Questions tagged «python-dataclasses»

Python 3.7数据类中的类继承
我目前正在尝试Python 3.7中引入的新数据类构造。我目前坚持尝试做一些父类的继承。看来参数的顺序已被我当前的方法所破坏,使得子类中的bool参数在其他参数之前传递。这导致类型错误。 from dataclasses import dataclass @dataclass class Parent: name: str age: int ugly: bool = False def print_name(self): print( def print_age(self): print(self.age) def print_id(self): print(f'The Name is {} and {} is {self.age} year old') @dataclass class Child(Parent): school: str ugly: bool = True jack = Parent('jack snr', 32, ugly=True) …

3.7中的标准库可以将数据类递归转换为dict(来自文档的示例): from dataclasses import dataclass, asdict from typing import List @dataclass class Point: x: int y: int @dataclass class C: mylist: List[Point] p = Point(10, 20) assert asdict(p) == {'x': 10, 'y': 20} c = C([Point(0, 0), Point(10, 4)]) tmp = {'mylist': [{'x': 0, 'y': 0}, {'x': 10, 'y': 4}]} …
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