如何在Excel VBA中URL编码字符串?



不,没有内置功能(直到Excel 2013-看到此答案)。


  • 具有UTF-8支持的功能。您可能应该使用此代码(或Tom的另一种实现)来与现代要求兼容。
  • 出于参考和教育目的,不支持UTF-8的两个功能:
    • 在第三方网站(原样包含)上找到的一个。(这是答案的第一个版本)
    • 我写的一个优化版本

支持UTF-8编码并基于的变体ADODB.Stream(包括对项目中“ Microsoft ActiveX数据对象”库的最新版本的引用):

Public Function URLEncode( _
   ByVal StringVal As String, _
   Optional SpaceAsPlus As Boolean = False _
) As String
  Dim bytes() As Byte, b As Byte, i As Integer, space As String

  If SpaceAsPlus Then space = "+" Else space = "%20"

  If Len(StringVal) > 0 Then
    With New ADODB.Stream
      .Mode = adModeReadWrite
      .Type = adTypeText
      .Charset = "UTF-8"
      .WriteText StringVal
      .Position = 0
      .Type = adTypeBinary
      .Position = 3 ' skip BOM
      bytes = .Read
    End With

    ReDim result(UBound(bytes)) As String

    For i = UBound(bytes) To 0 Step -1
      b = bytes(i)
      Select Case b
        Case 97 To 122, 65 To 90, 48 To 57, 45, 46, 95, 126
          result(i) = Chr(b)
        Case 32
          result(i) = space
        Case 0 To 15
          result(i) = "%0" & Hex(b)
        Case Else
          result(i) = "%" & Hex(b)
      End Select
    Next i

    URLEncode = Join(result, "")
  End If
End Function


Public Function URLEncode( _
   StringToEncode As String, _
   Optional UsePlusRatherThanHexForSpace As Boolean = False _
) As String

  Dim TempAns As String
  Dim CurChr As Integer
  CurChr = 1

  Do Until CurChr - 1 = Len(StringToEncode)
    Select Case Asc(Mid(StringToEncode, CurChr, 1))
      Case 48 To 57, 65 To 90, 97 To 122
        TempAns = TempAns & Mid(StringToEncode, CurChr, 1)
      Case 32
        If UsePlusRatherThanHexForSpace = True Then
          TempAns = TempAns & "+"
          TempAns = TempAns & "%" & Hex(32)
        End If
      Case Else
        TempAns = TempAns & "%" & _
          Right("0" & Hex(Asc(Mid(StringToEncode, _
          CurChr, 1))), 2)
    End Select

    CurChr = CurChr + 1

  URLEncode = TempAns
End Function



Public Function URLEncode( _
   StringVal As String, _
   Optional SpaceAsPlus As Boolean = False _
) As String

  Dim StringLen As Long: StringLen = Len(StringVal)

  If StringLen > 0 Then
    ReDim result(StringLen) As String
    Dim i As Long, CharCode As Integer
    Dim Char As String, Space As String

    If SpaceAsPlus Then Space = "+" Else Space = "%20"

    For i = 1 To StringLen
      Char = Mid$(StringVal, i, 1)
      CharCode = Asc(Char)
      Select Case CharCode
        Case 97 To 122, 65 To 90, 48 To 57, 45, 46, 95, 126
          result(i) = Char
        Case 32
          result(i) = Space
        Case 0 To 15
          result(i) = "%0" & Hex(CharCode)
        Case Else
          result(i) = "%" & Hex(CharCode)
      End Select
    Next i
    URLEncode = Join(result, "")
  End If
End Function



Tomalak 2012年

如果性能是一个问题,请考虑通过使用0到255之间的整数循环并执行以下操作来重构以使用“替换”:情况0到36、38到47、58到64、91到96、123到255 str_Input = Replace(str_Input ,Chr(int_char_num),“%”&Right(“ 0”&Hex(255),2))


此代码将在Access 2013中因Unicode错误而停止,因为它同时处理太多和更少的字符。
Henrik Erlandsson


为了使此更新,自Excel 2013以来,现在提供了一种使用worksheet函数对URL进行编码的内置方法ENCODEURL


EncodedUrl = WorksheetFunction.EncodeUrl(InputString)


