从正常模拟的分布,直到结果落在间隔内(一个,b )是细当概率 ρ = ∫ b 一个 φ μ ,σ 2(X ) 足够大。如果它太小,此过程是过于昂贵的,因为平的平均数目为一个接受是 1 / ρ。
不失一般性地考虑和σ = 1的情况。当b = + ∞,一个潜在的器乐分布是翻译的指数分布, È(α ,一),用密度 克α(ż )= α ë - α (ž - 一) 比值 p 一个,∞(Ž )/ 克α(ż )α ë - α (ž - 一个) ë - Ž 2 / 2 然后,通过有界 EXP (α 2 / 2 - α 一) 如果 α > 一个和由实验值(- 一个2 / 2 ) 以其它方式。相应的(上限)为
a <- 1
b <- 5
nsims <- 10^5
sims <- tan(runif(nsims, atan(a), atan(b)))
Now one has to calculate the weight for each sampled value , defined as the ratio of the two densities up to normalization, hence we can take
log_w <- -sims^2/2 + log1p(sims^2)
w <- exp(log_w) # unnormalized weights
w <- w/sum(w)
The weighted sample allows to estimate the measure of every interval under the target distribution, by summing the weights of each sampled value falling inside the interval:
u <- 2; v<- 4
sum(w[sims>u & sims<v])
## [1] 0.1418
This provides an estimate of the target cumulative function.
We can quickly get and plot it with the spatsat
F <- spatstat::ewcdf(sims,w)
# estimated F:
curve(F(x), from=a-0.1, to=b+0.1)
# true F:
curve((pnorm(x)-pnorm(a))/(pnorm(b)-pnorm(a)), add=TRUE, col="red")
# approximate probability of u<x<v:
## [1] 0.1418
Of course, the sample is definitely not a sample of the target distribution, but of the instrumental Cauchy distribution, and one gets a sample of the target distribution by performing weighted resampling, for instance using the multinomial sampling:
msample <- rmultinom(1, nsims, w)[,1]
resims <- rep(sims, times=msample)
mean(resims>u & resims<v)
## [1] 0.1446
Olver and Townsend developed a sampling method for a broad class of continuous distribution. It is implemented in the chebfun2 library for Matlab as well as the ApproxFun library for Julia. I have recently discovered this library and it sounds very promising (not only for random sampling). Basically this is the inversion method but using powerful approximations of the cdf and the inverse cdf. The input is the target density function up to normalization.
The sample is simply generated by the following code:
using ApproxFun
f = Fun(x -> exp(-x.^2./2), [1,5]);
nsims = 10^5;
x = sample(f,nsims);
As checked below, it yields an estimated measure of the interval close to the one previously obtained by importance sampling:
sum((x.>2) & (x.<4))/nsims
## 0.14191