
For each circle
Find new coördinates for the circle
Minimizing the distance to the geometric center of the image
Taking in account that
Distance between centers > R1+R2 *for all other circles
Move the circle in a line between its center and the
geometric center of the drawing
我说:“哈!这很容易,现在让我们去矩形吧!”。但是我错了 ...

Expand each rectangle size by a few points to get gaps in final configuration
While There are intersections
sort list of rectangles by number of intersections
push most intersected rectangle on stack, and remove it from list
// Now all remaining rectangles doesn't intersect each other
While stack not empty
pop rectangle from stack and re-insert it into list
find the geometric center G of the chart (each time!)
find the movement vector M (from G to rectangle center)
move the rectangle incrementally in the direction of M (both sides)
until no intersections
Shrink the rectangles to its original size

(*Define some functions first*)
rn[x_] := RandomReal[{0, x}];
rnR[x_] := RandomReal[{1, x}];
rndCol[] := RGBColor[rn[1], rn[1], rn[1]];
minX[l_, i_] := l[[i]][[1]][[1]]; (*just for easy reading*)
maxX[l_, i_] := l[[i]][[1]][[2]];
minY[l_, i_] := l[[i]][[2]][[1]];
maxY[l_, i_] := l[[i]][[2]][[2]];
color[l_, i_]:= l[[i]][[3]];
intersectsQ[l_, i_, j_] := (* l list, (i,j) indexes,
list={{x1,x2},{y1,y2}} *)
(*A rect does intesect with itself*)
If[Max[minX[l, i], minX[l, j]] < Min[maxX[l, i], maxX[l, j]] &&
Max[minY[l, i], minY[l, j]] < Min[maxY[l, i], maxY[l, j]],
(* Number of Intersects for a Rectangle *)
(* With i as index*)
countIntersects[l_, i_] :=
Count[Table[intersectsQ[l, i, j], {j, 1, Length[l]}], True]-1;
(*And With r as rectangle *)
countIntersectsR[l_, r_] := (
Return[Count[Table[intersectsQ[Append[l, r], Length[l] + 1, j],
{j, 1, Length[l] + 1}], True] - 2];)
(* Get the maximum intersections for all rectangles*)
findMaxIntesections[l_] := Max[Table[countIntersects[l, i],
{i, 1, Length[l]}]];
(* Get the rectangle center *)
rectCenter[l_, i_] := {1/2 (maxX[l, i] + minX[l, i] ),
1/2 (maxY[l, i] + minY[l, i] )};
(* Get the Geom center of the whole figure (list), to move aesthetically*)
geometryCenter[l_] := (* returs {x,y} *)
Mean[Table[rectCenter[l, i], {i, Length[l]}]];
(* Increment or decr. size of all rects by a bit (put/remove borders)*)
changeSize[l_, incr_] :=
Table[{{minX[l, i] - incr, maxX[l, i] + incr},
{minY[l, i] - incr, maxY[l, i] + incr},
color[l, i]},
{i, Length[l]}];
sortListByIntersections[l_] := (* Order list by most intersecting Rects*)
Module[{a, b},
a = MapIndexed[{countIntersectsR[l, #1], #2} &, l];
b = SortBy[a, -#[[1]] &];
Return[Table[l[[b[[i]][[2]][[1]]]], {i, Length[b]}]];
(* Utility Functions*)
deb[x_] := (Print["--------"]; Print[x]; Print["---------"];)(* for debug *)
tableForPlot[l_] := (*for plotting*)
Table[{color[l, i], Rectangle[{minX[l, i], minY[l, i]},
{maxX[l, i], maxY[l, i]}]}, {i, Length[l]}];
genList[nonOverlap_, Overlap_] := (* Generate initial lists of rects*)
Module[{alist, blist, a, b},
(alist = (* Generate non overlapping - Tabuloid *)
Table[{{Mod[i, 3], Mod[i, 3] + .8},
{Mod[i, 4], Mod[i, 4] + .8},
rndCol[]}, {i, nonOverlap}];
blist = (* Random overlapping *)
Table[{{a = rnR[3], a + rnR[2]}, {b = rnR[3], b + rnR[2]},
rndCol[]}, {Overlap}];
Return[Join[alist, blist] (* Join both *)];)
clist = genList[6, 4]; (* Generate a mix fixed & random set *)
incr = 0.05; (* may be some heuristics needed to determine best increment*)
clist = changeSize[clist,incr]; (* expand rects so that borders does not
touch each other*)
(* Now remove all intercepting rectangles until no more intersections *)
workList = {}; (* the stack*)
While[findMaxIntesections[clist] > 0,
(*Iterate until no intersections *)
clist = sortListByIntersections[clist];
(*Put the most intersected first*)
PrependTo[workList, First[clist]];
(* Push workList with intersected *)
clist = Delete[clist, 1]; (* and Drop it from clist *)
(* There are no intersections now, lets pop the stack*)
While [workList != {},
PrependTo[clist, First[workList]];
(*Push first element in front of clist*)
workList = Delete[workList, 1];
(* and Drop it from worklist *)
toMoveIndex = 1;
(*Will move the most intersected Rect*)
g = geometryCenter[clist];
(*so the geom. perception is preserved*)
vectorToMove = rectCenter[clist, toMoveIndex] - g;
If [Norm[vectorToMove] < 0.01, vectorToMove = {1,1}]; (*just in case*)
vectorToMove = vectorToMove/Norm[vectorToMove];
(*to manage step size wisely*)
(*Now iterate finding minimum move first one way, then the other*)
i = 1; (*movement quantity*)
While[countIntersects[clist, toMoveIndex] != 0,
(*If the Rect still intersects*)
(*move it alternating ways (-1)^n *)
clist[[toMoveIndex]][[1]] += (-1)^i i incr vectorToMove[[1]];(*X coords*)
clist[[toMoveIndex]][[2]] += (-1)^i i incr vectorToMove[[2]];(*Y coords*)
clist = changeSize[clist, -incr](* restore original sizes*);

Expand each rectangle size by a few points to get gaps in final configuration
While There are intersections
sort list of rectangles by number of intersections
push most intersected rectangle on stack, and remove it from list
// Now all remaining rectangles doesn't intersect each other
While stack not empty
find the geometric center G of the chart (each time!)
find the PREFERRED movement vector M (from G to rectangle center)
pop rectangle from stack
With the rectangle
While there are intersections (list+rectangle)
For increasing movement modulus
For increasing angle (0, Pi/4)
rotate vector M expanding the angle alongside M
(* angle, -angle, Pi + angle, Pi-angle*)
re-position the rectangle accorging to M
Re-insert modified vector into list
Shrink the rectangles to its original size