Questions tagged «reactive»

我在Angular中有一个反应形式,如下所示: this.AddCustomerForm ={ Firstname: ['', Validators.required], Lastname: ['', Validators.required], Email: ['', Validators.required, Validators.pattern(this.EMAIL_REGEX)], Picture: [''], Username: ['', Validators.required], Password: ['', Validators.required], Address: ['', Validators.required], Postcode: ['', Validators.required], City: ['', Validators.required], Country: ['', Validators.required] }); createCustomer(currentCustomer: Customer) { if (!this.AddCustomerForm.valid) { //some app logic } } this.AddCustomerForm.valid返回false,但是一切看起来不错。 我试图通过检查控件集合中的status属性来查找。但是我想知道是否有一种方法可以找到无效的并显示给用户?

等同于在Swift Combine中使用@Published的计算属性?
在命令式Swift中,通常使用计算属性在不复制状态的情况下提供对数据的便捷访问。 假设我将此类用于命令式MVC: class ImperativeUserManager { private(set) var currentUser: User? { didSet { if oldValue != currentUser { NSNotification.Name("userStateDidChange"), object: nil) // Observers that receive this notification might then check either currentUser or userIsLoggedIn for the latest state } } } var userIsLoggedIn: Bool { currentUser != nil } // …
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