

Supppse XY在标准均匀分布在[0,1],它们是独立的,是什么的PDF Z=Y/X


fZ(z)={1/2,if 0z11/(2z2),if z>10,otherwise.



dsaxton 2015年





右边的逻辑是,具有独立ž = ÿX,YU(0,1)Z1=XZ=YX具有相同的分布,因此对于0<z<1 P { YZ1=XY0<z<1 ,其中用的CDF式使用的事实,ÿ

是一个连续随机变量,所以P{ž一个}=P{ž>一个}=1-˚FŽ。因此Z的pdf满足 fZz=z2fZz1YXP{Za}=P{Z>a}=1FZ(a)Z 因此 f Z1
,而不是fZ1fZ(12)=4fZ(2) 如您所想。fZ(12)=fZ(2)



您(正确)观察到的对称性是X / Y = 1 /Y / X 必须相同分布。使用比率和幂时,实际上是在正实数的乘法组中。位置不变测度的模拟d λ = d X上的添加剂的实数- [R尺度不变测度d μ = d X / XY/XX/Y=1/(Y/X)dλ=dxR dμ=dx/x在正实数的乘法群上。它具有以下理想的属性:R

  1. 是不变的下变换 X 一个X为任何正的常数一个 d μ 一个X = d 一个X dμxaxa

  2. 就是协变下变换 X X b为非零数 b d μ X b= d X bdμxxbb

  3. 被变换成 d λ经由指数: d μ Ë X= d È Xdμdλ 同样,dλ变换回dμ经由对数。


(3)建立了测量组之间的同构- [R ** d μ 。反射X - X上的添加剂空间对应于反转X 1 / X上的乘法的空间,因为ë - X = 1 / Ë X(R,+,dλ)(R,,dμ)xxx1/xex=1/ex

Let's apply these observations by writing the probability element of Z=Y/X in terms of dμ (understanding implicitly that z>0) rather than dλ:

fZ(z)dz=gZ(z)dμ=12{1dz=zdμ,if 0z11z2dz=1zdμ,if z>1.

That is, the PDF with respect to the invariant measure dμ is gZ(z), proportional to z when 0<z1 and to 1/z when 1z, close to what you had hoped.

This is not a mere one-off trick. Understanding the role of dμ makes many formulas look simpler and more natural. For instance, the probability element of the Gamma function with parameter k, xk1exdx becomes xkexdμ. It's easier to work with dμ than with dλ when transforming x by rescaling, taking powers, or exponentiating.

The idea of an invariant measure on a group is far more general, too, and has applications in that area of statistics where problems exhibit some invariance under groups of transformations (such as changes of units of measure, rotations in higher dimensions, and so on).

Looks like a very insightful answer. It's a pity I don't understand it at the moment. I will check back later.


If you think geometrically...

In the X-Y plane, curves of constant Z=Y/X are lines through the origin. (Y/X is the slope.) One can read off the value of Z from a line through the origin by finding its intersection with the line X=1. (If you've ever studied projective space: here X is the homogenizing variable, so looking at values on the slice X=1 is a relatively natural thing to do.)

Consider a small interval of Zs, (a,b). This interval can also be discussed on the line X=1 as the line segment from (1,a) to (1,b). The set of lines through the origin passing through this interval forms a solid triangle in the square (X,Y)U=[0,1]×[0,1], which is the region we're actually interested in. If 0a<b1, then the area of the triangle is 12(10)(ba), so keeping the length of the interval constant and sliding it up and down the line X=1 (but not past 0 or 1), the area is the same, so the probability of picking an (X,Y) in the triangle is constant, so the probability of picking a Z in the interval is constant.

However, for b>1, the boundary of the region U turns away from the line X=1 and the triangle is truncated. If 1a<b, the projections down lines through the origin from (1,a) and (1,b) to the upper boundary of U are to the points (1/a,1) and (1/b,1). The resulting area of the triangle is 12(1a1b)(10). From this we see the area is not uniform and as we slide (a,b) further and further to the right, the probability of selecting a point in the triangle decreases to zero.

Then the same algebra demonstrated in other answers finishes the problem. In particular, returning to the OP's last question, fZ(1/2) corresponds to a line that reaches X=1, but fZ(2) does not, so the desired symmetry does not hold.


Just for the record, my intuition was totally wrong. We are talking about density, not probability. The right logic is to check that


and this is indeed the case.


Yea the link Distribution of a ratio of uniforms: What is wrong? provides CDF of Z=Y/X. The PDF here is just derivative of the CDF. So the formula is correct. I think your problem lies in the assumption that you think Z is "symmetric" around 1. However this is not true. Intuitively Z should be a skewed distribution, for example it is useful to think when Y is a fixed number between (0,1) and X is a number close to 0, thus the ratio would be going to infinity. So the symmetry of distribution is not true. I hope this help a bit.

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