也许您可以使用构面和自由缩放比较这两个数据系列?-例如,请看这里:https : //
与其他选项相比,它们相对难以正确阅读。有关详细信息,请参见Petra Isenberg,Anastasia Bezerianos,Pierre Dragicevic和Jean-Daniel Fekete的“ 双尺度数据图表研究”。
您可能还想阅读Stephen Few关于图形中的双标度轴的冗长讨论,它们是最佳解决方案吗?。
从ggplot2 2.2.0开始,您可以添加这样的辅助轴(摘自ggplot2 2.2.0公告):
ggplot(mpg, aes(displ, hwy)) +
geom_point() +
"mpg (US)",
sec.axis = sec_axis(~ . * 1.20, name = "mpg (UK)")
when numinter prod
1 2018-03-20 1 0.95
2 2018-03-21 5 0.50
3 2018-03-23 4 0.70
4 2018-03-24 3 0.75
5 2018-03-25 4 0.60
ggplot() +
geom_bar(mapping = aes(x = dt$when, y = dt$numinter), stat = "identity", fill = "grey") +
geom_line(mapping = aes(x = dt$when, y = dt$prod*5), size = 2, color = "blue") +
scale_x_date(name = "Day", labels = NULL) +
scale_y_continuous(name = "Interruptions/day",
sec.axis = sec_axis(~./5, name = "Productivity % of best",
labels = function(b) { paste0(round(b * 100, 0), "%")})) +
axis.title.y = element_text(color = "grey"),
axis.title.y.right = element_text(color = "blue"))
在指定y_scale时使用之外,还要在指定序列时将第二个数据系列的每个值乘以 5。为了在sec_axis定义中正确获取标签,然后需要将其除以 5(并格式化)。因此上面代码中的关键部分实际上*5
除以5 的公式)。
climate <- tibble(
Month = 1:12,
Temp = c(-4,-4,0,5,11,15,16,15,11,6,1,-3),
Precip = c(49,36,47,41,53,65,81,89,90,84,73,55)
ylim.prim <- c(0, 180) # in this example, precipitation
ylim.sec <- c(-4, 18) # in this example, temperature
b <- diff(ylim.prim)/diff(ylim.sec)
a <- b*(ylim.prim[1] - ylim.sec[1])
ggplot(climate, aes(Month, Precip)) +
geom_col() +
geom_line(aes(y = a + Temp*b), color = "red") +
scale_y_continuous("Precipitation", sec.axis = sec_axis(~ (. - a)/b, name = "Temperature")) +
scale_x_continuous("Month", breaks = 1:12) +
ggtitle("Climatogram for Oslo (1961-1990)")
ggplot(climate, aes(Month, Precip)) +
geom_col() +
geom_line(aes(y = a + Temp*b), color = "red") +
scale_y_continuous("Precipitation", sec.axis = sec_axis(~ (. - a)/b, name = "Temperature")) +
scale_x_continuous("Month", breaks = 1:12) +
theme(axis.line.y.right = element_line(color = "red"),
axis.ticks.y.right = element_line(color = "red"),
axis.text.y.right = element_text(color = "red"),
axis.title.y.right = element_text(color = "red")
) +
ggtitle("Climatogram for Oslo (1961-1990)")
scaleFactor <- max(mtcars$cyl) / max(mtcars$hp)
ggplot(mtcars, aes(x=disp)) +
geom_smooth(aes(y=cyl), method="loess", col="blue") +
geom_smooth(aes(y=hp * scaleFactor), method="loess", col="red") +
scale_y_continuous(name="cyl", sec.axis=sec_axis(~./scaleFactor, name="hp")) +
技术骨干到这一挑战的解决方案已经提供Kohske一些3年前[ KOHSKE。在此处的Stackoverflow [ID:18989001、29235405、21026598]的多个实例上讨论了该主题及其解决方案的技术性。因此,我将仅使用上述解决方案提供特定的变化形式和一些解释性的演练。
df <- data.frame(item=LETTERS[1:n], y1=c(-0.8684, 4.2242, -0.3181, 0.5797, -0.4875), y2=c(-5.719, 205.184, 4.781, 41.952, 9.911 )) # made up!
