我正在尝试使用C ++解析INI文件。关于实现此目标的最佳方法的任何技巧?我应该使用Windows API工具进行INI文件处理(我完全不熟悉),开放源代码解决方案还是尝试手动解析它?
我正在尝试使用C ++解析INI文件。关于实现此目标的最佳方法的任何技巧?我应该使用Windows API工具进行INI文件处理(我完全不熟悉),开放源代码解决方案还是尝试手动解析它?
您可以使用Windows API函数,例如GetPrivateProfileString()和GetPrivateProfileInt()。
http://www.codeproject.com/KB /files/config-file-parser.aspx
祝好运 :)
QSettings my_settings("filename.ini", QSettings::IniFormat);
my_settings.value("GroupName/ValueName", <<DEFAULT_VAL>>).toInt()
#include "SimpleIni\SimpleIni.h"
CSimpleIniA ini;
const char * pVal = ini.GetValue(section, entry, DefaultStr);
inih是一个用C编写的简单的ini解析器,它也带有C ++包装器。用法示例:
#include "INIReader.h"
INIReader reader("test.ini");
std::cout << "version="
<< reader.GetInteger("protocol", "version", -1) << ", name="
<< reader.Get("user", "name", "UNKNOWN") << ", active="
<< reader.GetBoolean("user", "active", true) << "\n";
也许答案很晚。但是,值得知道的选择。如果您需要跨平台的解决方案,那么绝对可以尝试GLIB,它很有趣。.(https://developer.gnome.org/glib/stable/glib- Key-value-file-parser.html)
我知道这个问题很老,但是我遇到了这个问题,因为我需要一些跨平台的Linux,win32 ...我在下面编写了函数,它是一个可以解析INI文件的函数,希望其他人会发现它有用。
规则和注意事项:要解析的buf必须是以NULL结尾的字符串。将您的ini文件加载到char数组字符串中,然后调用此函数进行解析。节名称必须在其周围带有[]括号,例如[MySection],并且值和节必须以一行开头且开头不能有空格。它将使用Windows \ r \ n或Linux \ n行尾来解析文件。注释应使用#或//,并从文件顶部开始,不得将注释与INI条目数据混合。在返回字符串的两端都删除了引号和刻度。仅当空格在引号之外时才修剪空格。字符串不需要带引号,并且如果缺少引号,则会修剪空格。您还可以提取数字或其他数据,例如,如果您有浮点数,只需在ret缓冲区上执行atof(ret)。
// -----note: no escape is nessesary for inner quotes or ticks-----
// -----------------------------example----------------------------
// [Entry2]
// Alignment = 1
// LightLvl=128
// Library = 5555
// StrValA = Inner "quoted" or 'quoted' strings are ok to use
// StrValB = "This a "quoted" or 'quoted' String Value"
// StrValC = 'This a "tick" or 'tick' String Value'
// StrValD = "Missing quote at end will still work
// StrValE = This is another "quote" example
// StrValF = " Spaces inside the quote are preserved "
// StrValG = This works too and spaces are trimmed away
// StrValH =
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
//12oClocker super lean and mean INI file parser (with section support)
//set section to 0 to disable section support
//returns TRUE if we were able to extract a string into ret value
//NextSection is a char* pointer, will be set to zero if no next section is found
//will be set to pointer of next section if it was found.
//use it like this... char* NextSection = 0; GrabIniValue(X,X,X,X,X,&NextSection);
//buf is data to parse, ret is the user supplied return buffer
BOOL GrabIniValue(char* buf, const char* section, const char* valname, char* ret, int retbuflen, char** NextSection)
if(!buf){*ret=0; return FALSE;}
char* s = buf; //search starts at "s" pointer
char* e = 0; //end of section pointer
//find section
int L = strlen(section);
s = strstr(s,section); if(!s){*ret=0; return FALSE;} //find section
if(s > buf && (*(s-1))!='\n'){s+=L; goto SearchAgain1;} //section must be at begining of a line!
s+=L; //found section, skip past section name
while(*s!='\n'){s++;} s++; //spin until next line, s is now begining of section data
e = strstr(s,"\n["); //find begining of next section or end of file
if(e){*e=0;} //if we found begining of next section, null the \n so we don't search past section
if(NextSection) //user passed in a NextSection pointer
{ if(e){*NextSection=(e+1);}else{*NextSection=0;} } //set pointer to next section
//restore char at end of section, ret=empty_string, return FALSE
#define RESTORE_E if(e){*e='\n';}
#define SAFE_RETURN RESTORE_E; (*ret)=0; return FALSE
//find valname
int L = strlen(valname);
s = strstr(s,valname); if(!s){SAFE_RETURN;} //find valname
if(s > buf && (*(s-1))!='\n'){s+=L; goto SearchAgain2;} //valname must be at begining of a line!
s+=L; //found valname match, skip past it
while(*s==' ' || *s == '\t'){s++;} //skip spaces and tabs
if(!(*s)){SAFE_RETURN;} //if NULL encounted do safe return
if(*s != '='){goto SearchAgain2;} //no equal sign found after valname, search again
s++; //skip past the equal sign
while(*s==' ' || *s=='\t'){s++;} //skip spaces and tabs
while(*s=='\"' || *s=='\''){s++;} //skip past quotes and ticks
if(!(*s)){SAFE_RETURN;} //if NULL encounted do safe return
char* E = s; //s is now the begining of the valname data
while(*E!='\r' && *E!='\n' && *E!=0){E++;} E--; //find end of line or end of string, then backup 1 char
while(E > s && (*E==' ' || *E=='\t')){E--;} //move backwards past spaces and tabs
while(E > s && (*E=='\"' || *E=='\'')){E--;} //move backwards past quotes and ticks
L = E-s+1; //length of string to extract NOT including NULL
if(L<1 || L+1 > retbuflen){SAFE_RETURN;} //empty string or buffer size too small
strncpy(ret,s,L); //copy the string
ret[L]=0; //null last char on return buffer
return TRUE;
#undef RESTORE_E
char sFileData[] = "[MySection]\r\n"
"MyValue1 = 123\r\n"
"MyValue2 = 456\r\n"
"MyValue3 = 789\r\n"
"MyValue1 = Hello1\r\n"
"MyValue2 = Hello2\r\n"
"MyValue3 = Hello3\r\n"
char str[256];
char* sSec = sFileData;
char secName[] = "[MySection]"; //we support sections with same name
while(sSec)//while we have a valid sNextSec
//print values of the sections
char* next=0;//in case we dont have any sucessful grabs
if(GrabIniValue(sSec,secName,"MyValue1",str,sizeof(str),&next)) { printf("MyValue1 = [%s]\n",str); }
if(GrabIniValue(sSec,secName,"MyValue2",str,sizeof(str),0)) { printf("MyValue2 = [%s]\n",str); }
if(GrabIniValue(sSec,secName,"MyValue3",str,sizeof(str),0)) { printf("MyValue3 = [%s]\n",str); }
sSec = next; //parse next section, next will be null if no more sections to parse