


1)风险增加6.012-1.0 = 5.012 = 5012%吗?


2)6.012 /(1 + 6.012)= 0.857 =风险增加了85.7%?






有人可能将其表示为相对风险增加了“ 5012%” ,但这是一种令人困惑且可能产生误导的方式,因为它表明我们应该加倍考虑变化,而事实上多项式逻辑模型强烈鼓励我们乘法思考。修饰语“相对”是必不可少的,因为变量的变化会同时改变所有结果的预测概率,而不仅仅是所讨论的结果,因此我们必须比较概率(通过比率而不是差异)。








(这只是定义了ρ,它是X i的函数的几率。)X一世



因此,β 是在数比值的边际变化相对于 Xm



这显示出作为比值比用于在增加一个单位X 。要弄清楚这可能意味着什么,请列出一系列起始赔率的值,并进行大量舍入以使模式突出:exp(βm)Xm

Starting odds  Ending odds  Starting Pr[Y=1]  Ending Pr[Y=1]
0.0001         0.0006       0.0001            0.0006
0.001          0.006        0.001             0.006
0.01           0.06         0.01              0.057
0.1            0.6          0.091             0.38
1.             6.           0.5               0.9
10.            60.          0.91              1.
100.           600.         0.99              1.


Ratio change in probability

作为加性变化,0.0001和0.0006的概率之间的差异不大(仅为0.05%),而0.99和1的概率之间的差异不大(仅为1%)。当赔率等于1 / 时,会产生最大的加性效应,其中,所述概率的变化从29%至71%:+的42%的变化。1/6.0120.408

Additive change in probability

我们看到,那么,如果我们表现的“风险”作为一个比值比, =“B”有一个简单的解释-胜算比等于β 为单位增加X -但是,当我们表达风险在某些其他方式(例如概率变化)中,解释需要谨慎指定起始概率。βmβmXm



认识到使用对数赔率表示机会的价值后,让我们继续进行多项式情况。现在因变量可以等于之一ķ 2个大类,由索引Yk2。它属于类别 i相对概率为i=1,2,,ki


确定参数并为Pr [ Y = 类别  i ]Y i。作为缩写,让我们将右边的表达式写为p iX β ),或者,如果从上下文中清楚地看到Xβ,则只需将p i书写即可。归一化以使所有这些相对概率加和为1βj(i)YiPr[Y=category i]pi(X,β)Xβpi



解释该模型的一种方法是要求任何类别(例如类别)相对于任何一个自变量(例如X j)的对数赔率的边际变化率。也就是说,当我们稍微改变X j时,会引起Y i的对数几率发生变化。我们对与这两个变化相关的比例常数感兴趣。微积分的链法则,再加上一点代数,告诉我们这种变化率是iXjXjYi

 log odds(Yi) Xj=βj(i)βj(1)p1++βj(i1)pi1+βj(i+1)pi+1++βj(k)pkp1++pi1+pi+1++pk.

这具有相对简单的解释,因为公式中X j的系数表示Y在类别i中的可能性减去“调整”。调整是所有其他类别X j系数概率加权平均值。使用与自变量X的当前值关联的概率来计算权重。因此,对数的边际变化不一定是恒定的:它取决于所有其他类别的概率,而不仅仅是相关类别的概率(类别iβj(i)XjYiXjXi)。

当只有类别时,这应该简化为普通的逻辑回归。确实,概率加权不执行任何操作,并且(选择i = 2)仅给出差β 2 j - β 1 j。将类别i设为基本情况可将其进一步减小到β 2 j,因为我们迫使β 1 j = 0。因此,新的解释概括了旧的。k=2i=2βj(2)βj(1)iβj(2)βj(1)=0

To interpret βj(i) directly, then, we will isolate it on one side of the preceding formula, leading to:

The coefficient of Xj for category i equals the marginal change in the log odds of category i with respect to the variable Xj, plus the probability-weighted average of the coefficients of all the other Xj for category i.

Another interpretation, albeit a little less direct, is afforded by (temporarily) setting category i as the base case, thereby making βj(i)=0 for all the independent variables Xj:

The marginal rate of change in the log odds of the base case for variable Xj is the negative of the probability-weighted average of its coefficients for all the other cases.

Actually using these interpretations typically requires extracting the betas and the probabilities from software output and performing the calculations as shown.