> df
item y1 y2
1 A -0.8684 -19.154567
2 B 4.2242 219.092499
3 C -0.3181 18.849686
4 D 0.5797 46.945161
5 E -0.4875 -4.721973
ggplot(data=df, aes(label=item)) +
theme_bw() +
geom_segment(aes(x='G1', xend='G2', y=y1, yend=y2), color='grey')+
geom_text(aes(x='G1', y=y1), color='blue') +
geom_text(aes(x='G2', y=y2), color='red') +
theme(legend.position='none', panel.grid=element_blank())
CalcFudgeAxis = function( y1, y2=y1) {
Cast2To1 = function(x) ((ylim1[2]-ylim1[1])/(ylim2[2]-ylim2[1])*x) # x gets mapped to range of ylim2
ylim1 <- c(min(y1),max(y1))
ylim2 <- c(min(y2),max(y2))
yf <- Cast2To1(y2)
labelsyf <- pretty(y2)
> FudgeAxis <- CalcFudgeAxis( df$y1, df$y2 )
> FudgeAxis
[1] -0.4094344 4.6831656 0.4029175 1.0034664 -0.1009335
[1] -50 0 50 100 150 200 250
[1] -1.068764 0.000000 1.068764 2.137529 3.206293 4.275058 5.343822
> cbind(df, FudgeAxis$yf)
item y1 y2 FudgeAxis$yf
1 A -0.8684 -19.154567 -0.4094344
2 B 4.2242 219.092499 4.6831656
3 C -0.3181 18.849686 0.4029175
4 D 0.5797 46.945161 1.0034664
5 E -0.4875 -4.721973 -0.1009335
现在,我将Kohske的解决方案包装在第二个辅助函数PlotWithFudgeAxis中 (将新轴的ggplot对象和helper对象放入该函数中):
PlotWithFudgeAxis = function( plot1, FudgeAxis) {
# based on:
plot2 <- plot1 + with(FudgeAxis, scale_y_continuous( breaks=breaks, labels=labels))
#extract gtable
#overlap the panel of the 2nd plot on that of the 1st plot
pp<-c(subset(g1$layout, name=="panel", se=t:r))
g<-gtable_add_grob(g1, g2$grobs[[which(g2$layout$name=="panel")]], pp$t, pp$l, pp$b,pp$l)
ia <- which(g2$layout$name == "axis-l")
ga <- g2$grobs[[ia]]
ax <- ga$children[[2]]
ax$widths <- rev(ax$widths)
ax$grobs <- rev(ax$grobs)
ax$grobs[[1]]$x <- ax$grobs[[1]]$x - unit(1, "npc") + unit(0.15, "cm")
g <- gtable_add_cols(g, g2$widths[g2$layout[ia, ]$l], length(g$widths) - 1)
g <- gtable_add_grob(g, ax, pp$t, length(g$widths) - 1, pp$b)
FudgeAxis <- CalcFudgeAxis( df$y1, df$y2 )
tmpPlot <- ggplot(data=df, aes(label=item)) +
theme_bw() +
geom_segment(aes(x='G1', xend='G2', y=y1, yend=FudgeAxis$yf), color='grey')+
geom_text(aes(x='G1', y=y1), color='blue') +
geom_text(aes(x='G2', y=FudgeAxis$yf), color='red') +
theme(legend.position='none', panel.grid=element_blank())
PlotWithFudgeAxis(tmpPlot, FudgeAxis)
直截了当,上述解决方案是有限的摇摇欲坠。当它与ggplot内核一起使用时,将发出一些警告,通知我们交换事后的标度等。必须谨慎处理它,并且在其他情况下可能会产生某些不良行为。同样,可能需要四处寻找帮助功能以获取所需的布局。图例的位置就是一个问题(它将放置在面板和新轴之间;这就是为什么我将其放置)。2轴的缩放/对齐也有些挑战:当两个比例都包含“ 0”时,上面的代码可以很好地工作,否则一个轴会移动。因此肯定会有一些改善的机会...
