来自:http : //www.perdisci.com/useful-links/dig-info
DIG response header:
AA = Authoritative Answer
TC = Truncation
RD = Recursion Desired (set in a query and copied into the response if recursion is supported)
RA = Recursion Available (if set, denotes recursive query support is available)
AD = Authenticated Data (for DNSSEC only; indicates that the data was authenticated)
CD = Checking Disabled (DNSSEC only; disables checking at the receiving server)
Response code:
0 = NOERR, no error
1 = FORMERR, format error (unable to understand the query)
2 = SERVFAIL, name server problem
3= NXDOMAIN, domain name does not exist
4 = NOTIMPL, not implemented
5 = REFUSED (e.g., refused zone transfer requests)