Finally, for the exponentiated coefficients, note that the ratio of probabilities among two outcomes (sometimes called the "relative risk" of i compared to i) is


Let's increase Xj by one unit to Xj+1. This multiplies pi by exp(βj(i)) and pi by exp(βj(i)), whence the relative risk is multiplied by exp(βj(i))/exp(βj(i)) = exp(βj(i)βj(i)). Taking category i to be the base case reduces this to exp(βj(i)), leading us to say,

The exponentiated coefficient exp(βj(i)) is the amount by which the relative risk Pr[Y=category i]/Pr[Y=base category] is multiplied when variable Xj is increased by one unit.

Great explanations, but the OP explicitly asked for the multinomial model. I may be reading more into the question than the OP intended, and the explanation for the binary case may be adequate, but I would love to see this answer cover the general multinomial case too. Even though the parametrization is similar, the "log-odds" are in general with respect to an (arbitrary) reference category, and they are not really log-odds, and a unit change in Xi results in a combined change of these "log-odds", and an increasing "log-odds" does not imply and increasing probability.

@NRH That's an excellent point. I had somehow read "multivariate" instead of "multinomial." If I get a chance to return to this I will try to flesh out those details. Fortunately the same mode of analysis is effective in finding the correct interpretation.

@NRH Done. I welcome your suggestions (or anyone else's) about how to make the interpretation clearer, or for alternative interpretations.

thanks for writing this down. The complete answer is a very good reference.


Try considering this bit of explanation in addition to what @whuber has already written so well. If exp(B) = 6, then the odds ratio associated with an increase of 1 on the predictor in question is 6. In a multinomial context, by "odds ratio" we mean the ratio of these two quantities: a) the odds (not probability, but rather p/[1-p]) of a case taking the value of the dependent variable indicated in the output table in question, and b) the odds of a case taking the reference value of the dependent variable.

You seem to be looking to quantify the probability--rather than odds-- of a case being in one or the other category. To do this you would need to know what probabilities the case "started with" -- i.e., before we assumed the increase of 1 on the predictor in question. Ratios of probabilities will vary case by case, while the ratio of odds connected with an increase of 1 on the predictor stays the same.

"If exp(B) = 6, then the odds ratio associated with an increase of 1 on the predictor in question is 6", if I read @whuber's answer correctly it says that the odds ratio will be multiplied by 6 with an increase of 1 on the predictor. That is, the new odds ratio will not be 6. Or am I intepreting things incorrectly?

Where you say "the new odds ratio will not be 6" I would say "the new odds will not be 6...but the ratio of the new to the old odds will be 6."

Yes, I agree with that! But I just thought that "the odds ratio associated with an increase of 1 on the predictor in question is 6" does not really say that. But maybe I am just misinterpreting it then. Thanks for the clarification!


I was also looking for the same answer, but the once above were not satisfying for me. It seemed to complex for what it really is. So I will give my interpretation, please correct me if I am wrong.

Do however read to the end, since it is important.

First of all the values B and Exp(B) are the once you are looking for. If the B is negative your Exp(B) will be lower than one, which means odds decrease. If higher the Exp(B) will be higher than 1, meaning odds increase. Since you are multiplying by the factor Exp(B).

Unfortunately you are not there yet. Because in a multinominal regression your dependent variable has multiple categories, let's call these categories D1, D2 and D3. Of which your last is the reference category. And let's assume your first independent variable is sex (males vs females).

Let's say the output for D1 -> males is exp(B)= 1.21, this means for males the odds increase by a factor 1.21 for being in the category D1 rather than D3 (reference category) compared to females (reference category).

So you are always comparing against your reference category of the dependent but also independent variables. This is not true if you have a covariate variable. In that case it would mean; a one unit increase in X increases the odds by a factor of 1.21 of being in category D1 rather than D3.

For those with an ordinal dependent variable:

If you have an ordinal dependent variable and did not do an ordinal regression because of the assumption of proportional odds for instance. Keep in mind your highest category is the reference category. Your result as above are valid to report. But keep in mind that an increase in odds than in fact means an increase in odds of being in the lower category rather than the higher! But that's only if you have an ordinal dependant variable.

If you want to know the increase in percentage, well take a fictive odds-number, let's say 100 and multiply it by 1.21 which is 121? Compared to 100 how much did it change percentage wise?


Say that exp(b) in an mlogit is 1.04. if you multiply a number by 1.04, then it increases by 4%. That is the relative risk of being in category a instead of b. I suspect that part of the confusion here might have to do with by 4% (multiplicative meaning) and by 4 percent points (additive meaning). The % interpretation is correct if we talk about a percentage change not percentage point change. (The latter would not make sense anyhow as relative risks aren't expressed in terms of percentages.)

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