PlotWithFudgeAxis(tmpPlot, FudgeAxis)
Cookbook for R在一页上的多个图形(ggplot2)
p1 <-
ggplot() + aes(mns)+ geom_histogram(aes(y=..density..), binwidth=0.01, colour="black", fill="white") + geom_vline(aes(xintercept=mean(mns, na.rm=T)), color="red", linetype="dashed", size=1) + geom_density(alpha=.2)
p2 <-
ggplot() + aes(mns)+ geom_histogram( binwidth=0.01, colour="black", fill="white") + geom_vline(aes(xintercept=mean(mns, na.rm=T)), color="red", linetype="dashed", size=1)
> dput(combined_80_8192 %>% filter (time > 270, time < 280))
structure(list(run = c(268L, 268L, 268L, 268L, 268L, 268L, 268L,
268L, 268L, 268L, 263L, 263L, 263L, 263L, 263L, 263L, 263L, 263L,
263L, 263L, 269L, 269L, 269L, 269L, 269L, 269L, 269L, 269L, 269L,
269L, 261L, 261L, 261L, 261L, 261L, 261L, 261L, 261L, 261L, 261L,
267L, 267L, 267L, 267L, 267L, 267L, 267L, 267L, 267L, 267L, 265L,
265L, 265L, 265L, 265L, 265L, 265L, 265L, 265L, 265L, 266L, 266L,
266L, 266L, 266L, 266L, 266L, 266L, 266L, 266L, 262L, 262L, 262L,
262L, 262L, 262L, 262L, 262L, 262L, 262L, 264L, 264L, 264L, 264L,
264L, 264L, 264L, 264L, 264L, 264L, 260L, 260L, 260L, 260L, 260L,
260L, 260L, 260L, 260L, 260L), repetition = c(8L, 8L, 8L, 8L,
8L, 8L, 8L, 8L, 8L, 8L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L,
9L, 9L, 9L, 9L, 9L, 9L, 9L, 9L, 9L, 9L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L,
1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 7L, 7L, 7L, 7L, 7L, 7L, 7L, 7L, 7L, 7L, 5L, 5L,
5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 6L, 6L, 6L, 6L, 6L, 6L, 6L, 6L,
6L, 6L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L,
4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L
), module = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L,
1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L,
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1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L), .Label = "scenario.node[0].nicVLCTail.phyVLC", class = "factor"),
configname = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L,
1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L,
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1L, 1L), .Label = "Road-Vlc", class = "factor"), packetByteLength = c(8192L,
8192L, 8192L, 8192L, 8192L, 8192L, 8192L, 8192L, 8192L, 8192L,
8192L, 8192L, 8192L, 8192L, 8192L, 8192L, 8192L, 8192L, 8192L,
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), numVehicles = c(2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L,
2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L,
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), dDistance = c(80L, 80L, 80L, 80L, 80L, 80L, 80L, 80L,
80L, 80L, 80L, 80L, 80L, 80L, 80L, 80L, 80L, 80L, 80L, 80L,
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80L, 80L, 80L, 80L, 80L, 80L, 80L, 80L), time = c(270.166006903445,
271.173853699836, 272.175873251122, 273.177524313334, 274.182946177105,
275.188959464989, 276.189675339937, 277.198250244799, 278.204619457189,
279.212562800009, 270.164199199177, 271.168527215152, 272.173072994958,
273.179210429715, 274.184351047337, 275.18980754378, 276.194816792995,
277.198598277809, 278.202398083519, 279.210634593917, 270.210674322891,
271.212395107473, 272.218871923292, 273.219060500457, 274.220486359614,
275.22401452372, 276.229646658839, 277.231060448138, 278.240407241942,
279.2437126347, 270.283554249858, 271.293168593832, 272.298574288769,
273.304413221348, 274.306272082517, 275.309023049011, 276.317805897347,
277.324403550028, 278.332855848701, 279.334046374594, 270.118608539613,
271.127947700074, 272.133887145863, 273.135726000491, 274.135994529981,
275.136563912708, 276.140120735361, 277.144298344151, 278.146885137621,
279.147552358659, 270.206015567272, 271.214618077209, 272.216566814903,
273.225435592582, 274.234014573683, 275.242949179958, 276.248417809711,
277.248800670023, 278.249750333404, 279.252926560188, 270.217182684494,
271.218357511397, 272.224698488895, 273.231112784327, 274.238740508457,
