<testsuite tests="3">
<testcase classname="foo1" name="ASuccessfulTest"/>
<testcase classname="foo2" name="AnotherSuccessfulTest"/>
<testcase classname="foo3" name="AFailingTest">
<failure type="NotEnoughFoo"> details about failure </failure>
这个问题的答案有更多详细信息:规格。用于JUnit XML输出
<testsuite tests="(number of tests)">
ex。<testsuite tests="10">
<testcase classname="foo.bar" name="ATest" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<testsuites disabled="" errors="" failures="" name="" tests="" time="">
<testsuite disabled="" errors="" failures="" hostname="" id=""
name="" package="" skipped="" tests="" time="" timestamp="">
<property name="" value=""/>
<testcase assertions="" classname="" name="" status="" time="">
<error message="" type=""/>
<failure message="" type=""/>
:Max recursive de...
:Max Repeat factor
:(include optional elements
是=打勾)include optional attributes
但是,有一件事:在添加多个<failure ...
更新2016-11链接现在已断开。更好的替代方法是cubic.org的以下页面:JUnit XML报告文件格式,在此页面上我们竭尽全力提供了一个合理的文档示例。示例和xsd复制到下面,但是它们的页面看起来更好。
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- a description of the JUnit XML format and how Jenkins parses it. See also junit.xsd -->
<!-- if only a single testsuite element is present, the testsuites
element can be omitted. All attributes are optional. -->
<testsuites disabled="" <!-- total number of disabled tests from all testsuites. -->
errors="" <!-- total number of tests with error result from all testsuites. -->
failures="" <!-- total number of failed tests from all testsuites. -->
tests="" <!-- total number of successful tests from all testsuites. -->
time="" <!-- time in seconds to execute all test suites. -->
<!-- testsuite can appear multiple times, if contained in a testsuites element.
It can also be the root element. -->
<testsuite name="" <!-- Full (class) name of the test for non-aggregated testsuite documents.
Class name without the package for aggregated testsuites documents. Required -->
tests="" <!-- The total number of tests in the suite, required. -->
disabled="" <!-- the total number of disabled tests in the suite. optional -->
errors="" <!-- The total number of tests in the suite that errored. An errored test is one that had an unanticipated problem,
for example an unchecked throwable; or a problem with the implementation of the test. optional -->
failures="" <!-- The total number of tests in the suite that failed. A failure is a test which the code has explicitly failed
by using the mechanisms for that purpose. e.g., via an assertEquals. optional -->
hostname="" <!-- Host on which the tests were executed. 'localhost' should be used if the hostname cannot be determined. optional -->
id="" <!-- Starts at 0 for the first testsuite and is incremented by 1 for each following testsuite -->
package="" <!-- Derived from testsuite/@name in the non-aggregated documents. optional -->
skipped="" <!-- The total number of skipped tests. optional -->
time="" <!-- Time taken (in seconds) to execute the tests in the suite. optional -->
timestamp="" <!-- when the test was executed in ISO 8601 format (2014-01-21T16:17:18). Timezone may not be specified. optional -->
<!-- Properties (e.g., environment settings) set during test
execution. The properties element can appear 0 or once. -->
<!-- property can appear multiple times. The name and value attributres are required. -->
<property name="" value=""/>
<!-- testcase can appear multiple times, see /testsuites/testsuite@tests -->
<testcase name="" <!-- Name of the test method, required. -->
assertions="" <!-- number of assertions in the test case. optional -->
classname="" <!-- Full class name for the class the test method is in. required -->
time="" <!-- Time taken (in seconds) to execute the test. optional -->
<!-- If the test was not executed or failed, you can specify one
the skipped, error or failure elements. -->
<!-- skipped can appear 0 or once. optional -->
<!-- Indicates that the test errored. An errored test is one
that had an unanticipated problem. For example an unchecked
throwable or a problem with the implementation of the
test. Contains as a text node relevant data for the error,
for example a stack trace. optional -->
<error message="" <!-- The error message. e.g., if a java exception is thrown, the return value of getMessage() -->
type="" <!-- The type of error that occured. e.g., if a java execption is thrown the full class name of the exception. -->
<!-- Indicates that the test failed. A failure is a test which
the code has explicitly failed by using the mechanisms for
that purpose. For example via an assertEquals. Contains as
a text node relevant data for the failure, e.g., a stack
trace. optional -->
<failure message="" <!-- The message specified in the assert. -->
type="" <!-- The type of the assert. -->
<!-- Data that was written to standard out while the test was executed. optional -->
<!-- Data that was written to standard error while the test was executed. optional -->
<!-- Data that was written to standard out while the test suite was executed. optional -->
<!-- Data that was written to standard error while the test suite was executed. optional -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!-- from https://svn.jenkins-ci.org/trunk/hudson/dtkit/dtkit-format/dtkit-junit-model/src/main/resources/com/thalesgroup/dtkit/junit/model/xsd/junit-4.xsd -->
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<xs:element name="failure">
<xs:complexType mixed="true">
<xs:attribute name="type" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
<xs:attribute name="message" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
<xs:element name="error">
<xs:complexType mixed="true">
