如何使用Python 3搜索和替换文件中的文本?
import os
import sys
import fileinput
print ("Text to search for:")
textToSearch = input( "> " )
print ("Text to replace it with:")
textToReplace = input( "> " )
print ("File to perform Search-Replace on:")
fileToSearch = input( "> " )
#fileToSearch = 'D:\dummy1.txt'
tempFile = open( fileToSearch, 'r+' )
for line in fileinput.input( fileToSearch ):
if textToSearch in line :
print('Match Found')
print('Match Not Found!!')
tempFile.write( line.replace( textToSearch, textToReplace ) )
input( '\n\n Press Enter to exit...' )
hi this is abcd hi this is abcd
This is dummy text file.
This is how search and replace works abcd
当我在上面的输入文件中搜索并将“ ram”替换为“ abcd”时,它起了一种魅力。但是,反之亦然,即用“ ram”替换“ abcd”时,一些垃圾字符会保留在末尾。
用“ ram”代替“ abcd”
hi this is ram hi this is ram
This is dummy text file.
This is how search and replace works rambcd