275.242715184122, 276.249053562718, 277.250325509798, 278.258488063493,
279.261141590137, 270.282904173953, 271.284689544638, 272.294220723234,
273.299749415592, 274.30628880553, 275.312075103126, 276.31579134717,
277.321905523606, 278.326305136748, 279.333056502253, 270.258991527456,
271.260224091407, 272.270076810133, 273.27052037648, 274.274119348094,
275.280808254502, 276.286353887245, 277.287064312339, 278.294444793276,
279.296772014594, 270.333066283904, 271.33877455992, 272.345842319903,
273.350858180493, 274.353972278505, 275.360454510107, 276.365088896161,
277.369166956941, 278.372571708911, 279.38017503079), distanceToTx = c(80.255266401689,
80.156059067023, 79.98823695539, 79.826647129071, 79.76678667135,
79.788239825292, 79.734539327997, 79.74766421514, 79.801243848241,
79.765920888341, 80.255266401689, 80.15850240049, 79.98823695539,
79.826647129071, 79.76678667135, 79.788239825292, 79.735078924078,
79.74766421514, 79.801243848241, 79.764622734914, 80.251248121732,
80.146436869316, 79.984682320466, 79.82292012342, 79.761908518748,
79.796988776281, 79.736920997657, 79.745038376718, 79.802638836686,
79.770029970452, 80.243475525691, 80.127918207499, 79.978303140866,
79.816259117883, 79.749322030693, 79.809916018889, 79.744456560867,
79.738655068783, 79.788697533211, 79.784288359619, 80.260412958482,
80.168426829066, 79.992034911214, 79.830845773284, 79.7756751763,
79.778156038931, 79.732399593756, 79.752769548846, 79.799967731078,
79.757585110481, 80.251248121732, 80.146436869316, 79.984682320466,
79.822062073459, 79.75884601899, 79.801590491435, 79.738335109094,
79.74347007248, 79.803215965043, 79.771471198955, 80.250257298678,
80.146436869316, 79.983831684476, 79.822062073459, 79.75884601899,
79.801590491435, 79.738335109094, 79.74347007248, 79.803849157574,
79.771471198955, 80.243475525691, 80.130180105198, 79.978303140866,
79.816881283718, 79.749322030693, 79.80984572883, 79.744456560867,
79.738655068783, 79.790548644175, 79.784288359619, 80.246349000313,
80.137056554491, 79.980581246037, 79.818924707937, 79.753176142361,
79.808777040341, 79.741609845588, 79.740770913572, 79.796316397253,
79.777593733292, 80.238796415443, 80.119021911134, 79.974810568944,
79.814065350562, 79.743657315504, 79.810146783217, 79.749945098869,
79.737122584544, 79.781650522348, 79.791554933936), headerNoError = c(0.99999999989702,
0.9999999999981, 0.99999999999946, 0.9999999928026, 0.99999873265475,
0.77080141574964, 0.99007491438593, 0.99994396605059, 0.45588747062284,
0.93484381262491, 0.99999999989702, 0.99999999999816, 0.99999999999946,
0.9999999928026, 0.99999873265475, 0.77080141574964, 0.99008458785106,
0.99994396605059, 0.45588747062284, 0.93480223051707, 0.99999999989735,
0.99999999999789, 0.99999999999946, 0.99999999287551, 0.99999876302649,
0.46903147501117, 0.98835168988253, 0.99994427085086, 0.45235035271542,
0.93496741877335, 0.99999999989803, 0.99999999999781, 0.99999999999948,
0.99999999318224, 0.99994254156311, 0.46891362282273, 0.93382613917348,
0.99994594904099, 0.93002915596843, 0.93569767251247, 0.99999999989658,
0.99999999998074, 0.99999999999946, 0.99999999272802, 0.99999871586781,
0.76935240919896, 0.99002587758346, 0.99999881589732, 0.46179415706093,
0.93417422376389, 0.99999999989735, 0.99999999999789, 0.99999999999946,
0.99999999289347, 0.99999876940486, 0.46930769326427, 0.98837353639905,
0.99994447154714, 0.16313586712094, 0.93500824170148, 0.99999999989744,
0.99999999999789, 0.99999999999946, 0.99999999289347, 0.99999876940486,
0.46930769326427, 0.98837353639905, 0.99994447154714, 0.16330039178981,
0.93500824170148, 0.99999999989803, 0.99999999999781, 0.99999999999948,
0.99999999316541, 0.99994254156311, 0.46794586553266, 0.93382613917348,
0.99994594904099, 0.9303627789484, 0.93569767251247, 0.99999999989778,
0.9999999999978, 0.99999999999948, 0.99999999311433, 0.99999878195152,
0.47101897739483, 0.93368891853679, 0.99994556595217, 0.7571113417265,
