此函数搜索$ string并找到之间的第一个字符串 $ start和$ end,从$ offset位置开始。然后,它更新$ offset位置以指向结果的开始。如果$ includeDelimiters为true,则在结果中包括定界符。
如果找不到$ start或$ end字符串,则返回null。如果$ string,$ start或$ end为空字符串,它也会返回null。
function str_between(string $string, string $start, string $end, bool $includeDelimiters = false, int &$offset = 0): ?string
if ($string === '' || $start === '' || $end === '') return null;
$startLength = strlen($start);
$endLength = strlen($end);
$startPos = strpos($string, $start, $offset);
if ($startPos === false) return null;
$endPos = strpos($string, $end, $startPos + $startLength);
if ($endPos === false) return null;
$length = $endPos - $startPos + ($includeDelimiters ? $endLength : -$startLength);
if (!$length) return '';
$offset = $startPos + ($includeDelimiters ? 0 : $startLength);
$result = substr($string, $offset, $length);
return ($result !== false ? $result : null);
以下函数查找两个字符串之间的所有字符串(无重叠)。它需要上一个函数,并且参数相同。执行后,$ offset指向最后找到的结果字符串的开头。
function str_between_all(string $string, string $start, string $end, bool $includeDelimiters = false, int &$offset = 0): ?array
$strings = [];
$length = strlen($string);
while ($offset < $length)
$found = str_between($string, $start, $end, $includeDelimiters, $offset);
if ($found === null) break;
$strings[] = $found;
$offset += strlen($includeDelimiters ? $found : $start . $found . $end); // move offset to the end of the newfound string
return $strings;
str_between_all('foo 1 bar 2 foo 3 bar', 'foo', 'bar')
给[' 1 ', ' 3 ']
str_between_all('foo 1 bar 2', 'foo', 'bar')
给[' 1 ']
str_between_all('foo 1 foo 2 foo 3 foo', 'foo', 'foo')
给[' 1 ', ' 3 ']
str_between_all('foo 1 bar', 'foo', 'foo')
\Illuminate\Support\Str::between('This is my name', 'This', 'name');