Salman Siddique 18-4-10

Jamie Bull


Jamie Bull

那是公平的。我没注意到 我看到了无数的代码和日期,并认为接下来会有更好的答案!
jamheadart '19



Private Const CP_UTF8 = 65001

#If VBA7 Then
  Private Declare PtrSafe Function WideCharToMultiByte Lib "kernel32" ( _
    ByVal CodePage As Long, _
    ByVal dwFlags As Long, _
    ByVal lpWideCharStr As LongPtr, _
    ByVal cchWideChar As Long, _
    ByVal lpMultiByteStr As LongPtr, _
    ByVal cbMultiByte As Long, _
    ByVal lpDefaultChar As Long, _
    ByVal lpUsedDefaultChar As Long _
    ) As Long
  Private Declare Function WideCharToMultiByte Lib "kernel32" ( _
    ByVal CodePage As Long, _
    ByVal dwFlags As Long, _
    ByVal lpWideCharStr As Long, _
    ByVal cchWideChar As Long, _
    ByVal lpMultiByteStr As Long, _
    ByVal cbMultiByte As Long, _
    ByVal lpDefaultChar As Long, _
    ByVal lpUsedDefaultChar As Long _
    ) As Long
#End If

Public Function UTF16To8(ByVal UTF16 As String) As String
Dim sBuffer As String
Dim lLength As Long
If UTF16 <> "" Then
    #If VBA7 Then
        lLength = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, CLngPtr(StrPtr(UTF16)), -1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
        lLength = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, StrPtr(UTF16), -1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    #End If
    sBuffer = Space$(lLength)
    #If VBA7 Then
        lLength = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, CLngPtr(StrPtr(UTF16)), -1, CLngPtr(StrPtr(sBuffer)), LenB(sBuffer), 0, 0)
        lLength = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, StrPtr(UTF16), -1, StrPtr(sBuffer), LenB(sBuffer), 0, 0)
    #End If
    sBuffer = StrConv(sBuffer, vbUnicode)
    UTF16To8 = Left$(sBuffer, lLength - 1)
    UTF16To8 = ""
End If
End Function

Public Function URLEncode( _
   StringVal As String, _
   Optional SpaceAsPlus As Boolean = False, _
   Optional UTF8Encode As Boolean = True _
) As String

Dim StringValCopy As String: StringValCopy = IIf(UTF8Encode, UTF16To8(StringVal), StringVal)
Dim StringLen As Long: StringLen = Len(StringValCopy)

If StringLen > 0 Then
    ReDim Result(StringLen) As String
    Dim I As Long, CharCode As Integer
    Dim Char As String, Space As String

  If SpaceAsPlus Then Space = "+" Else Space = "%20"

  For I = 1 To StringLen
    Char = Mid$(StringValCopy, I, 1)
    CharCode = Asc(Char)
    Select Case CharCode
      Case 97 To 122, 65 To 90, 48 To 57, 45, 46, 95, 126
        Result(I) = Char
      Case 32
        Result(I) = Space
      Case 0 To 15
        Result(I) = "%0" & Hex(CharCode)
      Case Else
        Result(I) = "%" & Hex(CharCode)
    End Select
  Next I
  URLEncode = Join(Result, "")

End If
End Function


cometbill 2014年

John Alexiou 2015年



Dim ScriptEngine As ScriptControl
Set ScriptEngine = New ScriptControl
ScriptEngine.Language = "JScript"

ScriptEngine.AddCode "function encode(str) {return encodeURIComponent(str);}"
Dim encoded As String
encoded = ScriptEngine.Run("encode", "€ömE.sdfds")



livefree75 2013年

大。这正是我所需要的。备注:如果不想添加引用,则可以:A)将ScriptEngine设置为对象B)设置ScriptEngine = CreateObject(“ scriptcontrol”)。顺便说一句,似乎无需直接在JS中创建函数,而是可以像这样直接调用encodeURIComponent:encode = ScriptEngine.Run(“ encodeURIComponent”,str)
El Scripto 2015年


ScriptControl无法在64位Office版本上运行,请通过htmlfileActiveX检查解决方案,以及变通办法以使ScriptControl与Excel x64一起使用


*我读到,在excel 2013中可以像这样轻松完成:WorksheetFunction.EncodeUrl(InputString)

Public Function encodeURL(str As String)
    Dim ScriptEngine As Object
    Dim encoded As String

    Set ScriptEngine = CreateObject("scriptcontrol")
    ScriptEngine.Language = "JScript"

    encoded = ScriptEngine.Run("encodeURIComponent", str)

    encodeURL = encoded
End Function

ScriptControl无法在64位Office版本上运行,请通过htmlfileActiveX检查解决方案,以及变通办法以使ScriptControl与Excel x64一起使用
omegastripes '17