0.93553999975802, 0.99999999998191, 0.99999999999784, 0.99999999999971,
0.99999891129658, 0.99994309267792, 0.46510628979591, 0.93442584181035,
0.99894450514543, 0.99890078483692, 0.76933812306423), receivedPower_dbm = c(-93.023492290586,
-92.388378035287, -92.205716340607, -93.816400586752, -95.023489422885,
-100.86308557253, -98.464763536915, -96.175707680373, -102.06189538385,
-99.716653422746, -93.023492290586, -92.384760627397, -92.205716340607,
-93.816400586752, -95.023489422885, -100.86308557253, -98.464201120719,
-96.175707680373, -102.06189538385, -99.717150021506, -93.022927803442,
-92.404017215549, -92.204561341714, -93.814319484729, -95.016990717792,
-102.01669022332, -98.558088145955, -96.173817001483, -102.07406915124,
-99.71517574876, -93.021813165972, -92.409586309743, -92.20229160243,
-93.805335867418, -96.184419849593, -102.01709540787, -99.728735187547,
-96.163233028048, -99.772547164798, -99.706399753853, -93.024204617071,
-92.745813384859, -92.206884754512, -93.818508150122, -95.027018807793,
-100.87000577258, -98.467607232407, -95.005311380324, -102.04157607608,
-99.724619517, -93.022927803442, -92.404017215549, -92.204561341714,
-93.813803344588, -95.015606885523, -102.0157405687, -98.556982278361,
-96.172566862738, -103.21871579865, -99.714687230796, -93.022787428238,
-92.404017215549, -92.204274688493, -93.813803344588, -95.015606885523,
-102.0157405687, -98.556982278361, -96.172566862738, -103.21784988098,
-99.714687230796, -93.021813165972, -92.409950613665, -92.20229160243,
-93.805838770576, -96.184419849593, -102.02042267497, -99.728735187547,
-96.163233028048, -99.768774335378, -99.706399753853, -93.022228914406,
-92.411048503835, -92.203136463155, -93.807357409082, -95.012865008237,
-102.00985717796, -99.730352912911, -96.165675535906, -100.92744056572,
-99.708301333236, -92.735781110993, -92.408137395049, -92.119533319039,
-94.982938427575, -96.181073124017, -102.03018610927, -99.721633629806,
-97.32940323644, -97.347613268692, -100.87007386786), snr = c(49.848348091678,
57.698190927109, 60.17669971462, 41.529809724535, 31.452202106925,
8.1976890851341, 14.240447804094, 24.122884195464, 6.2202875499406,
10.674183333671, 49.848348091678, 57.746270018264, 60.17669971462,
41.529809724535, 31.452202106925, 8.1976890851341, 14.242292077376,
24.122884195464, 6.2202875499406, 10.672962852322, 49.854827699773,
57.49079026127, 60.192705735317, 41.549715223147, 31.499301851462,
6.2853718719014, 13.937702343688, 24.133388256416, 6.2028757927148,
10.677815810561, 49.867624820879, 57.417115267867, 60.224172277442,
41.635752021705, 24.074540962859, 6.2847854917092, 10.644529778044,
24.19227425387, 10.537686730745, 10.699414795917, 49.84017267426,
53.139646558768, 60.160512118809, 41.509660845114, 31.42665220053,
8.1846370024428, 14.231126423354, 31.584125885363, 6.2494585568733,
10.654622041348, 49.854827699773, 57.49079026127, 60.192705735317,
41.55465351989, 31.509340361646, 6.2867464196657, 13.941251828322,
24.140336174865, 4.765718874642, 10.679016976694, 49.856439162736,
57.49079026127, 60.196678846453, 41.55465351989, 31.509340361646,
6.2867464196657, 13.941251828322, 24.140336174865, 4.7666691818074,
10.679016976694, 49.867624820879, 57.412299088098, 60.224172277442,
41.630930975211, 24.074540962859, 6.279972363168, 10.644529778044,
24.19227425387, 10.546845071479, 10.699414795917, 49.862851240855,
57.397787176282, 60.212457625018, 41.61637603957, 31.529239767749,
6.2952688513108, 10.640565481982, 24.178672145334, 8.0771089950663,
10.694731030907, 53.262541905639, 57.43627424514, 61.382796189332,
31.747253311549, 24.093100244121, 6.2658701281075, 10.661949889074,
18.495227442305, 18.417839037171, 8.1845086722809), frameId = c(15051,
15106, 15165, 15220, 15279, 15330, 15385, 15452, 15511, 15566,
15019, 15074, 15129, 15184, 15239, 15298, 15353, 15412, 15471,
15526, 14947, 14994, 15057, 15112, 15171, 15226, 15281, 15332,
15391, 15442, 14971, 15030, 15085, 15144, 15203, 15262, 15321,
