def order(request):
if request.method=="GET":
# get the value from html page
cust_name = request.GET.get('cust_name', '')
cust_cont = request.GET.get('cust_cont', '')
pincode = request.GET.get('pincode', '')
city_name = request.GET.get('city_name', '')
state = request.GET.get('state', '')
contry = request.GET.get('contry', '')
gender = request.GET.get('gender', '')
paid_amt = request.GET.get('paid_amt', '')
due_amt = request.GET.get('due_amt', '')
order_date = request.GET.get('order_date', '')
prod_name = request.GET.getlist('prod_name[]', '')
prod_qty = request.GET.getlist('prod_qty[]', '')
prod_price = request.GET.getlist('prod_price[]', '')
# insert customer information into customer table
# Insert Data into customer table
cust_tab = Customer(customer_name=cust_name, customer_contact=cust_cont, gender=gender, city_name=city_name, pincode=pincode, state_name=state, contry_name=contry)
# Retrive Id from customer table
custo_id = Customer.objects.values_list('customer_id').last() #It is return Tuple as result from Queryset
custo_id = int(custo_id[0]) #It is convert the Tuple in INT
# Insert Data into Order table
order_tab = Orders(order_date=order_date, paid_amt=paid_amt, due_amt=due_amt, customer_id=custo_id)
# Insert Data into Products table
# insert multiple data at a one time from djanog using while loop
p_n = prod_name[i]
p_q = prod_qty[i]
p_p = prod_price[i]
# this is checking the variable, if variable is null so fill the varable value in database
if p_n != "" and p_q != "" and p_p != "":
prod_tab = Products(product_name=p_n, product_qty=p_q, product_price=p_p, customer_id=custo_id)
return HttpResponse('Your Record Has been Saved')
except Exception as e:
return HttpResponse(e)
return render(request, 'invoice_system/order.html')