由于Office 2013在此处使用此内置功能。

如果在Office 2013之前

Function encodeURL(str As String)
Dim ScriptEngine As ScriptControl
Set ScriptEngine = New ScriptControl
ScriptEngine.Language = "JScript"

ScriptEngine.AddCode "function encode(str) {return encodeURIComponent(str);}"
Dim encoded As String

encoded = ScriptEngine.Run("encode", str)
encodeURL = encoded
End Function



做完了 好的,我不知道我可以编辑,但很遗憾,您没有获得编辑要点!
ozmike 2014年


ScriptControl无法在64位Office版本上运行,请通过htmlfileActiveX检查解决方案,以及变通办法以使ScriptControl与Excel x64一起使用



Function EncodeUriComponent(strText)
    Static objHtmlfile As Object
    If objHtmlfile Is Nothing Then
        Set objHtmlfile = CreateObject("htmlfile")
        objHtmlfile.parentWindow.execScript "function encode(s) {return encodeURIComponent(s)}", "jscript"
    End If
    EncodeUriComponent = objHtmlfile.parentWindow.encode(strText)
End Function






Public Declare PtrSafe Sub Mem_Copy Lib "kernel32" _
    Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (ByRef Destination As Any, ByRef Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)

Public Declare PtrSafe Sub Mem_Read2 Lib "msvbvm60" _
    Alias "GetMem2" (ByRef Source As Any, ByRef Destination As Any)

Public Function URLEncodePart(ByRef RawURL As String) As String

    Dim pChar As LongPtr, iChar As Integer, i As Long
    Dim strHex As String, pHex As LongPtr
    Dim strOut As String, pOut As LongPtr
    Dim pOutStart As LongPtr, pLo As LongPtr, pHi As LongPtr
    Dim lngLength As Long
    Dim cpyLength As Long
    Dim iStart As Long

    pChar = StrPtr(RawURL)
    If pChar = 0 Then Exit Function

    lngLength = Len(RawURL)
    strOut = Space(lngLength * 3)
    pOut = StrPtr(strOut)
    pOutStart = pOut
    strHex = "0123456789ABCDEF"
    pHex = StrPtr(strHex)

    iStart = 1
    For i = 1 To lngLength
        Mem_Read2 ByVal pChar, iChar
        Select Case iChar
            Case 97 To 122, 65 To 90, 48 To 57, 45, 46, 95, 126
              ' Ok
            Case Else
                If iStart < i Then
                    cpyLength = (i - iStart) * 2
                    Mem_Copy ByVal pOut, ByVal pChar - cpyLength, cpyLength
                    pOut = pOut + cpyLength
                End If

                pHi = pHex + ((iChar And &HF0) / 8)
                pLo = pHex + 2 * (iChar And &HF)

                Mem_Read2 37, ByVal pOut
                Mem_Read2 ByVal pHi, ByVal pOut + 2
                Mem_Read2 ByVal pLo, ByVal pOut + 4
                pOut = pOut + 6

                iStart = i + 1
        End Select
        pChar = pChar + 2

    If iStart <= lngLength Then
        cpyLength = (lngLength - iStart + 1) * 2
        Mem_Copy ByVal pOut, ByVal pChar - cpyLength, cpyLength
        pOut = pOut + cpyLength
    End If

    URLEncodePart = Left$(strOut, (pOut - pOutStart) / 2)

End Function



Public Function EncodeURL(url As String) As String
  Dim buffer As String, i As Long, c As Long, n As Long
  buffer = String$(Len(url) * 12, "%")