15380, 15435, 15490, 14915, 14978, 15033, 15092, 15147, 15198,
15257, 15312, 15371, 15430, 14975, 15034, 15089, 15140, 15195,
15254, 15313, 15368, 15427, 15478, 14987, 15046, 15105, 15160,
15215, 15274, 15329, 15384, 15447, 15506, 14943, 15002, 15061,
15116, 15171, 15230, 15285, 15344, 15399, 15454, 14971, 15026,
15081, 15136, 15195, 15258, 15313, 15368, 15423, 15478, 15039,
15094, 15149, 15204, 15263, 15314, 15369, 15428, 15487, 15546
), packetOkSinr = c(0.99999999314881, 0.9999999998736, 0.99999999996428,
0.99999952114066, 0.99991568416005, 3.00628034688444e-08,
0.51497487795954, 0.99627877136019, 0, 0.011303253101957,
0.99999999314881, 0.99999999987726, 0.99999999996428, 0.99999952114066,
0.99991568416005, 3.00628034688444e-08, 0.51530974419663,
0.99627877136019, 0, 0.011269851265775, 0.9999999931708,
0.99999999985986, 0.99999999996428, 0.99999952599145, 0.99991770469509,
0, 0.45861812482641, 0.99629897628155, 0, 0.011403119534097,
0.99999999321568, 0.99999999985437, 0.99999999996519, 0.99999954639936,
0.99618434878558, 0, 0.010513119213425, 0.99641022914441,
0.00801687746446111, 0.012011103529927, 0.9999999931195,
0.99999999871861, 0.99999999996428, 0.99999951617905, 0.99991456738049,
2.6525298291169e-08, 0.51328066587104, 0.9999212220316, 0,
0.010777054258914, 0.9999999931708, 0.99999999985986, 0.99999999996428,
0.99999952718674, 0.99991812902805, 0, 0.45929307038653,
0.99631228046814, 0, 0.011436292559188, 0.99999999317629,
0.99999999985986, 0.99999999996428, 0.99999952718674, 0.99991812902805,
0, 0.45929307038653, 0.99631228046814, 0, 0.011436292559188,
0.99999999321568, 0.99999999985437, 0.99999999996519, 0.99999954527918,
0.99618434878558, 0, 0.010513119213425, 0.99641022914441,
0.00821047996950475, 0.012011103529927, 0.99999999319919,
0.99999999985345, 0.99999999996519, 0.99999954188106, 0.99991896371849,
0, 0.010410830482692, 0.996384831822, 9.12484388049251e-09,
0.011877185067536, 0.99999999879646, 0.9999999998562, 0.99999999998077,
0.99992756868677, 0.9962208785486, 0, 0.010971897073662,
0.93214999078663, 0.92943956665979, 2.64925478221656e-08),
snir = c(49.848348091678, 57.698190927109, 60.17669971462,
41.529809724535, 31.452202106925, 8.1976890851341, 14.240447804094,
24.122884195464, 6.2202875499406, 10.674183333671, 49.848348091678,
57.746270018264, 60.17669971462, 41.529809724535, 31.452202106925,
8.1976890851341, 14.242292077376, 24.122884195464, 6.2202875499406,
10.672962852322, 49.854827699773, 57.49079026127, 60.192705735317,
41.549715223147, 31.499301851462, 6.2853718719014, 13.937702343688,
24.133388256416, 6.2028757927148, 10.677815810561, 49.867624820879,
57.417115267867, 60.224172277442, 41.635752021705, 24.074540962859,
6.2847854917092, 10.644529778044, 24.19227425387, 10.537686730745,
10.699414795917, 49.84017267426, 53.139646558768, 60.160512118809,
41.509660845114, 31.42665220053, 8.1846370024428, 14.231126423354,
31.584125885363, 6.2494585568733, 10.654622041348, 49.854827699773,
57.49079026127, 60.192705735317, 41.55465351989, 31.509340361646,
6.2867464196657, 13.941251828322, 24.140336174865, 4.765718874642,
10.679016976694, 49.856439162736, 57.49079026127, 60.196678846453,
41.55465351989, 31.509340361646, 6.2867464196657, 13.941251828322,
24.140336174865, 4.7666691818074, 10.679016976694, 49.867624820879,
57.412299088098, 60.224172277442, 41.630930975211, 24.074540962859,
6.279972363168, 10.644529778044, 24.19227425387, 10.546845071479,
10.699414795917, 49.862851240855, 57.397787176282, 60.212457625018,
41.61637603957, 31.529239767749, 6.2952688513108, 10.640565481982,
24.178672145334, 8.0771089950663, 10.694731030907, 53.262541905639,
57.43627424514, 61.382796189332, 31.747253311549, 24.093100244121,
6.2658701281075, 10.661949889074, 18.495227442305, 18.417839037171,
8.1845086722809), ookSnirBer = c(8.8808636558081e-24, 3.2219795637026e-27,
2.6468895519653e-28, 3.9807779074715e-20, 1.0849324265615e-15,
2.5705217057696e-05, 4.7313805615763e-08, 1.8800438086075e-12,
