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trg_catalog_category_entity_url_key_after_update;
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trg_catalog_category_entity_url_key_after_delete;
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trg_catalog_product_entity_url_key_after_insert;
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trg_catalog_product_entity_url_key_after_delete;
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trg_catalog_product_entity_url_key_after_update;
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trg_catalog_eav_attribute_after_insert;
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trg_catalog_eav_attribute_after_update;
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trg_catalog_eav_attribute_after_delete;
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trg_core_config_data_after_insert;
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trg_core_config_data_after_update;
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trg_core_config_data_after_delete;
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trg_core_store_group_after_insert;
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trg_core_store_group_after_update;
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trg_core_store_group_after_delete;
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trg_core_store_after_insert;
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trg_core_store_after_delete;
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trg_core_store_after_update;
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trg_core_website_after_delete;
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trg_customer_group_after_insert;


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