  For i = 1 To Len(url)
    c = AscW(Mid$(url, i, 1)) And 65535

    Select Case c
      Case 48 To 57, 65 To 90, 97 To 122, 45, 46, 95  ' Unescaped 0-9A-Za-z-._ '
        n = n + 1
        Mid$(buffer, n) = ChrW(c)
      Case Is <= 127            ' Escaped UTF-8 1 bytes U+0000 to U+007F '
        n = n + 3
        Mid$(buffer, n - 1) = Right$(Hex$(256 + c), 2)
      Case Is <= 2047           ' Escaped UTF-8 2 bytes U+0080 to U+07FF '
        n = n + 6
        Mid$(buffer, n - 4) = Hex$(192 + (c \ 64))
        Mid$(buffer, n - 1) = Hex$(128 + (c Mod 64))
      Case 55296 To 57343       ' Escaped UTF-8 4 bytes U+010000 to U+10FFFF '
        i = i + 1
        c = 65536 + (c Mod 1024) * 1024 + (AscW(Mid$(url, i, 1)) And 1023)
        n = n + 12
        Mid$(buffer, n - 10) = Hex$(240 + (c \ 262144))
        Mid$(buffer, n - 7) = Hex$(128 + ((c \ 4096) Mod 64))
        Mid$(buffer, n - 4) = Hex$(128 + ((c \ 64) Mod 64))
        Mid$(buffer, n - 1) = Hex$(128 + (c Mod 64))
      Case Else                 ' Escaped UTF-8 3 bytes U+0800 to U+FFFF '
        n = n + 9
        Mid$(buffer, n - 7) = Hex$(224 + (c \ 4096))
        Mid$(buffer, n - 4) = Hex$(128 + ((c \ 64) Mod 64))
        Mid$(buffer, n - 1) = Hex$(128 + (c Mod 64))
    End Select

  EncodeURL = Left$(buffer, n)
End Function


可接受的答案的代码因Access 2013中的Unicode错误而停止,因此我为自己编写了一个具有高可读性的函数,根据Davis Peixoto的建议,该函数应遵循RFC 3986,并且在各种环境中引起的故障最少。

注意:必须先替换百分号本身,否则它将对以前编码的所有字符进行双重编码。添加了用+代替空格,这不符合RFC 3986,而是提供了不会因格式而中断的链接。它是可选的。

Public Function URLEncode(str As Variant) As String
    Dim i As Integer, sChar() As String, sPerc() As String
    sChar = Split("%|!|*|'|(|)|;|:|@|&|=|+|$|,|/|?|#|[|]| ", "|")
    sPerc = Split("%25 %21 %2A %27 %28 %29 %3B %3A %40 %26 %3D %2B %24 %2C %2F %3F %23 %5B %5D +", " ")
    URLEncode = Nz(str)
    For i = 0 To 19
        URLEncode = Replace(URLEncode, sChar(i), sPerc(i))
    Next i
End Function



Function macUriEncode(value As String) As String

    Dim script As String
    script = "do shell script " & """/usr/bin/python -c 'import sys, urllib; print urllib.quote(sys.argv[1])' """ & Chr(38) & " quoted form of """ & value & """"

    macUriEncode = MacScript(script)

End Function







Public Function UTF8Encode( _
   StringToEncode As String, _
   Optional UsePlusRatherThanHexForSpace As Boolean = False _
) As String

  Dim TempAns As String
  Dim TempChr As Long
  Dim CurChr As Long
  Dim Offset As Long
  Dim TempHex As String
  Dim CharToEncode As Long
  Dim TempAnsShort As String

  CurChr = 1

  Do Until CurChr - 1 = Len(StringToEncode)
    CharToEncode = Asc(Mid(StringToEncode, CurChr, 1))
' http://www.utf8-chartable.de/unicode-utf8-table.pl?start=1024
' as per https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8 specification the engoding is as follows

    Select Case CharToEncode
'   7   U+0000 U+007F 1 0xxxxxxx
      Case 48 To 57, 65 To 90, 97 To 122
        TempAns = TempAns & Mid(StringToEncode, CurChr, 1)
      Case 32
        If UsePlusRatherThanHexForSpace = True Then
          TempAns = TempAns & "+"
          TempAns = TempAns & "%" & Hex(32)
        End If
      Case 0 To &H7F
            TempAns = TempAns + "%" + Hex(CharToEncode And &H7F)
      Case &H80 To &H7FF
'   11  U+0080 U+07FF 2 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx
' The magic is in offset calculation... there are different offsets between UTF-8 and Windows character maps
' offset 192 = &HC0 = 1100 0000 b  added to start of UTF-8 cyrillic char map at &H410
          CharToEncode = CharToEncode - 192 + &H410
          TempAnsShort = "%" & Right("0" & Hex((CharToEncode And &H3F) Or &H80), 2)
          TempAnsShort = "%" & Right("0" & Hex(((CharToEncode \ &H40) And &H1F) Or &HC0), 2) & TempAnsShort
          TempAns = TempAns + TempAnsShort