0.00021005320203921, 1.9147343768384e-06, 8.8808636558081e-24,
3.0694773489537e-27, 2.6468895519653e-28, 3.9807779074715e-20,
1.0849324265615e-15, 2.5705217057696e-05, 4.7223753038869e-08,
1.8800438086075e-12, 0.00021005320203921, 1.9171738578051e-06,
8.8229427230445e-24, 3.9715925056443e-27, 2.6045198111088e-28,
3.9014083702734e-20, 1.0342658440386e-15, 0.00019591630514278,
6.4692014108683e-08, 1.8600094209271e-12, 0.0002140067535655,
1.9074922485477e-06, 8.7096574467175e-24, 4.2779443633862e-27,
2.5231916788231e-28, 3.5761615214425e-20, 1.9750692814982e-12,
0.0001960392878411, 1.9748966344895e-06, 1.7515881895994e-12,
2.2078334799411e-06, 1.8649940680806e-06, 8.954486301678e-24,
3.2021085732779e-25, 2.690441113724e-28, 4.0627628846548e-20,
1.1134484878561e-15, 2.6061691733331e-05, 4.777159157954e-08,
9.4891388749738e-16, 0.00020359398491544, 1.9542110660398e-06,
8.8229427230445e-24, 3.9715925056443e-27, 2.6045198111088e-28,
3.8819641115984e-20, 1.0237769828158e-15, 0.00019562832342849,
6.4455095380046e-08, 1.8468752030971e-12, 0.0010099091367628,
1.9051035165106e-06, 8.8085966897635e-24, 3.9715925056443e-27,
2.594108048185e-28, 3.8819641115984e-20, 1.0237769828158e-15,
0.00019562832342849, 6.4455095380046e-08, 1.8468752030971e-12,
0.0010088638355194, 1.9051035165106e-06, 8.7096574467175e-24,
4.2987746909572e-27, 2.5231916788231e-28, 3.593647329558e-20,
1.9750692814982e-12, 0.00019705170257492, 1.9748966344895e-06,
1.7515881895994e-12, 2.1868296425817e-06, 1.8649940680806e-06,
8.7517439682173e-24, 4.3621551072316e-27, 2.553168170837e-28,
3.6469582463164e-20, 1.0032983660212e-15, 0.00019385229409318,
1.9830820164805e-06, 1.7760568361323e-12, 2.919419915209e-05,
1.8741284335866e-06, 2.8285944348148e-25, 4.1960751547207e-27,
7.8468215407139e-29, 8.0407329049747e-16, 1.9380328071065e-12,
0.00020004849911333, 1.9393279417733e-06, 5.9354475879597e-10,
6.4258355913627e-10, 2.6065221215415e-05), ookSnrBer = c(8.8808636558081e-24,
3.2219795637026e-27, 2.6468895519653e-28, 3.9807779074715e-20,
1.0849324265615e-15, 2.5705217057696e-05, 4.7313805615763e-08,
1.8800438086075e-12, 0.00021005320203921, 1.9147343768384e-06,
8.8808636558081e-24, 3.0694773489537e-27, 2.6468895519653e-28,
3.9807779074715e-20, 1.0849324265615e-15, 2.5705217057696e-05,
4.7223753038869e-08, 1.8800438086075e-12, 0.00021005320203921,
1.9171738578051e-06, 8.8229427230445e-24, 3.9715925056443e-27,
2.6045198111088e-28, 3.9014083702734e-20, 1.0342658440386e-15,
0.00019591630514278, 6.4692014108683e-08, 1.8600094209271e-12,
0.0002140067535655, 1.9074922485477e-06, 8.7096574467175e-24,
4.2779443633862e-27, 2.5231916788231e-28, 3.5761615214425e-20,
1.9750692814982e-12, 0.0001960392878411, 1.9748966344895e-06,
1.7515881895994e-12, 2.2078334799411e-06, 1.8649940680806e-06,
8.954486301678e-24, 3.2021085732779e-25, 2.690441113724e-28,
4.0627628846548e-20, 1.1134484878561e-15, 2.6061691733331e-05,
4.777159157954e-08, 9.4891388749738e-16, 0.00020359398491544,
1.9542110660398e-06, 8.8229427230445e-24, 3.9715925056443e-27,
2.6045198111088e-28, 3.8819641115984e-20, 1.0237769828158e-15,
0.00019562832342849, 6.4455095380046e-08, 1.8468752030971e-12,
0.0010099091367628, 1.9051035165106e-06, 8.8085966897635e-24,
3.9715925056443e-27, 2.594108048185e-28, 3.8819641115984e-20,
1.0237769828158e-15, 0.00019562832342849, 6.4455095380046e-08,
1.8468752030971e-12, 0.0010088638355194, 1.9051035165106e-06,
8.7096574467175e-24, 4.2987746909572e-27, 2.5231916788231e-28,
3.593647329558e-20, 1.9750692814982e-12, 0.00019705170257492,
1.9748966344895e-06, 1.7515881895994e-12, 2.1868296425817e-06,
1.8649940680806e-06, 8.7517439682173e-24, 4.3621551072316e-27,
2.553168170837e-28, 3.6469582463164e-20, 1.0032983660212e-15,
0.00019385229409318, 1.9830820164805e-06, 1.7760568361323e-12,
2.919419915209e-05, 1.8741284335866e-06, 2.8285944348148e-25,
4.1960751547207e-27, 7.8468215407139e-29, 8.0407329049747e-16,
1.9380328071065e-12, 0.00020004849911333, 1.9393279417733e-06,
