为什么“几乎肯定”中的“几乎”?因为仅因为某事“几乎肯定”发生并不意味着一定会发生。例如,假设统一(0,1)。P是多少(X = 0.5 )?好吧,由于X是连续随机变量,所以P (X =任意有限的一组值)=0。因此,X几乎可以肯定不等于0.5。但这并不是说X不能等于0.5!
说的顺序 几乎肯定地或几乎在所有地方收敛,或者概率为1或强烈收敛于 意思是
As already noted by others, "a.s." stands for "almost surely". The wikipedia article quoted by @Matt is a good start for almost surely and its synonyms.
There is however a subtle distinction between almost surely (or with probability 1) to always [resp., between with probability zero to never].
Imagine an infinite series of i.i.d. random variables which are head a.s. (=with probability 1), tail with probability zero. It is possible in such an infinite series to have a finite number of tails although the probability for tail is 0, as the empirical distribution of the series remains 1-0 (only a finite number of instances out of infinitely many). On the other hand, when one says that the series is always head one means that not even a single tail occurs in the series.