'' debug and development version
''          CharToEncode = CharToEncode - 192 + &H410
''          TempChr = (CharToEncode And &H3F) Or &H80
''          TempHex = Hex(TempChr)
''          TempAnsShort = "%" & Right("0" & TempHex, 2)
''          TempChr = ((CharToEncode And &H7C0) / &H40) Or &HC0
''          TempChr = ((CharToEncode \ &H40) And &H1F) Or &HC0
''          TempHex = Hex(TempChr)
''          TempAnsShort = "%" & Right("0" & TempHex, 2) & TempAnsShort
''          TempAns = TempAns + TempAnsShort

      Case &H800 To &HFFFF
'   16 U+0800 U+FFFF 3 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
' not tested . Doesnot match Case condition... very strange
        MsgBox ("Char to encode  matched U+0800 U+FFFF: " & CharToEncode & " = &H" & Hex(CharToEncode))
''          CharToEncode = CharToEncode - 192 + &H410
          TempAnsShort = "%" & Right("0" & Hex((CharToEncode And &H3F) Or &H80), 2)
          TempAnsShort = "%" & Right("0" & Hex(((CharToEncode \ &H40) And &H3F) Or &H80), 2) & TempAnsShort
          TempAnsShort = "%" & Right("0" & Hex(((CharToEncode \ &H1000) And &HF) Or &HE0), 2) & TempAnsShort
          TempAns = TempAns + TempAnsShort

      Case &H10000 To &H1FFFFF
'   21 U+10000 U+1FFFFF 4 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
''        MsgBox ("Char to encode  matched &H10000 &H1FFFFF: " & CharToEncode & " = &H" & Hex(CharToEncode))
' sample offset. tobe verified
          CharToEncode = CharToEncode - 192 + &H410
          TempAnsShort = "%" & Right("0" & Hex((CharToEncode And &H3F) Or &H80), 2)
          TempAnsShort = "%" & Right("0" & Hex(((CharToEncode \ &H40) And &H3F) Or &H80), 2) & TempAnsShort
          TempAnsShort = "%" & Right("0" & Hex(((CharToEncode \ &H1000) And &H3F) Or &H80), 2) & TempAnsShort
          TempAnsShort = "%" & Right("0" & Hex(((CharToEncode \ &H40000) And &H7) Or &HF0), 2) & TempAnsShort
          TempAns = TempAns + TempAnsShort

      Case &H200000 To &H3FFFFFF
'   26  U+200000 U+3FFFFFF 5 111110xx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
''        MsgBox ("Char to encode  matched U+200000 U+3FFFFFF: " & CharToEncode & " = &H" & Hex(CharToEncode))
' sample offset. tobe verified
          CharToEncode = CharToEncode - 192 + &H410
          TempAnsShort = "%" & Right("0" & Hex((CharToEncode And &H3F) Or &H80), 2)
          TempAnsShort = "%" & Right("0" & Hex(((CharToEncode \ &H40) And &H3F) Or &H80), 2) & TempAnsShort
          TempAnsShort = "%" & Right("0" & Hex(((CharToEncode \ &H1000) And &H3F) Or &H80), 2) & TempAnsShort
          TempAnsShort = "%" & Right("0" & Hex(((CharToEncode \ &H40000) And &H3F) Or &H80), 2) & TempAnsShort
          TempAnsShort = "%" & Right("0" & Hex(((CharToEncode \ &H1000000) And &H3) Or &HF8), 2) & TempAnsShort
          TempAns = TempAns + TempAnsShort

      Case &H4000000 To &H7FFFFFFF
'   31  U+4000000 U+7FFFFFFF 6 1111110x 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
''        MsgBox ("Char to encode  matched U+4000000 U+7FFFFFFF: " & CharToEncode & " = &H" & Hex(CharToEncode))
' sample offset. tobe verified
          CharToEncode = CharToEncode - 192 + &H410
          TempAnsShort = "%" & Right("0" & Hex((CharToEncode And &H3F) Or &H80), 2)
          TempAnsShort = "%" & Right("0" & Hex(((CharToEncode \ &H40) And &H3F) Or &H80), 2) & TempAnsShort
          TempAnsShort = "%" & Right("0" & Hex(((CharToEncode \ &H1000) And &H3F) Or &H80), 2) & TempAnsShort
          TempAnsShort = "%" & Right("0" & Hex(((CharToEncode \ &H40000) And &H3F) Or &H80), 2) & TempAnsShort
          TempAnsShort = "%" & Right("0" & Hex(((CharToEncode \ &H1000000) And &H3F) Or &H80), 2) & TempAnsShort
          TempAnsShort = "%" & Right("0" & Hex(((CharToEncode \ &H40000000) And &H1) Or &HFC), 2) & TempAnsShort
          TempAns = TempAns + TempAnsShort

