Unix中的Diff命令用于查找文件(所有类型)之间的差异。由于目录也是文件的一种,因此可以使用diff命令轻松找出两个目录之间的差异。有关更多选项,请在您的Unix框中使用man diff。
-b Ignores trailing blanks (spaces and tabs)
and treats other strings of blanks as
-i Ignores the case of letters. For example,
`A' will compare equal to `a'.
-t Expands <TAB> characters in output lines.
Normal or -c output adds character(s) to the
front of each line that may adversely affect
the indentation of the original source lines
and make the output lines difficult to
interpret. This option will preserve the
original source's indentation.
-w Ignores all blanks (<SPACE> and <TAB> char-
acters) and treats all other strings of
blanks as equivalent. For example,
`if ( a == b )' will compare equal to