从Linux ISC DHCP迁移时,我正在帮助客户端完成配置Windows 2012 DHCP服务器的过程。
在“ Windows 新建范围向导”对话框中,有一个选项可以:
我没有一个好的答案。因此,我很好奇何时/是否适合使用此功能,它是否在很大程度上取决于某些客户端系统(例如Windows PC)?我想听听有关实际情况的信息。
Any given connection defines a gateway as non-operational (dead) when a packet sent to the gateway must be retransmitted more than half of the number of times specified in the value of the TcpMaxDataRetransmissions entry. The connection switches to the next gateway in the list in the DefaultGateway or DhcpDefaultGateway entries. The system defines a gateway as dead when more than 25 percent of its connections have switched to the next default gateway in the list.