      Case Else
' somethig else
' to be developped
        MsgBox ("Char to encode not matched: " & CharToEncode & " = &H" & Hex(CharToEncode))

    End Select

    CurChr = CurChr + 1

  UTF8Encode = TempAns
End Function




Function URLEncode(ByVal str As String) As String
        Dim intLen As Integer
        Dim x As Integer
        Dim curChar As Long
        Dim newStr As String
        intLen = Len(str)
        newStr = ""

        For x = 1 To intLen
            curChar = Asc(Mid$(str, x, 1))

            If (curChar < 48 Or curChar > 57) And _
                (curChar < 65 Or curChar > 90) And _
                (curChar < 97 Or curChar > 122) Then
                                newStr = newStr & "%" & Hex(curChar)
                newStr = newStr & Chr(curChar)
            End If
        Next x

        URLEncode = newStr
    End Function






我尚未对其进行广泛的测试,以检查它是否与具有较高unicode值的字符的url一起使用,并且会产生超过2个字节的utf-8字符。我并不是说它将解码需要解码的所有内容(但是很容易修改以在select case语句中包含/排除字符),也不会与更高的字符一起使用,因为我尚未进行全面测试。但是我正在共享代码,因为它可能会帮助试图了解此问题的人。


Public Function URL_Encode(ByVal st As String) As String

    Dim eachbyte() As Byte
    Dim i, j As Integer 
    Dim encodeurl As String
    encodeurl = "" 

    eachbyte() = StrConv(st, vbFromUnicode)

    For i = 0 To UBound(eachbyte)

        Select Case eachbyte(i)
        Case 0
        Case 32
            encodeurl = encodeurl & "%20"

        ' I am not encoding the lower parts, not necessary for me
        Case 1 To 127
            encodeurl = encodeurl & Chr(eachbyte(i))
        Case Else

            Dim myarr() As Byte
            myarr = utf16toutf8(eachbyte(i))
            For j = LBound(myarr) To UBound(myarr) - 1
                encodeurl = encodeurl & "%" & Hex(myarr(j))
            Next j
        End Select
    Next i
    URL_Encode = encodeurl 
End Function

Public Function utf16toutf8(ByVal thechars As Variant) As Variant
    Dim numbytes As Integer
    Dim byte1 As Byte
    Dim byte2 As Byte
    Dim byte3 As Byte
    Dim byte4 As Byte
    Dim byte5 As Byte 
    Dim i As Integer  
    Dim temp As Variant
    Dim stri As String

    byte1 = 0
    byte2 = byte3 = byte4 = byte5 = 128

    ' Test to see how many bytes the utf-8 char will need
    Select Case thechars
        Case 0 To 127
            numbytes = 1
        Case 128 To 2047
            numbytes = 2
        Case 2048 To 65535
            numbytes = 3
        Case 65536 To 2097152
            numbytes = 4
        Case Else
            numbytes = 5
    End Select

    Dim returnbytes() As Byte
    ReDim returnbytes(numbytes)

    If numbytes = 1 Then
        returnbytes(0) = thechars
        GoTo finish
    End If

    ' prepare the first byte
    byte1 = 192

    If numbytes > 2 Then
        For i = 3 To numbytes
            byte1 = byte1 / 2
            byte1 = byte1 + 128
        Next i
    End If
    temp = 0
    stri = ""
    If numbytes = 5 Then
        temp = thechars And 63

        byte5 = temp + 128
        returnbytes(4) = byte5
        thechars = thechars / 12
        stri = byte5
    End If

    If numbytes >= 4 Then

        temp = 0
        temp = thechars And 63
        byte4 = temp + 128
        returnbytes(3) = byte4
        thechars = thechars / 12
        stri = byte4 & stri
    End If

    If numbytes >= 3 Then

        temp = 0
        temp = thechars And 63
        byte3 = temp + 128
        returnbytes(2) = byte3
        thechars = thechars / 12
        stri = byte3 & stri
    End If

    If numbytes >= 2 Then

        temp = 0
        temp = thechars And 63
        byte2 = temp Or 128
        returnbytes(1) = byte2
        thechars = Int(thechars / (2 ^ 6))
        stri = byte2 & stri
    End If

    byte1 = thechars Or byte1
    returnbytes(0) = byte1

    stri = byte1 & stri

       utf16toutf8 = returnbytes()
End Function

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