package com.test.test;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import android.text.InputFilter;
import android.text.Spanned;
import android.util.Log;
public class InputFilterCurrency implements InputFilter {
Pattern moPattern;
public InputFilterCurrency(int aiMinorUnits) {
// http://www.regexplanet.com/advanced/java/index.html
moPattern=Pattern.compile("[0-9]*+((\\.[0-9]{0,"+ aiMinorUnits + "})?)||(\\.)?");
} // InputFilterCurrency
public CharSequence filter(CharSequence source, int start, int end, Spanned dest, int dstart, int dend) {
String lsStart = "";
String lsInsert = "";
String lsEnd = "";
String lsText = "";
Log.d("debug", moPattern.toString());
Log.d("debug", "source: " + source + ", start: " + start + ", end:" + end + ", dest: " + dest + ", dstart: " + dstart + ", dend: " + dend );
lsText = dest.toString();
// If the length is greater then 0, then insert the new character
// into the original text for validation
if (lsText.length() > 0) {
lsStart = lsText.substring(0, dstart);
Log.d("debug", "lsStart : " + lsStart);
// Check to see if they have deleted a character
if (source != "") {
lsInsert = source.toString();
Log.d("debug", "lsInsert: " + lsInsert);
} // if
lsEnd = lsText.substring(dend);
Log.d("debug", "lsEnd : " + lsEnd);
lsText = lsStart + lsInsert + lsEnd;
Log.d("debug", "lsText : " + lsText);
} // if
Matcher loMatcher = moPattern.matcher(lsText);
Log.d("debug", "loMatcher.matches(): " + loMatcher.matches() + ", lsText: " + lsText);
if(!loMatcher.matches()) {
return "";
return null;
} // CharSequence
} // InputFilterCurrency
editText.setFilters(new InputFilter[] {new InputFilterCurrency(2)});
Ouput with two decimal places
05-22 15:25:33.434: D/debug(30524): [0-9]*+((\.[0-9]{0,2})?)||(\.)?
05-22 15:25:33.434: D/debug(30524): source: 5, start: 0, end:1, dest: 123.4, dstart: 5, dend: 5
05-22 15:25:33.434: D/debug(30524): lsStart : 123.4
05-22 15:25:33.434: D/debug(30524): lsInsert: 5
05-22 15:25:33.434: D/debug(30524): lsEnd :
05-22 15:25:33.434: D/debug(30524): lsText : 123.45
05-22 15:25:33.434: D/debug(30524): loMatcher.matches(): true, lsText: 123.45
Ouput inserting a 5 in the middle
05-22 15:26:17.624: D/debug(30524): [0-9]*+((\.[0-9]{0,2})?)||(\.)?
05-22 15:26:17.624: D/debug(30524): source: 5, start: 0, end:1, dest: 123.45, dstart: 2, dend: 2
05-22 15:26:17.624: D/debug(30524): lsStart : 12
05-22 15:26:17.624: D/debug(30524): lsInsert: 5
05-22 15:26:17.624: D/debug(30524): lsEnd : 3.45
05-22 15:26:17.624: D/debug(30524): lsText : 1253.45
05-22 15:26:17.624: D/debug(30524): loMatcher.matches(): true, lsText: 1253.45