当Raspi处于闲置状态(最小)和100%CPU / GPU(最大)时,当前消耗多少?
当Raspi处于闲置状态(最小)和100%CPU / GPU(最大)时,当前消耗多少?
它显示功率消耗是可变的,取决于所连接的设备。测试从未达到700 mA。最大为515 mA。
我对Raspberry Pi的实验:
我以连接以太网和HDMI的方式启动Raspberry Pi,并在SD卡上使用通常的Raspbian“ 2014-06-20-wheezy-raspbian.zip”。USB端口未连接任何东西。
5.15V 0.43A
Normal mode, everything works
5.15V 0.37A (no eth)
With Ethernet cable plugged out
5.15V 0.33A (no eth, no HDMI)
After /opt/vc/bin/tvservice -o
5.15V 0.39A (no HDMI)
Without HDMI, but with Ethernet
5.15V 0.47A (cat /dev/mmcblk0 > /dev/null)
Ethernet and HDMI active + reading SD card
5.14V 0.50A (yes > /dev/null)
Ethernet and HDMI active, loading CPU
5.03V 0.43A
4.86V 0.43A
4.12V 0.44A
4.12V 0.52A (yes > /dev/null)
Without USB devices, it works more or less stably even at 4.1 volts.
4.11V 0.38A (no eth)
4.00V 0.43A
The last voltage where Ethernet gets available after booting.
3.97V "Disabling IRQ #32"
After this messages Ethernet and USB disappears
and power usages drops. `lsusb` shows only one line.
3.85V 0.20A (no eth)
3.87V 0.25A (no eth; yes > /dev/null)
3.83V 0.20A (no eth)
3.82V 0.17A (no eth, no HDMI)
I've seen no state where HDMI fails while CPU still works.
3.77V 0.16A (long bootloop)
It reboots after trying to load USB modules or something.
3.73V 0.17A (short bootloop)
"Uncompressing Linux..." in a loop
3.39V 0.45A
Works like usual, although if you want USB you'll
need lucky undervolting-friendly devices (or probably a powered hub).
3.39V 0.54A (yes > /dev/null)
3.39V 0.50A (cat /dev/mmcblk0 > /dev/null)
3.25V 0.45A
3.10V 0.45A
3.10V 0.39A (no eth)
2.95V 0.44A
Probably near the lowest voltage where USB and LAN may still work.
2.85V 0.22A "Disabling IRQ #32"
LAN goes down.
2.75V 0.22A (no eth)
Unstable operation.
2.75V 0.31A (no eth; cat /dev/urandom > qqq;)
Loading CPU: still works...
2.75V 0.18A (short bootloop)
Writing to SD card (typing "sync" command): reboots and
even can't load the Linux kernel back.
2.80V 0.2 A (long bootloop)
Still can't boot, probably rebooting instead of initializing USB.
2.79V 0.22A (no eth)
Decreasing voltage after the boot has finished.
2.79V 0.18A (no eth; no HDMI)
HDMI is turned off explicitly by tvservice -o
2.79V 0.29A (no eth; no HDMI; yes > /dev/null)
2.72V 0.18A (no eth; no HDMI)
Gradually decreased voltage to this after fully booting.
Short bootloop on attempt to load CPU with "yes > /dev/null".
2.66V 0.16A (lowest voltage to receive "Uncompressing Linux...")
2.64V 0.10A (no messages to UART, but it attempts to start)
2.56V 0.06A (no messages to UART)
B型在5 V时需要700 mA电流。这是整个主板的最大值。A为300 mA。USB为+/- 5%,因此为4.75-5.25V。板本身为500 mA。
尽管USB的最大电流为500 mA,但设备必须提出要求。否则,它将获得默认的100 mA。
有趣的是,我的PS / 2键盘(通过USB适配器连接)的额定电流为75mA,但功耗仅增加了10mA。
All of these are bare-bone (does not have any peripherals/accessories attached)
*** Fun Fact (Tested on Pi1 B+) ***
Any turned-off Raspberry Pi that's still plugged in: 75 mA
*** Idle ***
Raspberry Pi 2 B: 420mA
Pasberry Ri B+: 230-240mA
Raspberry Pi B: 320-330mA
Raspberry Pi A+: 100-110mA
Raspberry Pi A: 120-140mA
Raspberry Pi Zero: 60-70mA
*** Under Load/Max ***
Raspberry Pi 2 B: 1200mA
Pasberry Ri B+: 330-600mA
Raspberry Pi B: 480-600mA
Raspberry Pi A+: 200-250mA
Raspberry Pi A: 320-400mA
Raspberry Pi Zero: 140 mA
该评估板需要USB电源,该电源为5v±5%-4.75-5.25 V.