27年后,我也对使用IDE感到不舒服。我尝试了这些建议(以上)-可能只是没有正确地遵循所有建议-因此我进行了一次网络搜索,并在' http://incise.org/android-development-on-the- command-line.html '。
如上所述,eclipse / adt不会创建必要的ant文件。为了在不使用eclipse IDE的情况下进行编译(并且在不创建ant脚本的情况下):
android list targets (to get target id used below)
android update project --target target_id --name project_name --path top_level_directory
** my sample project had a target_id of 1 and a project name of 't1', and
I am building from the top level directory of project
my command line looks like android update project --target 1 --name t1 --path `pwd`
2)接下来,我编译项目。我对不使用“ ant”的请求感到困惑。希望-请求者意味着他不想编写任何蚂蚁脚本。我说这是因为下一步是使用ant编译应用程序
ant target
this confused me a little bit, because i thought they were talking about the
android device, but they're not. It's the mode (debug/release)
my command line looks like ant debug
ant target install
** my command line looked like ant debug install
adb shell 'am start -n your.project.name/.activity'
** Again there was some confusion as to what exactly I had to use for project
My command line looked like adb shell 'am start -n com.example.t1/.MainActivity'
I also found that if you type 'adb shell' you get put to a cli shell interface
where you can do just about anything from there.
adb logcat