所以,我想找到从,,...,和,其中 = 。
所以,我想找到从,,...,和,其中 = 。
如果所有子样本都具有相同的样本量,则公式非常简单。如果您有个大小为k的子样本(总共g k个样本),则合并样本的方差取决于每个子样本的均值E j和方差V j: V a r (X 1,… ,X g k)= k − 1其中Var(Ej)表示样本均值的方差。
> x <- rnorm(100)
> g <- gl(10,10)
> mns <- tapply(x, g, mean)
> vs <- tapply(x, g, var)
> 9/99*(sum(vs) + 10*var(mns))
[1] 1.033749
> var(x)
[1] 1.033749
如果存在个子样本,每个子样本具有k j,j = 1 ,... ,g个元素,总共n = ∑ k j个值,则 V a r (X 1,… ,X n)= 1
> k <- rpois(10, lambda=10)
> n <- sum(k)
> g <- factor(rep(1:10, k))
> x <- rnorm(n)
> mns <- tapply(x, g, mean)
> vs <- tapply(x, g, var)
> 1/(n-1)*(sum((k-1)*vs) + sum(k*(mns-weighted.mean(mns,k))^2))
[1] 1.108966
> var(x)
[1] 1.108966
, using the square of difference formula, and simplifying.
This is simply an add-on to the answer of aniko with a rough sketch of the derivation and some python code, so all credits go to aniko.
Let be one of parts of the data where the number of elements in each part is . We define the mean and the variance of each part to be
The following python function works for arrays that have been splitted along the first dimension and implements the "more complex" formula for differently sized parts.
import numpy as np
def combine(averages, variances, counts, size=None):
Combine averages and variances to one single average and variance.
# Arguments
averages: List of averages for each part.
variances: List of variances for each part.
counts: List of number of elements in each part.
size: Total number of elements in all of the parts.
# Returns
average: Average over all parts.
variance: Variance over all parts.
average = np.average(averages, weights=counts)
# necessary for correct variance in case of multidimensional arrays
if size is not None:
counts = counts * size // np.sum(counts, dtype='int')
squares = (counts - 1) * variances + counts * (averages - average)**2
return average, np.sum(squares) / (size - 1)
It can be used as follows:
# sizes k_j and n
ks = np.random.poisson(10, 10)
n = np.sum(ks)
# create data
x = np.random.randn(n, 20)
parts = np.split(x, np.cumsum(ks[:-1]))
# compute statistics on parts
ms = [np.mean(p) for p in parts]
vs = [np.var(p, ddof=1) for p in parts]
# combine and compare
combined = combine(ms, vs, ks, x.size)
numpied = np.mean(x), np.var(x, ddof=1)
distance = np.abs(np.array(combined) - np.array(numpied))
print('combined --- mean:{: .9f} - var:{: .9f}'.format(*combined))
print('numpied --- mean:{: .9f} - var:{: .9f}'.format(*numpied))
print('distance --- mean:{: .5e} - var:{: .5e}'.format(*distance))