



2)使用stepwise/ LASSO/ lars/ etc选择最重要的变量。




Ofelia '02







## Load the MASS library, which contains the "stepAIC" function for performing
## stepwise regression, to be used later in this script

## Generate example data, with 100 observations (rows), 70 variables (columns 1
## to 70), and a continuous dependent variable (column 71)
Data <- NULL
Data <- as.data.frame(Data)

for (i in 1:71) {
for (j in 1:100) {
Data[j,i]  <- rnorm(1) }}

names(Data)[71] <- "Dependent"

## Create ten folds for cross-validation. Each observation in your data will
## randomly be assigned to one of ten folds.
Data$Fold <- sample(c(rep(1:10,10)))

## Each fold will have the same number of observations assigned to it. You can
## double check this by typing the following:

## Note: If you were to have 105 observations instead of 100, you could instead
## write: Data$Fold <- sample(c(rep(1:10,10),rep(1:5,1)))

## I like to use a "for loop" for cross-validation. Here, prior to beginning my
## "for loop", I will define the variables I plan to use in it. You have to do
## this first or R will give you an error code.
fit <- NULL
stepw <- NULL
training <- NULL
testing <- NULL
Preselection <- NULL
Selected <- NULL
variables <- NULL

## Now we can begin the ten-fold cross validation. First, we open the "for loop"
for (CV in 1:10) {

## Now we define your training and testing folds. I like to store these data in
## a list, so at the end of the script, if I want to, I can go back and look at
## the observations in each individual fold
training[[CV]] <- Data[which(Data$Fold != CV),]
testing[[CV]]  <- Data[which(Data$Fold == CV),]

## We can preselect variables by analyzing each variable separately using
## univariate linear regression and then ranking them by p value. First we will
## define the container object to which we plan to output these data.
Preselection[[CV]] <- as.data.frame(Preselection[CV])

## Now we will run a separate linear regression for each of our 70 variables.
## We will store the variable name and the coefficient p value in our object
## called "Preselection".
for (i in 1:70) {
Preselection[[CV]][i,1]  <- i
Preselection[[CV]][i,2]  <- summary(lm(Dependent ~ training[[CV]][,i] , data = training[[CV]]))$coefficients[2,4]

## Now we will remove "i" and also we will name the columns of our new object.
names(Preselection[[CV]]) <- c("Variable", "pValue")

## Now we will make note of those variables whose p values were less than 0.1.
Selected[[CV]] <- Preselection[[CV]][which(Preselection[[CV]]$pValue <= 0.1),] ; row.names(Selected[[CV]]) <- NULL

## Fit a model using the pre-selected variables to the training fold
## First we must save the variable names as a character string
temp <- NULL
for (k in 1:(as.numeric(length(Selected[[CV]]$Variable)))) {
temp[k] <- paste("training[[CV]]$V",Selected[[CV]]$Variable[k]," + ",sep="")}
variables[[CV]] <- paste(temp, collapse = "")
variables[[CV]] <- substr(variables[[CV]],1,(nchar(variables[[CV]])-3))

## Now we can use this string as the independent variables list in our model
y <- training[[CV]][,"Dependent"]
form <- as.formula(paste("y ~", variables[[CV]]))

## We can build a model using all of the pre-selected variables
fit[[CV]] <- lm(form, training[[CV]])

## Then we can build new models using stepwise removal of these variables using
## the MASS package
stepw[[CV]] <- stepAIC(fit[[CV]], direction="both")

## End for loop

## Now you have your ten training and validation sets saved as training[[CV]]
## and testing[[CV]]. You also have results from your univariate pre-selection
## analyses saved as Preselection[[CV]]. Those variables that had p values less
## than 0.1 are saved in Selected[[CV]]. Models built using these variables are
## saved in fit[[CV]]. Reduced versions of these models (by stepwise selection)
## are saved in stepw[[CV]].

## Now you might consider using the predict.lm function from the stats package
## to apply your ten models to their corresponding validation folds. You then
## could look at the performance of the ten models and average their performance
## statistics together to get an overall idea of how well your data predict the
## outcome.


  1. Simon RM,Subramanian J,Li MC,MenezesS。使用交叉验证评估基于高维数据的生存风险分类器的预测准确性。简短的生物信息。2011年5月; 12(3):203-14。电子版2011年2月15 http://bib.oxfordjournals.org/content/12/3/203.long
  2. 理查德·西蒙(Richard Simon),迈克尔·D·拉德马赫(Michael D.Radmacher),凯文·多宾(Kevin Dobbin)和丽莎·麦克沙恩(Lisa M. 使用DNA微阵列数据进行诊断和预后分类的陷阱。JNCI J Natl癌症研究所(2003)95(1):14-18。http://jnci.oxfordjournals.org/content/95/1/14.long


另外,请始终记住使用逐步回归是危险的(尽管使用交叉验证应有助于减轻过度拟合)。有关逐步回归的详细讨论,请参见:http : //www.stata.com/support/faqs/stat/stepwise.html


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