Questions tagged «constraints»

推荐什么方法来做非线性最小二乘法min Σ è [R [R一世(p )2∑erri(p)2\sum err_i(p)^2,且有盒约束升ØĴ&lt; = pĴ&lt; = ħ 我Ĵloj&lt;=pj&lt;=hijlo_j <= p_j <= hi_j?在我看来(愚蠢地赶到)可以使框约束成为二次方,并且将 ∑一世Ë [R [R一世(p )2+ C* ∑Ĵ吨ù b (pĴ,升ØĴ,^ h 我Ĵ)2∑ierri(p)2+C∗∑jtub(pj,loj,hij)2 \sum_i err_i(p)^2 + C * \sum_j tub( p_j, lo_j, hi_j )^2 其中t u b (x ,l o ,h i )tub(x,lo,hi)tub( x, lo, hi )是形状为\___ …
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