因为非常笼统,并且余弦相似度的变化取决于特定的A和B及其与的关系,所以不可能有确定的公式。但是,余弦相似度可以改变多少实际上有可计算的限制。它们可以通过extremizing之间的角度可以找到中号甲和中号乙鉴于之间的余弦相似性甲和乙是指定值时,说COS (2 φ )(其中2 φ是之间的角度甲和)。答案告诉我们多少任意角度 2 φ都不可能通过变换弯中号。
计算结果可能会混乱。某些巧妙的符号选择以及一些初步的简化可以减少工作量。事实证明,二维解决方案揭示了我们需要了解的所有内容。 这是一个棘手的问题,仅取决于一个实变量,可以使用微积分技术轻松解决。一个简单的几何参数将该解决方案扩展到任意数量的维度n。
请注意,分析中仅重要,而M不重要本身。因此,我们可以利用的奇异值分解(SVD)的简化问题。回想一下,这表示M为正交矩阵V ',对角矩阵D和另一个正交矩阵U的乘积(从右到左):
换句话说,存在特权向量(V的列)的基础,M通过分别对每个e i进行缩放来对M起作用。 D的第i 个对角线项(分别称为 d i)然后对结果应用旋转(或防旋转) U。最终旋转不会改变任何长度或角度,因此不会影响 Σ。您可以通过计算正式看到这一点
因此,为了研究我们可以自由地用在(1 )中产生相同值的任何其他矩阵替换M。通过对排序,使d i减小(并假设M不等于零),M的一个不错的选择是
令。因为改变向量的长度不会改变它们之间的角度,所以我们可以假设和B是单位向量。在平面上,所有这样的向量都可以由它们与e 1形成的角度来指定,这使我们可以写
施加是简单的:它固定的第一坐标阿和乙通过并且乘以它们的第二坐标λ 2。因此从到M B的角度是
的特殊情况下,,λ 2 = 1,并且φ = 0是容易理解:它们对应于其中的情况中号是降秩的(因此南瓜所有矢量到线); 其中M是单位矩阵的倍数;且其中A和B平行(因此,无论θ为何,它们之间的角度都不能改变)。的情况下λ 2 = -由条件排除 λ 2 ≥ 0。
除了这些特殊情况下,其中仅发生零点:即,θ = 0或θ = π / 2。这意味着由e 1确定的线将角度A B等分。现在我们知道M A和M B之间的夹角的极值必须位于f (θ )的值之中,因此让我们计算它们:
通常,了解如何使直角失真就足够了。在这种情况下,2 ϕ = π / 2,导致tan (ϕ )= cot (ϕ )= 1,您可以将其插入前面的公式中。
该图显示了矢量和B的四种配置,它们之间的夹角为2 ϕ = π / 3。单位圆和在其椭圆形的图像中号加阴影以供参考(使用的动作中号均匀地重新缩放,使λ 1 = 1)。图的标题指示θ的值,即A和B的中点。当用M变换时,任何这样的A和B都可以到达的最接近的配置类似于左侧的配置,其中θ =。它们之间可以相距最远的是类似于 θ = π / 2的右图。显示了两种中间可能性。
我们已经看到了的作用,扩大各维度我的一个因素λ 我。这会使单位球面{ A into an ellipsoid. The determine its principal axes. The are the distances from the origin, along these axes, to the ellipsoid. Consequently the smallest one, , is the shortest distance (in any direction) from the origin to the ellipsoid and the largest one, , is the furthest distance (in any direction) from the origin to the ellipsoid.
In higher dimensions , and are part of a two-dimensional subspace. maps the unit circle in this subspace into the intersection of the ellipsoid with a plane containing and . This intersection, being a linear distortion of a circle, is an ellipse. Obviously the furthest distance to this ellipse is no more than and the shortest distance is no less than .
As we observed at the end of the preceding section, the most extreme possibility is when and are situated in a plane containing two of the for which the ratio of the corresponding is as small as possible. This will happen in the plane. We already have the solution for that case.
The extremes of cosine similarity attainable by applying to two vectors having cosine similarity are given by and . They are attained by situating and at equal angles to a direction in which maximally lengthens any vector (such as the direction) and separating them in a direction in which minimally lengthens any vector (such as the direction).
These extremes can be computed in terms of the SVD of .
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You can diagonalize (or as you folks call it, PCA), which tells you that the similarity of under transformation behaves by projecting onto your principal components, and subsequently calculating similarity in this new space. To flesh this out a bit more, let the principal components be with eigenvalues . Then
which gives you:
Notice that there is a scaling going on here: the are stretching/shrinking. When are unit vectors and if every , then corresponds to a rotation, and you get: , which is equivalent to saying that inner products are invariant under rotations. In general, the angle stays the same when is a conformal transformation, which in this case requires that is invertible and the polar decomposition of satisfies with , i.e. .