

通常,和什么区别?E X | Y E(X|Y)E X | Y = y E(X|Y=y)

前者是函数,后者是函数?真是令人困惑。ÿ yXx




粗略地说,E X Y E(XY)E X Y = y 的区别在于E(XY=y)前者是随机变量,而后者在某种意义上是E X Y )的实现E(XY)。例如,如果X ÿ Ñ 01 ρ ρ 1

,然后是随机变量 È X | Ý E(XY)ë X | Ý = ρ ÿ
相反,一旦观察到,我们将更可能对标量感兴趣。ÿ = ÿ Y=yÈ X | Ý = Ý = ρ ÿE(XY=y)=ρy

也许这似乎是不必要的复杂性,但是将本身视为一个随机变量是使塔定律有意义的原因-括号内的东西是随机的,因此我们可以问一下它的期望是什么,而则没有随机性。在大多数情况下,我们可能希望计算 E(XY)E(XY)E(X)=E[E(XY)]E(X)=E[E(XY)]E(XY=y)E(XY=y)E(XY=y)=xfXY(xy) dx

E(XY=y)=xfXY(xy) dx

然后通过在结果表达式中“插入”随机变量代替y来获得。正如之前的评论所暗示的那样,在如何严格定义这些内容并以适当的方式将它们链接在一起方面,可能会有些微妙的地方。由于基础理论的一些技术问题,这种情况倾向于以条件概率发生。E X Y YE(XY)Yy



y 0y0固定实数,例如y 0 = 1y0=1。然后, ë [ X | ý = ÿ 0 ] = ë [ X | ÿ = 1 ]E[XY=y0]=E[XY=1]是一个 :它是有条件的预期值XX鉴于ýY具有值11。现在,请注意其他一些固定实数y 1y1,例如y 1 = 1.5y1=1.5ë [ X | ý = ÿ 1 ] = ë [ X | ÿ = 1.5 ]E[XY=y1]=E[XY=1.5]将是条件预期值 XX给出 Ý = 1.5Y=1.5(实数)。没有理由假设 E [ X Y = 1.5 ]E[XY=1.5] E [ X Y = 1 ]E[XY=1]具有相同的值。因此,我们也可以将 E [ X Y = y]E[XY=y]作为实数函数 g y g(y) 将实数 yy映射到实数 E [ X Y = y ]E[XY=y]。请注意,在OP的疑问,声明 é [ X | ÿ = ÿ ]E[XY=y]是的函数 Xx是不正确的: é [ X | ÿ = ÿ ]E[XY=y]是的实值函数 ÿy

在另一方面,ë [ X | ÿ ]E[XY]是一个随机变量 ŽZ这恰好是一个函数的随机变量的ÿY。现在,每当我们写Z = h Y )时Z=h(Y),我们的意思是,每当随机变量 YY碰巧具有值y时y,随机变量Z便Z具有值 h y h(y)。每当YY取值y时y随机变量 Z = E [X Y ]Z=E[XY]取值 E [ X Y = y ] = g y E[XY=y]=g(y)。因此, E [ X Y ]E[XY]只是随机变量 Z = g Y )的别称Z=g(Y)。需要注意的是 Ë [ X | ÿ ]E[XY]是一个功能 ŸY (不 Ÿy作为OP的问题的声明)。

作为一个简单的说明性示例,假设 XXYY是具有联合分布P X = 0 Y = 0 )的离散随机变量 = 0.1 P X = 0 Y = 1 = 0.2   P X = 1 Y = 0 0.3 P X 1 Y 1 0.4。  

P(X=0,Y=0)P(X=1,Y=0)=0.1,  P(X=0,Y=1)=0.2,=0.3,  P(X=1,Y=1)=0.4.
注意,XXYY分别是(依赖的)伯努利随机变量,其参数分别为0.,因此E[X]=0.7E[X]=0.7E[Y]=0.6E[Y]=0.6。现在,请注意,条件Y=0Y=0XX是与参数伯努利随机变量0.750.75空调Ý = 1Y=1XX是具有参数伯努利随机变量2323。如果您不明白为什么会这样,请计算出详细信息:例如 PX=1Y=0=PX=1Y=0P Y = 0 =0.30.4 =34P X = 0 Y = 0 = P X = 0 Y = 0 P Y = 0 =0.10.4 =14
PX=1Y=1P(X=1Y=1)PX=0Y=1P(X=0Y=1)相似。因此,我们有 E[XY=0]=34E [ X Y = 1 ] = 23
因此,E[XY=y]=gyE[XY=y]=g(y)其中gyg(y)是具有以下性质的实值函数:g0=34g 1 = 23

另一方面,E [ X Y ] = g Y E[XY]=g(Y)是一个随机变量 ,其值为34342323的概率分别为0.4=PY=00.4=P(Y=0)0.6=PY=10.6=P(Y=1)。注意,E[XY]E[XY]离散随机变量,但不是伯努利随机变量。

最后,请注意 E [ Z ] = E [ E [ X Y ] ] = E [ g Y ] = 0.4 × 34 +0.6×23 =0.7=E[X]

也就是说,仅使用Y的边际分布计算的Y的该函数的期望值恰好具有E[X]相同的数值!这是一个更普遍的结果的例证,许多人认为这是一个LIE: E[E[XY]]=E[X]YYE[X]



E(X|Y)E(X|Y) is the expectation of a random variable: the expectation of XX conditional on YY. E(X|Y=y)E(X|Y=y), on the other hand, is a particular value: the expected value of XX when Y=yY=y.

Think of it this way: let XX represent the caloric intake and YY represent height. E(X|Y)E(X|Y) is then the caloric intake, conditional on height - and in this case, E(X|Y=y)E(X|Y=y) represents our best guess at the caloric intake (XX) when a person has a certain height Y=yY=y, say, 180 centimeters.

I believe your first sentence should replace "distribution" with "expectation" (twice).
Glen_b -Reinstate Monica

E(XY)E(XY) isn't the distribution of XX given YY; this would be more commonly denotes by the conditional density fXY(xy)fXY(xy) or conditional distribution function. E(XY)E(XY) is the conditional expectation of XX given YY, which is a YY-measurable random variable. E(XY=y)E(XY=y) might be thought of as the realization of the random variable E(XY)E(XY) when Y=yY=y is observed (but there is the possibility for measure-theoretic subtlety to creep in).

@guy Your explanation is the first accurate answer yet provided (out of three offered so far). Would you consider posting it as an answer?

@whuber I would but I'm not sure how to strike the balance between accuracy and making the answer suitably useful to OP and I'm paranoid about getting tripped up on technicalities :)

@Guy I think you have already done a good job with the technicalities. Since you are sensitive about communicating well with the OP (which is great!), consider offering a simple example to illustrate--maybe just a joint distribution with binary marginals.


E(X|Y) is expected value of values of X given values of Y E(X|Y=y) is expected value of X given the value of Y is y

Generally P(X|Y) is probability of values X given values Y, but you can get more precise and say P(X=x|Y=y), i.e. probability of value x from all X's given the y'th value of Y's. The difference is that in the first case it is about "values of" and in the second you consider a certain value.

You could find the diagram below helpful.

Bayes theorem diagram form Wikipedia

This answer discusses probability, while the question asks about expectation. What is the connection?
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