<xs:attribute name="type" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
<xs:attribute name="message" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
<xs:element name="properties">
<xs:element ref="property" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="property">
<xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="value" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
<xs:element name="skipped" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="system-err" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="system-out" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="testcase">
<xs:element ref="skipped" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xs:element ref="error" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element ref="failure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element ref="system-out" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element ref="system-err" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="assertions" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
<xs:attribute name="time" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
<xs:attribute name="classname" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
<xs:attribute name="status" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
<xs:element name="testsuite">
<xs:element ref="properties" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xs:element ref="testcase" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element ref="system-out" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xs:element ref="system-err" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="tests" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="failures" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
<xs:attribute name="errors" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
<xs:attribute name="time" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
<xs:attribute name="disabled" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
<xs:attribute name="skipped" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
<xs:attribute name="timestamp" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
<xs:attribute name="hostname" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
<xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
<xs:attribute name="package" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
<xs:element name="testsuites">
<xs:element ref="testsuite" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
<xs:attribute name="time" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
<xs:attribute name="tests" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
<xs:attribute name="failures" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
<xs:attribute name="disabled" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
<xs:attribute name="errors" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- if your classname does not include a dot, the package defaults to "(root)" -->
<testcase name="my testcase" classname="my package.my classname" time="29">
<!-- If the test didn't pass, specify ONE of the following 3 cases -->
<!-- option 1 --> <skipped />
<!-- option 2 --> <failure message="my failure message">my stack trace</failure>
<!-- option 3 --> <error message="my error message">my crash report</error>
<system-out>my STDOUT dump</system-out>
<system-err>my STDERR dump</system-err>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<testsuite name="JUnitXmlReporter" errors="0" tests="0" failures="0" time="0" timestamp="2013-05-24T10:23:58" />
<testsuite name="JUnitXmlReporter.constructor" errors="0" skipped="1" tests="3" failures="1" time="0.006" timestamp="2013-05-24T10:23:58">
<property name="java.vendor" value="Sun Microsystems Inc." />
<property name="compiler.debug" value="on" />
<property name="project.jdk.classpath" value="jdk.classpath.1.6" />
<testcase classname="JUnitXmlReporter.constructor" name="should default path to an empty string" time="0.006">
<failure message="test failure">Assertion failed</failure>
<testcase classname="JUnitXmlReporter.constructor" name="should default consolidate to true" time="0">
<skipped />
<testcase classname="JUnitXmlReporter.constructor" name="should default useDotNotation to true" time="0" />
以下是典型的JUnit XML报表的文档结构。请注意,一个报告可以包含1个或多个测试套件。每个测试套件都有一组属性(记录环境信息)。每个测试套件还包含一个或多个测试用例,如果测试未通过,则每个测试用例将包含跳过,失败或错误节点。如果测试用例通过,则它将不包含任何节点。有关每个节点有效的属性的更多详细信息,请参阅以下“模式”部分。
<testsuites> => the aggregated result of all junit testfiles
<testsuite> => the output from a single TestSuite
<properties> => the defined properties at test execution
<property> => name/value pair for a single property
<error></error> => optional information, in place of a test case - normally if the tests in the suite could not be found etc.
<testcase> => the results from executing a test method
<system-out> => data written to System.out during the test run
<system-err> => data written to System.err during the test run
<skipped/> => test was skipped
<failure> => test failed
<error> => test encountered an error
“ JUnit”和“ xUnit”结果有多个模式。
)请注意,Jenkins xunit-plugin使用的模式有多个版本(当前的最新版本junit-10.xsd
添加了对Erlang / OTP Junit格式的支持)。
一些测试框架以及“ xUnit”风格的报告插件也使用它们自己的秘密工具来生成“ xUnit”风格的报告,这些报告可能未使用特定的架构(请阅读:他们试图这样做,但这些工具可能无法针对任何形式进行验证一种模式)。Jenkins中的Python单元测试?可以快速比较其中的几个库,并在生成的xml报告之间略有不同。
关于使用python的良好答案:(有很多方法可以使用) Jenkins中的Python单元测试?
恕我直言,最好的方法是编写python unittest测试并安装pytest(类似于“ yum install pytest”)来安装py.test。然后运行这样的测试:'py.test --junitxml results.xml test.py'。您可以运行任何unittest python脚本并获取jUnit xml结果。
首先:没有类似的东西JUnit XML Format Specification
XML报告生成本身来自Ant JUnit任务/ Maven Surefire插件/ Gradle(用于运行测试的任何一种)。XML报告格式最初由Ant引入,后来由Maven(和Gradle)改编。