5.9354475879597e-10, 6.4258355913627e-10, 2.6065221215415e-05
)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -100L), .Names = c("run",
"repetition", "module", "configname", "packetByteLength", "numVehicles",
"dDistance", "time", "distanceToTx", "headerNoError", "receivedPower_dbm",
"snr", "frameId", "packetOkSinr", "snir", "ookSnirBer", "ookSnrBer"
转换功能: f(y1) = 0.025*x + 2.75
转换功能: f(y1) = 40*x - 110
ggplot(data=combined_80_8192 %>% filter (time > 270, time < 280), aes(x=time) ) +
stat_summary(aes(y=receivedPower_dbm ), fun.y=mean, geom="line", colour="black") +
stat_summary(aes(y=packetOkSinr*40 - 110 ), fun.y=mean, geom="line", colour="black", position = position_dodge(width=10)) +
scale_x_continuous() +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(-0,-110,-10), "y_first", sec.axis=sec_axis(~.*0.025+2.75, name="y_second") )
调用第二个调用以转换数据。请记住,所有数据都将第一个y轴作为基础。因此,需要针对第一个y轴对数据进行标准化。为此,我对数据使用了转换功能:y=packetOkSinr*40 - 110
调用中使用相反的函数:sec.axis=sec_axis(~.*0.025+2.75, name="y_second")
coef(lm(c(-70, -110) ~ c(1,0)))
并且coef(lm(c(1,0) ~ c(-70, -110)))
。您可以定义一个辅助函数,例如 equationise <- function(range = c(-70, -110), target = c(1,0)){ c = coef(lm(target ~ range)) as.formula(substitute(~ a*. + b, list(a=c[[2]], b=c[[1]]))) }
我们绝对可以使用base R函数构建具有两个Y轴的图plot
# pseudo dataset
df <- data.frame(x = seq(1, 1000, 1), y1 =, 1000, replace=T), y2 = sample(50, 1000, replace = T))
# plot first plot
with(df, plot(y1 ~ x, col = "red"))
# set new plot
par(new = T)
# plot second plot, but without axis
with(df, plot(y2 ~ x, type = "l", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlab = "", ylab = ""))
# define y-axis and put y-labs
with(df, mtext("y2", side = 4))
df.wide %>%
# Select only the columns you need for the plot.
select(date, column1, column2, column3) %>%
# Create an id column – needed in the `gather()` function.
mutate(id = n()) %>%
# The `gather()` function converts to long-format.
# In which the `type` column will contain three factors (column1, column2, column3),
# and the `value` column will contain the respective values.
# All the while we retain the `id` and `date` columns.
gather(type, value, -id, -date) %>%
# Create the plot according to your specifications
ggplot(aes(x = date, y = value)) +
geom_line() +
# Create a panel for each `type` (ie. column1, column2, column3).
# If the types have different scales, you can use the `scales="free"` option.
facet_grid(type~., scales = "free")
Hadley的答案为Stephen Few的报告“ 图形中的双比例轴是否是最好的解决方案”提供了有趣的参考。。
print(df,row.names = FALSE)
Years Persons.Involved Fatalities rate
1998 281 20 7.117438
1999 248 17 6.854839
2000 301 24 7.973422
2001 276 16 5.797101
2002 295 34 11.525424
2003 231 18 7.792208
2004 311 35 11.254019
df2$Persons.Involved <- 100*df$Persons.Involved/df$Persons.Involved[1]
df2$rate <- 100*df$rate/df$rate[1]
theme(text = element_text(size=30))
1 WILLIAMSON,Jed等。2005年北美登山运动中的事故。登山者图书,2005年。
对于那些有兴趣更多地了解这种方法的人,请点击下面的链接。 如何在不重新缩放数据的情况下并排绘制带有杆的2-y轴图
climate <- tibble(
Month = 1:12,
Temp = c(-4,-4,0,5,11,15,16,15,11,6,1,-3),
Precip = c(49,36,47,41,53,65,81,89,90,84,73,55)
#Set the limits of each axis manually:
ylim.prim <- c(0, 180) # in this example, precipitation
ylim.sec <- c(-4, 18) # in this example, temperature
b <- diff(ylim.sec)/diff(ylim.prim)
#If all values are the same this messes up the transformation, so we need to modify it here
ylim.sec <- c(ylim.sec[1]-1, ylim.sec[2]+1)
b <- diff(ylim.sec)/diff(ylim.prim)
if ({
ylim.prim <- c(ylim.prim[1]-1, ylim.prim[2]+1)
b <- diff(ylim.sec)/diff(ylim.prim)
ggplot(climate, aes(Month, Precip)) +
geom_col() +
geom_line(aes(y = ylim.prim[1]+(Temp-ylim.sec[1])/b), color = "red") +
scale_y_continuous("Precipitation", sec.axis = sec_axis(~((.-ylim.prim[1]) *b + ylim.sec[1]), name = "Temperature"), limits = ylim.prim) +
scale_x_continuous("Month", breaks = 1:12) +
ggtitle("Climatogram for Oslo (1961-1990)")
这里的关键部分是我们用变换辅助y轴,~((.-ylim.prim[1]) *b + ylim.sec[1])
然后将反值应用于实际值y = ylim.prim[1]+(Temp-ylim.sec[1])/b)
。我们还应确保limits = ylim.prim