和onRestoreInstanceState(Parcelable state)
以获取View的唯一ID。仅API 17提供此功能。
public abstract class DetailRow<E> extends LinearLayout {
private static final String SUPER_INSTANCE_STATE = "saved_instance_state_parcelable";
private static final String STATE_VIEW_IDS = "state_view_ids";
private static final String STATE_ORIGINAL_VALUE = "state_original_value";
private E mOriginalValue;
private int[] mViewIds;
// ...
protected Parcelable onSaveInstanceState() {
// Create a bundle to put super parcelable in
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putParcelable(SUPER_INSTANCE_STATE, super.onSaveInstanceState());
// Use abstract method to put mOriginalValue in the bundle;
putValueInTheBundle(mOriginalValue, bundle, STATE_ORIGINAL_VALUE);
// Store mViewIds in the bundle - initialize if necessary.
if (mViewIds == null) {
// We need as many ids as child views
mViewIds = new int[getChildCount()];
for (int i = 0; i < mViewIds.length; i++) {
// generate a unique id for each view
mViewIds[i] = View.generateViewId();
// assign the id to the view at the same index
bundle.putIntArray(STATE_VIEW_IDS, mViewIds);
// return the bundle
return bundle;
protected void onRestoreInstanceState(Parcelable state) {
// We know state is a Bundle:
Bundle bundle = (Bundle) state;
// Get mViewIds out of the bundle
mViewIds = bundle.getIntArray(STATE_VIEW_IDS);
// For each id, assign to the view of same index
if (mViewIds != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < mViewIds.length; i++) {
// Get mOriginalValue out of the bundle
mOriginalValue = getValueBackOutOfTheBundle(bundle, STATE_ORIGINAL_VALUE);
// get super parcelable back out of the bundle and pass it to
// super.onRestoreInstanceState(Parcelable)
state = bundle.getParcelable(SUPER_INSTANCE_STATE);